iProspect Awards: Case Study Worksheet

Please complete the following fields with details of your entry. Once complete, this form and assets needs to be sent to your local NEON Editor to upload. Please provide all assets (images, videos, supporting docs) that accompany this entry to your Editor.

Section 1- Business Challenge

All fields are mandatory unless stated

Title (campaign/project name)
Entrant company
Team that created the work (names)
Describe the campaign in 40 words
This copy will appear in summary boxes and in search
Enter how the work meets your brand vision
(200 words max)
e.g. Carat – Redefining media
Enter the Challenge (200 words max)
What was the business challenge? The problem should be simple, clear and business centric. Provide competitive context and drama! e.g. “Faced with a lower priced new entrant in the market, ‘client’ needed to keep its customers from straying.

Select the challenge by putting an X in the box (you can select multiple):

Attract a new audience
Change perception of brand
Charitable fundraising
Crowd Sourcing Innovation
Decrease Acquisition Costs
Defend against competitive threat
Deliver multi market integration
Enter a new market
Increase average order value
Increase Digital Sales
Increase Loyalty
Increase Market share
Increase ROI
Integrate multiple channels
Launch a new brand
Launch a new product
More effective ways to segment and target
Product Innovation
Re-launch a brand

Section 2 – Insight & strategy, solution & execution and results

Enter insight and strategy (200 words max)
Enter execution/solution/innovation (200 words max)
Enter results/business effect (200 words max)
Enter the client testimonial (200 words max. optional)
Enter the return on investment. Optional.
Do you want this shown as Private?
Enter the budget (approximate)
Leave blank for ‘not available’. Optional.
Do you want this shown as Private?
Enter the profit. Optional

Section 3- Categorization by industry sector, channel, format, market information

Select the Category/Industry by putting an X in the box (you can only select one for tagging purposes):

Alcohol and beverages
Business support and supplies
Charity and CSR
Computers and electronics
Construction and constructors
Entertainment, TV and Film
Finance and banking
Food and dining
Hair and Beauty
Health and Medicine
Home and Garden
Legal and Financial
Media and Marketing
Professional services
Property & Real estate
Travel, transport and Tourism

Select the channels by putting an X in the box (you can select multiple for
tagging purposes)

Mobile earned media
Mobile owned media
Mobile paid media
Online earned media
Online owned media
Online paid media
Outdoor (inc. digital)

Select the creative formats/media partnerships by putting an X in the box
(you can select multiple)

Online ads
Mobile app
Mobile site
TV ads
Out of home posters
Radio ad
Digital Posters
Homepage Takeover
Press ads
Social media app
Social media commerce

Market information

Enter the countries involved in creating the work / ? country as in UK, USA etc
Enter the primary markets involved in creating the work / Same thing
Enter the primary markets for the campaign / Same thing
Enter your name
Enter the campaign period (start and end date)
Enter all the agencies involved
Multiple agencies can be entered, including the non-Dentsu Aegis Network agencies who worked on the project. / Dan brands
Enter the number of external awards won

Section 4: Supporting materials:
A summary PowerPointwith visuals or a short film.

Uploading guidelines

  • All videos will need to be uploading onto the NEON video channel
  • Whilst there is no limit on size, we ask that you try and keep the image sizes down to below 250Mb
  • Whilst we would prefer a video as a .wmv or .mp4 file. We can accept .avi, .mov or .flv video files
  • You can also upload Word documents (.doc), PowerPoint Presentations (.ppt), image (.jpg and .gif) and text files (.txt)