Kindergarten Newsletter Term 4, 2015
Welcome back to our final term for this year. Only 9 weeks of Kindy to go!
The teachers would like to once again give you an outline of what is happening in Kindergarten during Term 4.
There is a change to our library days this term. KRed will be on Tuesday and KBlue on Wednesday. Both classes will be taught by Mrs Smith.
Reading – The children are all reading books and participating in activities that have been chosen to be the appropriate level for each child. It is very important that these skills are reinforced at home with Home Reading books every day.
Magic Words- These also need to be practised each day. Please return the words to school as soon as the children are ready. Congratulations to all those that have completed the 200 words. Well Done! Remember these words still need to be practised regularly and can be used for writing activities at home.
Talking and Listening – Once again News will be an important component of this program. The list of News topics is on the back of this sheet. It always helps if the children can practise their news at home before presenting it at school.
Writing – We are writing regularly in our journals and our text type for this term is Imaginative writing. We are also still working on developing strength and control in the hand and fingers through fine motor activities, pencil grip and writing of letters and words.
We are continuing to explore numbers to 30 and beyond, as well as experimenting with the processes of grouping and dividing. We also look at many other mathematical concepts such as 3D shapes, measurement and data. Once again you can support this learning by engaging in lots of mathematical talk at home and participating in Mathletics activities.
COGs (Combined Outcomes Groups)- Changes A look at how we, our families and other living things change in different ways over time.
Creative Arts - Art and craft activities developing the skills of cutting, gluing, colouring and painting, with lots of fun Christmas and holiday activities this term. We may need a new glue stick soon to cope with all of our activities.
Music/Dance – Music and Dance will be taught within the class. We will be practising for our end of year “Musical Spectacular” throughout the term also.
Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)
The Fitness program will run twice a week rotating through the activities of aerobics, running games, parachute games and skipping.
Sport will remain on Fridays this term and the children will be developing gymnastics skills taught by Sportspro.
PBEL program – promoting the school expectations of respect, responsibility and personal best.
Dates for your Diary:
December 8: K-2 Christmas Concert
December 10: Presentation Day
December 14: Celebration of Learning
Remember, if you have any questions or problems please feel free to talk to a Kindy teacher or make an appointment to see us at a convenient time.
Many thanks,
Judy Butler and Jan Layson
News Topics
Week / Topic3 / Bring a baby photo and a photo from now and talk about the toys you liked to play with when you were a baby and things you could do.
4 / What job would you like to do when you grow up? Draw a picture if you wish.
5 / Choose a Nursery Rhyme to recite for the class. You could draw a picture.
6 / Use a paperbag to make a Paperbag Pet (such as a fish, dog, cat, turtle) and describe how it was made.
7 / Draw a picture and make up a story to go with the picture. Once upon a time……
8 / Explain how to play a favourite game.
9 / Free Choice
10/11 / No news these weeks as we are very busy with special activities.