315 Perspectives In Art History Course # 10480 Fall 2016
Hybrid class
Eve Wood email:
Office Hours: Mondays in Sagebrush 224 from 12:15 – 2 & Thursdays 12-2 same place
Class meeting Time: Thursdays from 2 -3:15 PM in Sagebrush 100
Textbook: You can order the book from www.cengagebrain.com
ISBN: 9781111343798 get the 4th edition NOT 5th
The College of Arts, Media and Communication is inspired by the shared belief that art is communication, that communication is an art, and that art and communication are essential pillars for building and maintaining community identity.
Catalogue Description: Introduction for non-art majors. Art as a means of examining Western civilization from prehistory to the present. Comparative study of the visual/plastic arts from the historical perspectives of their function in society.
Further Information: This course will introduce artistic and creative practices across the globe, and throughout history with a concentration on developing ways in which to discuss and understand a variety of visual language. How we think about art is crucial to our understanding of how we construct ideas of cultural and historic ideation – who are we as a culture, and how are we different from other cultures? Is art a universal language around which all cultures, regardless of diversity can come together in mutual understanding of the human condition? Students will explore a variety of media including drawing, painting, sculpture, fresco, oil, photography, motion pictures, and architecture to contemporary design elements. The aim of this course is to introduce both Fine Art and Art History simultaneously with a strong focus on critical thinking and discussion about art.
The required textbook is Exploring Art : A Global Thematic Approach By Margaret Lazzarri and Dona Schlesier 4th edition. You must order this book online. You MUST have it to complete this course as all of the readings are drawn from it. You can get it on USEDBOOKS.COM You can order the book from www.cengagebrain.com ISBN: 9781111343798 get the 4th edition NOT 5th please.
There will be 15 quizzes covering the textbook chapters and related to in class lectures, each worth 10 points (10 questions 1 point each) These quizzes will be posted online on Moodle and you will have exactly one week for each quiz. Please note that these quizzes are time sensitive. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE UPS FOR THESE QUIZZES UNLESS VERIFIABLE EMERGENCY! I WILL NOT ACCEPT EXCUSES SUCH AS MY COMPUTER CRASHED, ETC. NO EXCEPTIONS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP UP WITH DEADLINES, ETC. THESE ARE ALL ON MOODLE. THE QUIZZES ARE WEEKLY AND ARE DUE EACH SUNDAY NIGHT BY 11:55 PM. IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH COMPUTERS, ETC. GO TO THE LIBRARY.
Grading Rubric
315 Rubric / Excellent 100 points / Very Good 75 / Average 50 / Poor 25 / Unacceptable below 25Content / -Major points are stated clearly and are well supported by detailed course concepts. All information is relevant to thoroughly answering the question(s). / Major points are stated clearly and are somewhat supported
by course concepts. Most information is relevant to answering the question(s). / Points are stated and somewhat supported
by course concepts. Some information is relevant to answering the question(s). / The points stated are not really supported
by course concepts. The information is largely not relevant to answering the question(s). / The points stated are not supported
by course concepts. The information is not relevant to answering the question(s).
Organization / Structure of the essay is clear and easy to follow. / Structure of the essay is mostly clear and easy to follow. / Structure of the essay is somewhat clear and easy to follow. / Structure of the essay is not clear and easy to follow. / Structure of the essay is confusing and hard to follow.
Length / over 500 words / About 500 words / About 500 words / Less than 500 words / Substantially less than 500 words
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling / Language is clear and precise. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. / Language is clear and precise. The author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. / Language is somewhat clear and precise. The author makes some errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. / Language is not clear and precise. The author makes several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. / Language is not clear and precise. The author makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interferes with understanding.
Grading of Exams
In order to receive all of the possible points on any of the class assignments and exams, you will need to follow directions carefully, being sure to address all of the questions raised. You will need to use proper grammar and spelling. You’ll need to organize your ideas and thoughts in a clear and coherent manner. Further, you will need to have content that is both interesting and insightful.
Attendance and Participation
Attendance is determined by in class meeting time. Meeting deadlines is crucial to being in attendance as is BEING HERE. Late work is NOT ACCEPTED.
Support Services For Students
Center for Disabilities http://www.csun.edu/cod/
Library http://library.edu/
Counseling http://www.csun,edu/counseling
Breakdown of Assignments
Semester Points Possible
Quizzes (15 Quizzes 10 questions each, 10 possible points) 150 points possible
MIDTERM Exam: (3 parts: section 1: multiple choice questions (20 questions 1 point each) section 2: slide identification: (10 images worth 1 point each ) section 3: essay (worth 70 points) total points 100 possible points
FINAL Exam: (3 parts: section 1: multiple choice questions (20 questions 1 point each) section 2: slide identification: (10 images worth 1 point each ) section 3: essay (worth 70 points) total points 100 possible points
There will be study guides for these tests.
PARTICIPATION: 25 points possible
Total Possible Points = 375 Total Points Possible
A 375 - 350
A- 349 - 324
B+ 323 - 298
B 297 - 272
B- 271 - 246
C+ 245 - 220
C 195 - 170
C- 169 - 144
D+ 143 - 118
D 117 - 92
D- 91 - 66
F 66 and below
CLASS MEETINGS: Please note that this class is asynchronous meaning there is not a set time when you MUST be online to do these quizzes, however I do expect the highest standards and work to be turned when assignments are due for the online portion of this hybrid class. You will have 1 week to complete the quizzes online.
Please Note: This is a tentative schedule, which is subject to change. Weekly reading assignments, quizzes and papers are specified here, with further specifics posted on Moodle.
It is your responsibility to stay current with assignments and due dates as well as any modifications. Watch the news feed (the upper right-hand column) on Moodle and your CSUN email for updates.
