
Chapter 3 Colonial America Section 4 Southern Colonies

In the South

White ______controlled most property

Plantations (Big Farms) became important to ______growth

More plantation increased the need for ______

English ______and prisoners of war were sent to work

They could buy their release by working for a period of time (Usually 7 ______)

African rulers sold their prisoners of war to European ______traders

Enslaved prisoners were taken to the ______

Many people came as indentured ______

They agreed to work ______pay for a set about of time for passage to America

Establishing Maryland

Founded by Sir George Calvert, Lord ______

For a safe place for ______persecuted in England

Proprietary colony ______of Virginia

Calvert died and his son Cecilius named it ______

Two of his brothers began to run it in ______

Large estates, or pieces of ______, were given to English aristocrats

Many plantations came about and needed ______

Indentured servants and enslaved Africans were ______

Maryland Boundaries

Calvert and Penn families ______over boundary

In the 1760’s they hired Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon to ______the boundaries

Also put up a line of ______bearing the Penn and Calvert crests

The Mason-Dixon ______

Another Conflict in Maryland

______to resolve

Protestants and Catholics were ______

There were ______Protestants

To protect the Catholics, the Act of ______was passed in 1649

Granted the right to ______freely


1692- the ______controlled assembly made the Anglican church the official church in Maryland

______faced the same restrictions they had in England


Settlers continued into ______

Took Native American ______

Virginia Governor William ______made a pledge to Native Americans

In exchange for a piece of land, he agreed to keep settlers from pushing into their ______

Nathaniel ______, a planter, (along with others) resented the pledge to the Native Americans

Some settled in these forbidden areas and then blamed the ______for not protecting them

Bacon Rebellion

1676- Bacon led attacks on Native American ______

Marched to ______and put Berkeley into exile

Bacon’s sudden ______kept him from governing Virginia

England recalled Berkeley and sent troops to restore ______

Showed that settlers would not be limited to the ______

The colonial government formed a ______to control Native Americans

Also opened up more land for ______

The Carolinas

______- proprietary colony south of Virginia called Carolina

______gave land to 8 nobles

Nobles ______land to settlers from England

John ______, and English philosopher, wrote a constitution for Carolina

A ______of government

Contained ______divisions and social ranking

Northern and Southern Carolina

Farmers from inland Virginia settled northern ______

They grew ______

Sold ______and tar

Did not have good harbor so they used Virginia’s ports for ______

Southern Carolina prospered from fertile farmland and the harbor at ______(Charleston)

Settlements spread, and ______in deerskin, lumber, and beef thrived

Carolina’s Crops

Two ______dominated

______grew well in the wet coastal lowlands

Rice required much labor, so the demand for ______labor rose

Another crop was developed in the ______

______by Eliza Lucas

Used to ______textiles

______- Carolina became North Carolina and South Carolina


Founded in 1733 by James ______

______British colony in America

Place for ______and poor people could make a fresh start

In Britain, debtors- those who were not able to repay debts- were ______

Georgia was supposed to ______the other colonies from the Spanish in Florida

Savannah, Georgia was set up as ______against Spanish expansion

Few ______came instead, hundreds of poor people arrived from Britain

Religious refugees from Central Europe and a small group of ______arrived

Georgia Settlers

Complained about Oglethorpe’s ______

Especially the ______on landholding

Also the bans on slave labor and ______

Oglethorpe ______to their demands

The colony grew slow and Oglethorpe turned Georgia back over to the ______

France in North America

The French built ______in 1608

France wanted fishing and trapping animals for ______

______New France became a royal colony

Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette explored the ______River

Looking for a water route to the ______(Northwest Passage)

Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de ______followed the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

La Salle claimed area for ______

Called area Louisiana in honor of King ______XIV

1718- port of New ______was founded

Growth of New France

Advanced ______

Estates along the St. ______River

Estate holders received ______in return for bringing settlers

Known as tenant farmers, the settlers paid their lord an annual ______and worked for him for a fixed number of days each year

France and Native Americans

Had a good ______with Native Americans

French ______and traders went deep into Indian lands

Lived in Indian ______

Learned their ______

Married Indian ______

______their ways

Tried to ______the Native Americans for Catholicism

They did not try to change their ______

Did not push Indians off their ______

Spanish in North America

Controlled most of ______, the Caribbean, and Central and South America

Also the western and southern parts of the present-day United States

The Spanish wanted to ______its area and built many cities to protect it

Spanish priests built a string of ______along the Pacific coast

Missions are ______settlements established to convert people to a faith

The missions helped the Spanish claim ______

On the missions they often ______Native Americans to work

Later Junipero Serra supported Native American ______on these missions

European Conflicts

Rivalries between European nations carried over into the ______

France and Britain were ______their North American settlements

Fought several ______in the early 1700s

Fights in Europe often ______to North America

Essential Question

How and why did the Southern Colonies grow?

Maryland: established as a safe place for Catholics; land granted to English aristocrats and other settlers; enslaved Africans and indentured servants imported to work on plantations

Virginia: settlers pushed west into Native American lands; Bacon led rebellion to open more lands for settlement

Carolinas: Proprietary colony split into two royal colonies; produced tobacco, timber, tar, rice, and indigo

Georgia: began as a place for debtors and poor people and as a barrier against Spanish expansion; colony attracted poor people and religious refugees; slow growth led proprietor to return colony to the king