This is an agreement between the RCHS and ______, foster companion. I agree and contract to maintain membership in the RCHS and provide a temporary home for foster animals of RCHS. I agree that although I am a member of RCHS, I am nevertheless an independent contractor with RCHS for the purpose of providing the services described herein. As such I may exercise my own discretion in day to day care of animals so long as my activities are consistent with humane and reasonable treatment standards set out in part but not limited to those standards set out below. I agree as an independent contractor I am personally liable, not the RCHS, for any act or omission, negligent or intentional, which shall arise from my activities as a Foster Companion volunteer. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the RCHS from any liability for which I may become responsible by way of court action or otherwise. It is understood that RCHS will not provide money to satisfy any judgements or orders which are or may be entered in connection with my activities as a Foster Companion and RCHS will not provide legal counsel or pay legal fees for my defense. I agree I am not an employee or agent of RCHS, and I do not provide any products or do any services in the course and scope of employment for RCHS nor do I act as an agent of RCHS under the direction and control of any RCHS member, board member, officer or other person affiliated with RCHS. I am not paid by the hour at any time by RCHS. As to any use of my automobile to transport animals, to get food or supplies, or for any foster companion activities, such use is for my personal purposes or as an independent contractor Foster Companion and under no circumstances constitutes use, even incidental use, of my automobile for and on behalf of RCHS. I have no claim of ownership of the animals I foster for RCHS. I agree to foster (check all that apply):

____ Dog ____ Cat ____ Puppy ____ Kitten

____ Male ____ Female____ Altered ____ Unaltered

While these animals are in my care, I agree to the following:

  1. To provide proper care for the foster animal(s), including shelter, shade, fresh water, food, exercise, socialization, and protection against neglect, abuse and cruel treatment. RCHS will provide reimbursement for: food, leashes, collars, straw bedding, pet shampoo, cat litter and dewormer. The President or Shelter Director must approve any other items. The Foster Companion agrees to make every effort to keep expenses as low as possible, including taking advantage of sales and using donated items and coupons, and to ensure that all food, supplies and other materials are used only on foster animals.
  1. To provide a safe place from which the foster animal(s) cannot escape. A dog will not be tied, chained or tethered. When outside and not in a fenced yard or pen, a dog must be on a leash and at no time be allowed to run loose while unattended.
  1. To ensure all necessary veterinary care to include the following:

Canines: RabiesFelines: Rabies


Bordettella Felv/FIV test

Deworm Felv vaccine; FIV

Spay/Neuter Spay/Neuter

Heartworm test Heartworm test

And any other medical treatment deemed necessary by the vet for minor illnesses.

All necessary vet care will be at the expense of RCHS and must be approved by the President or Shelter Director. The foster companion must obtain a voucher # for each animal prior to the initial vet visit. Any unapproved non-emergency care will be at the foster companion’s expense.

  1. To notify the RCHS President or Shelter Director when a foster animal needs veterinary care due to injury or serious illness. The veterinarian, prior to treatment, must give an estimate. If the estimate exceeds $100.00, the President or Shelter Director must be notified before treatment is administered. If alternate funds cannot be obtained, the foster companion has the option to agree to pay for any additional cost over the $100.00 and proceed with treatment; otherwise, the animal will be euthanized.
  1. To ensure that each foster animal receives heartworm preventative, flea/tick preventative, required vaccines and any other necessary medications. (Cost to be borne by RCHS). If RCHS purchases heartworm preventatives, and vaccines in bulk for foster/shelter animals, I agree to allow trained individuals, approved by the RCHS board, to administer them.
  2. To notify the Foster Coordinator and a RCHS officer or Shelter Director as soon as possibleif a foster animal is lost, stolen or has inflicted a bite on a human or another animal.
  1. To not sell or transfer custody of a foster animal to any other person, business or organization except for the return of the animal to the Foster Coordinator or an approved adoptive family.
  1. To notify the Foster Coordinator immediately if the temperament or behavior of the foster animal is incompatible with the foster home environment.
  1. To allow a home visit by the Foster Coordinator or RCHS officer at any time and immediately surrender custody of the foster animal(s) upon demand if determined necessary.
  1. To find alternate arrangements for the foster animal(s)’s care if the Foster Companion has to be away from the home for more than a 24 hour period.
  1. To actively participate in trying to get the foster animal(s) adopted which includes, but not limited to, arranging transport for the foster animal(s) to Pet Adoptions and providing picture(s) along with information about the animal(s) to the Website Coordinator.
  1. To hold harmless the RCHS, its officers, board of directors and members from any liability arising out of foster care of an animal,including, but not limited to, any injury or damage to persons, property, or other household pets.

If the provisions of this Agreement are not being met, I will return the animal(s) to the Foster Program. Should it become necessary for me to cease care of the foster animal(s), for any reason, I will give at least a 48 hour notice to the Foster Coordinator in order to locate another foster home.

If I should want to adopt a foster animal, I agree to complete the Adoption process set forth by RCHS and pay the fee.

By signing this contract, I enter into this agreement with RCHS as a foster companion freely and with good will and agree to abide by each of the rules of fostering set forth above.

On ______, Agreed to and Accepted by:


Foster Companion’s SignatureFoster Coordinator’s Signature


Foster Companion’s Name Printed President or Shelter Director’s Signature

Address: ______

City ______N. C. Zip ______Email: ______

Phone numbers ______