Who Am I? – Project

Name: ______Object: ______


ind one object that describes you in some way shape or form and bring it into class on 9/10. Think about the different objects that I brought in to teach you about me. It could be anything: a photo, a childhood toy, sports equipment, or an article of clothing – whatever captures you or an important milestone in your life.

Next Wednesday we will spend the day giving two minute presentations on the object that describes us. There will be three main goals:

§  To learn more about each other

§  To practice public speaking

§  To practice listening (the hardest skill of the three)

Your presentation should include the planning page on the reverse. It can also be completed on your new Google Docs account. Lastly, don’t forget your object!

Developing a thesis (argument) statement:

(Example – David Beckham is professional soccer’s most recognizable star, even in retirement, due to his skill on the soccer field, his marriage to Posh Spice, his many advertisements, and his level of fitness)

1.  What was my thesis?

2.  Create your thesis statement in the box below.

3.  Below is the planning section for your presentation below or on Google Docs.

4.  Pick four people to follow (two girls and two boys) and write down what their thesis statement was and then say whether they supported it with enough evidence.

Person / Thesis / Did They Support Their Thesis? (Y or N)


Task / Value / Actual Score
Bring in object / 2
Completed pre-planning on sheet / 5
Used a thesis statement correctly / 5
Presented for two minutes (Speaking clearly, making eye contact with audience, and using evidence to show how the artifact connects with your life) / 10
Listen carefully to others / 10