Career Cluster:

Arts, AV Technology, & Communication

Television Production

TV Production Writing and Producing

Teacher: Megan Pettus

School: Carroll High School Email:



Television Production—Writing, Producing, and Performing is a one-credit course that provides students with a variety of real-world learning opportunities through laboratory experiences in television writing, producing, and performing. Students perform specialized roles in a regularly scheduled television program along with students specializing in Television Production—Studio Operations and Television Production—Photography and Editing. Students who successfully complete this course are prepared for Advanced Television Production; further study in television, film, and communications at the college level; or for entry-level positions in television, film, and communications industries. The prerequisite for this course is Introduction to Television Production. Career and technical student organizations are integral, co-curricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Introduction to Television Production

Course Goal (s):

1. To provide a real-world television experience

2. To prepare students for successful employment including time management, teamwork, problem solving, personal presentation, public relations.

3. To provide an informative, educational, entertaining weekly news program for school and the community

4. To provide community service projects and marketable video projects.

Course Rule(s): The goal of TV Production Writing and Producing is to provide students with 18 weeks of instruction, which is designed to introduce master control operation, performance skills, live work, graphic arts, video, editing, production, writing, website development, creative thinking, teamwork, and time management skills. In order to maintain an orderly work and learning environment, students will need to adhere to the following classroom rules:

1. Students are expected to enter the classroom in a timely and orderly fashion. Absolutely NO Loitering in the hallways, around snack machines, or bathrooms will be tolerated. Students who drive must have a current parking decal issued from the school and must be in the classroom and seated. If you need to go to the bathroom, please let me know that upon entering the classroom. Please do not engage in visiting other classroom/students. Refusal to comply will result in the enforcement of the City Schools Tardy Policy, found on page 12 of the Ozark City Schools Student/Parent Resource Guide and Code of Student Conduct.

2. Students are expected to come to class with all necessary materials (school laptop, pen, pencil, paper, notebook, props etc.) Basic school supplies are not provided.

3. High School students are expected to handle bathroom needs prior to the start of class. Again, when you arrive on campus, please come directly to the classroom, and notify me if you need to use the bathroom, so that I will know where you are.

4. Profanity, inappropriate conversations (including but not limited to: sexuality, drug usage, violence etc.,) discrimination based on one’s race, color, creed, national origin, or physical ability is strictly prohibited.

a. Students, please be mindful that we are in a classroom environment. Profanity used towards the teacher or other students, and/or in general conversations will not be tolerated. The first offense is a call to a parent. Second offense will result in a referral to the counselor and ISS. The third offense is suspension pending a parent conference. Subsequent offenses will be dealt with by the administration.

b. Students in the Television Production Program are public ambassadors for their school and community. They should act in a way that is becoming to them and this school. This includes their actions in class, at events and outside of the CTV studio, including, but not limited to, their social media behavior. Students acting in an inappropriate manner on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, or any other social media could see a loss in on-air privileges. This will be met on a case-to-case basis, and will involve the administration and parent input.

5. Food and/or drinks are not allowed in the classroom area.

6. All students are expected to work in groups, and must be actively involved in all activities. Sleeping in class, none participation, and disruptive activities will not be tolerated. Please remember to conduct yourselves with personal restraint and responsibility. Excessive talking, loudness and horseplay are against school policy.

7. Mishandling or destruction of equipment will not be tolerated. Students will be disciplined to the fullest extent of the Code of Student Conduct for purposely or carelessly damaging school property. Intentional destruction as a result of mishandling property will be expected to be replaced by the student.

8. Outside classroom shoots are very popular with students around campus. In the event that students are interviewing students from other programs, the highest level of personal responsibility and professionalism is expected. Excessive loudness, playing or other inappropriate acts will result in a zero on the assignment. Students will also be resigned to complete a written assignment during the next outside shoot.

9. According to the Ozark City Schools Student/Parent Resource Guide and Code of Student Conduct, Page 12, students are allowed to complete make up work at an appropriate time, which will be determined by the teacher for an excused absence. It is the students/and or parents responsibility to request this make-up work within 2 days after returning to school.

10. Cheating on tests is prohibited and is a class 2 offense. Please refer to the Ozark City Schools Student/Parent Resource Guide and Code of Student Conduct, page 19, (2.09).

11. Please refrain from the usage of electronic devices during class time, unless the device is being for a class assignment. I should not have to remind you to turn off your cell phone, iPod, gaming system etc. Devices that are taken up due to non-compliance will only be returned to a parent or guardian at the end of the school day. If you need your electronic device, and do not want it taken, please refrain from breaking the rules concerning this matter. Once a device is taken up, there will be no discussion of the matter with me. Furthermore, electronic devices are items that are often stolen. I bare no responsibility for locating your stolen device. Your belongings need to be kept on your person at all times! If you have an item that needs to be locked up in my office until the end of the class period, I will be willing to aid in the matter.

12. Ozark City Schools has a dress code in place for both students and employees. Please comply with the dress code, as listed in the Code of Student Conduct. It is likely that you will be asked to call a parent if what you are wearing is considered too revealing. To eliminate frustrating and uncomfortable occurrences for all, please dress appropriately. No revealing tops or bottoms, clothing that is too tight, oversized and sagging jeans/pants, steel-toe boots, cut up jeans, etc.

