Review of Evaluation Data Explanation Document
The Review of Evaluation Dataforms are required and must be completed at least every three years as evaluation data is reviewed and new evaluation needs are considered. The Review of Evaluation Data forms could be used after completing an initial evaluation or anytime during the three year cycle Evaluation Data is being reviewed.
- The first page of the Review of Evaluation document is a place to provide a quick summary of the student’s current and past evaluations.
- Page 2 summarizes the required evaluation data components that are common for all eligibility categories.
- Most current evaluation information can include formal testing, informal testing, and informal data collection such as current classroom data, attendance records, and other records provided by school staff, related service providers, or parents.
- Move to the “Disability-Specific Review of Existing Data” forms for the child’s suspected disability or disabilities. There are separate review documents for School Age Disabilities and Early Childhood Disabilities. Complete only the pages applicable to the child.
- After reviewing the data, move to the pages titled“No Additional Data Needed/Additional Data Needed.”
- Clarification on the components listed under “Additional Evaluation Needed:”
- Social History
- Developmental history and any current changes to the student’s health, home environment, and general well-being.
- Consent NOT required
- Individual Achievement
- Determine the student’s current reading, writing, and math skills, or pre-academic skills such as matching or sorting.
- Assess the level of academic skill attainment or educational achievement or ability in any of the five developmental domains (cognition, communication, fine and gross motor, self-help and social/emotional)
- Consent Required
- Social/Emotional Behavior
- Used for Early Childhood
- Evaluate how the student handles feelings and emotions; how he/she gets along with other people; and the child’s ability to self-regulate.
- Consent Required
- Self-Help/Adaptive Behavior
- Evaluate how the student functions in daily life activities, routines, organization, social skills, and behaviorally.
- Consent Required
- Motor Development
- Used for Early Childhood
- Determine how well the student coordinates body movements in both small (fine) and large (gross) muscle activities or to evaluate perceptual skills.
- Consent Required
- Language/Speech/Communication
- Assesses articulation of sounds, voice and fluency of production and the level of language development, comprehension, and functional use of spoken, written and/or nonverbal communication system
- Consent Required
- Individual Intelligence/Cognition
- Determine the student’s ability to remember what he/she has seen and heard, how well he/she can use that information to solve problems, and to assist in predicting the student’s learning rate. Verbal and performance instruments may be used.
- Consent Required
- Hearing Specialized (This item could be requesting a screening or a specialized evaluation)
- Screening:
- General screen for the student’s hearing ability.
- Consent not required
- Specialized Evaluation:
- Assesses hearing acuity for pure-tones and speech, middle ear function, central auditory processing skills, and the need for/use of amplification systems
- Usually conducted by a medical professional
- Consent Required
- Consent for physician to release records needed
- Vision Specialized
- Screening:
- General screen for the student’s visual acuity.
- Consent not required
- Specialized Evaluation:
- Assesses near/far point visual acuity, visual fields, eye muscle control, depth perception, color blindness, prognosis and orientation/mobility skills
- Usually conducted by a medical professional
- Consent Required
- Consent for physician to release records needed
- Classroom Based Assessments and Observations
- Assess the student’s performance in a classroom setting
- Use the “Systemic Observation of Student Performance” form when there is a suspected or identified learning disability
- Consent Required
- Observation
- Assesses behavior in a classroom or school environment, home, or natural environment
- Occurs in multiple locations and settings. This is not a one-time observation.
- Usually conducted by a counselor or behavior specialist
- Consent Required
- Occupational Therapy
- Assess the student’s fine motor skills and abilities for general or specific activities.
- Consent Required
- Physical Therapy
- Assess the student’s gross motor skills and abilities for general or specific activities.
- Consent Required
- Individual Development
- Used for Early Childhood
- Measure the student’s skills and abilities in the areas of cognition, communication, fine and gross motor, self-help, and social/emotional areas.
- Consent Required
- Health
- Evaluate the student’s developmental patterns and current health status as they relate to school functioning.
- Consent Required
- Consent for health care provider to release records needed
- Vocational/Prevocational
- To determine the student’s interests and/or aptitudes as they relate to future job and life skill areas.
- Consent not required
- Other
- Use for any other type of evaluation needed.
Use of Prior Written Notice of Action (PWN) related to Review of Evaluation Data:
- If the committee determines additional data is needed in any area after reviewing data, a Prior Written Notice of Action must be completed. The team will describe the reasons for the needed additional data on the Prior Written Notice and use it to obtain consent for evaluation.
- Committees may review evaluation data and develop/review an IEP in the same meeting. Decisions made in the IEP meeting can be reflected on the same PWN as the evaluation decisions when the meetings are held together.
Use of Evaluation Programming Conference Decision Form (EPC):
- If the committee determines No Additional Data is needed, an EPC is not required.
- When the committee determines additional data is needed, the new evaluation is requested. Once the evaluation is complete(within 60 calendar days of consent) the committee will meet (within 30 calendar days) to review the evaluation data and complete a new EPC form.
- Completing a new Review of Evaluation Data form is not required after additional testing is complete (although a district could use the form if they choose).
Summary of New Additional Data Requested
- A summary of the additional testing using the Review of Evaluation Data is not required, since there is an evaluation report stating the results, findings, and student needs. The evaluation report should state all information requested by the team to make eligibility decisions. The team will use an EPC to document eligibility based on all of the evaluation data, including new data.Prior Written Notice will summarize these evaluation decisions.
Review of Evaluation Data Explanation Document
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