Week 1: Thu, Sept.1 Chapter 1 Exploring Art Quiz 1Please check Moodle for due dates
Week 2: Thu, Sept 8 Chapter 2 Exploring Art Quiz 2 due online
Week 3: Thu, Sept. 15 Chapter 2-3 Exploring Art Quiz 3 due online
Week 4: Thu, Sept. 22 Chapter 4 Exploring Art Quiz 4 due online
Week 5: Thu, Sept. 29 Chapter 5 Exploring Art Quiz 5 due online
Week 6: Thu, Oct. 6 Chapter 6 Exploring Art Quiz 6 due online
Week 7: Thu, Oct. 13 Chapter 7 Exploring Art Quiz 7
Week 8: Thu, Oct. 20 Chapter 8 Exploring Art Quiz 8
Week 9: Thu, Oct. 27 Chapter 9 Exploring Art Quiz 9
Week 10: Thu, Nov, 3 Chapter 10 Exploring Art Quiz 10
Week 11: Thu, Nov 10 Chapter 11 Exploring Art Quiz 11
Week 12: Thu, Nov. 17 Chapter 12 Exploring Art Quiz 12
Week 13: Thu, Nov. 24 Chapter 13 Exploring Art Quiz 13
Week 14: Thu, Dec. 1 Chapter 14 Exploring Art Quiz 14
Week 15: Thu, Dec. 8 Chapter 15 Exploring Art Quiz 15
Week 16: FINAL EXAM IN CLASS TBA for time and date
Outline of expectations:
Weekly Chapters to read and Lectures to view
Chapter Readings and powerpoint lectures will be posted on Moodle as are quizzes.
It is your responsibility to stay current with assignments and due dates as well as any modifications. Do not use Safari to take quizzes. Use Firefox.
University Holiday Schedule
Monday, Sept. 5 (Labor Day No Class)
Last day of formal instruction is Monday, Dec 12.
You have made a conscious, informed choice to be a member of this class. This means that you have read the syllabus, and understand the workload required. Be aware that on average, you should spend between 2-3 hours on your own (reading, studying, making notes, working on assignments, etc.) for every hour that you are in class, dependent on the particular week. Some weeks will be heavier than others.
Enrollment in this course constitutes an agreement with me that we will both be engaged in all criteria and requirements as stated in this syllabus and in class, including class environment and communications with each other. Developing a professional attitude and practices for future professional environments is important; part of that development is respect for yourself and your personal learning, as well as respect for the instruction and learning of other students in the classes in which you agree to be a member. Ideally, a classroom is a community where members meet and participate for their own and others’ benefit. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it, and the more investment you will have in what happens in the classroom.
The following is a detailed description of the standards for professional practice as a student, future or current self- employed professional, and/or employee for any company:
· Coming to class prepared.
· Maintaining a cheerful, professional, constructive attitude.
· Substantively and positively contributing to group and class dynamics.
· Participating enthusiastically in whole class activities, small group activities, and collegial presentations.
· Offers relevant, insightful, and constructive comments during class, but does not dominate discussions.
Plagiarized work will not be accepted nor will revisions be allowed, and the matter referred to the Office of Academic Affairs. This includes visual material as well as written! CSUN Policy is summarized below.
CSUN POLICY ON PLAGIARISM - The following material is quoted from the University Catalog:
Source: California State University, Northridge "Appendix C, Policies on Nondiscrimination and student conduct" in University Catalog <http://www.collegesource.org/displayinfo/catalink.asp>(accessed 16 October, 2001)
From page 544 “41301. EXPULSION, SUSPENSION AND PROBATION OF STUDENTS. Following procedures consonant with due process established pursuant to Section 41304, any student of a campus may be expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given a lesser sanction for one or more of the following causes which must be campus related. Taken together those causes constitute the STUDENT CONDUCT CODE. (a) Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program at a campus...."
From page 553-554 “ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The maintenance of academic integrity and quality education is the responsibility of each student within this university and the California State University system. Cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic pro- gram at a campus is listed in Section 41301,Title 5, California Code of Regulations, as an offense for which a student may be expelled, suspended, or given a less severe disciplinary sanction. Academic dishonesty is an especially serious offense and diminishes the quality of scholarship and defrauds those who depend upon the integrity of the campus programs. Such dishonesty includes: A. CHEATING (see catalog for details) B. FABRICATION (see catalog for details) C. FACILITATING ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (see catalog for details) D. PLAGIARISM Intentionally or knowingly representing the words, ideas, or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.
Comments: 1. Direct Quotation: Every direct quotation must be identified by quotation marks, or by appropriate indentation or by other means of identification, and must be promptly cited in a footnote. Proper footnote style for any academic department is outlined by the MLA Style Sheet or K. L.Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers,Theses and Dissertations.These and similar publications are available in the Matador Bookstore and at the reference desk of the Oviatt Library. 2. Paraphrase: Prompt acknowledgment is required when material from another source is paraphrased or summarized in whole or in part in your own words.To acknowledge a paraphrase properly, one might state: “to paraphrase Locke’s comment . . .’’ and conclude with a footnote identifying the exact reference. A footnote acknowledging only a directly quoted statement does not suffice to notify the reader of any preceding or succeeding paraphrased mate- rial. 3. Borrowed Facts or Information: Information obtained in one’s reading or research which is not common knowledge among stu- dents in the course must be acknowledged. Examples of common knowledge might include the names of leaders of prominent nations, basic scientific laws, etc. Materials which contribute only to one’s general understanding of the subject may be acknowledged in the bibliography and need not be immediately footnoted. One footnote is usually sufficient to acknowledge indebtedness when a number of connected sentences in the paper draw their special information from one source.When direct quotations are used, however, quotation marks must be inserted and prompt acknowledgment is required.”