13. Please pay all class fees, and bring all class materials within the first week of school.


●  1 SDHC 4GB Memory Card

●  Personal Planner/ Google Calendar

●  Binder

●  Notebook Paper

●  Google Email account-Students are responsible for remembering their passwords.

Course Standards:

Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication, Grade 9 - 12, Television Production-Writing, Producing, and Performing, 2009
1.) Use safety skills associated with writing, producing, and performing roles in television production.
2.) Apply aspects of writing, producing, and performing to television information-gathering techniques for a studio production.
Examples: video and audio consent, fact confirmation, Internet use, copyright laws
3.) Differentiate among television styles of writing, producing, and performing.
Examples: informative, entertainment, sensational
4.) Utilize correct writing, producing, performing, and public relations skills for television production.
Examples: positive attitude, polite demeanor, listening techniques
5.) Demonstrate ethical behavior of a television writer, producer, and performer.
Examples: presenting unbiased content, verifying accuracy in subject matter, seeking formal permission, adhering to libel laws
6.) Demonstrate teamwork as a writer, producer, and performer.
Examples: giving and following instructions, initiating participation, engaging in team critiques, organizing content
7.) Use standard interviewing skills.
Examples: question formation, preinterview techniques, interview evaluation
8.) Utilize proper format, style, and content organization for television writing techniques.
9.) Apply on-camera performance skills to obtain desired results.
Examples: clear speech, diction, eye contact, posture, gestures, appearance
10.) Organize television content, including time management and assignment editing.
11.) Use writing, producing, and performing skills in a regularly-scheduled television program.
12.) Compare career options in television production, including writing, producing, and performing for a career specialization.
Examples: reporter, producer, anchor, writer, actor, researcher, assignment editor, promotions editor

Essential Questions:

1.  What are the proper safety procedures to use when shooting and editing?

2.  What are the requirements for a professional-quality television production portfolio?

3.  What developments in communications do you think will have the most impact on the future?

4.  What would demonstrate some ethical choices in operating the studio?

5.  What criteria should we use to determine a successful television studio operation?

6.  What are the proper safety procedures to use while working in the studio?

7.  What would demonstrate some ethical choices in writing, producing, or performing?

8.  What criteria should we use to determine the effectiveness of a script, overall production, and program performances?

Course Outline

Week 1 / Safety
Week 2 / Studio Operations
Week 3-4 / Studio Operations, Sports Reporting
Week 5 / Sound, Lighting
Week 6-7 / Careers in TV Production
Week 8 / Job Interviews and Presentation
Week 9-10 / Live Performance Techniques
Week 11-12 / Writing for News
Week 13-14 / Ethics and Copyright Laws
Week 15-16 / Graphic Arts
Week 16-17 / Advertising/ Commercials/PSA
Week 18 / Final Project- Digital Portfolio

Culminating Product(s)

Students produce basic television production projects, podcasts, and other mass communication projects based on concepts, theories, and strategies taught through lecture, demonstration, and group investigation. Students showcase leadership and self confidence through interviews, public speaking, and other presentations.

Assessment Procedures: Students will be assessed using the Rubrics system, evaluations through the usages of chapter/unit tests, class participation, quality of finished products, and a final examination. Students will submit some assignments online through Google Drive. Students will be graded on current events, group and individual projects, tests, daily participation, television/movie reviews and other class assignments from the textbook. Students will need to work with group members amicably with the entire year and must share equal workloads. Grades are given every 9 weeks.

Grading Scale:

Grades 9-12 / Range
A / 90-100
B / 80-89
C / 70-79
D / 60-69
F / Below 60

Grade Breakdown:

Job Performance or Daily Grade( Homework, Daily Assignments, Daily Labs, SkillsUSA participation, Daily Newscast participation)- 20%

Students will be required to complete 1 or more outside school shoots per 9 weeks in the areas of news, sporting events, entertainment, community service projects, PSAs or commercials and other school related events. Each outside school shoot is worth 100 pts and the video and paperwork is required to be turned in.

Daily Job Performance Breakdown

Actively involved in production

Procedure compliance (equipment, sign in/out, attire, rules)

Time Management—present/on-time, MUST call or email if absent, deadlines

Staff/Public Relations—attitude, reliability, teamwork

Tests, Assessments or Quizzes,ACT/ Work Keys/ Credential Prep Work- 20%

9 Weeks Exam, Final Exam- 20%

Projects, Lab Work- 40%-

Students are required to pay a $25.00 class fee due in January 2016. This includes a CTSO (Career/Tech Student Organization): SkillsUSA fee of $15.00 and a class equipment management fee of $10.00

Available Industry Credential(s): Sony Vegas Certified User, Adobe Certified Associate

Year: 2016-2017

TV Production Writing and Producing Rules and Regulations

Arts, Technology and Communications students will frequently use expensive video and technology equipment. This is a privilege and should be taken seriously. Below are some of the regulations for the TV Production Writing and Producing and Studio Operations courses:

●  Students are required to pay a $25 class fee in August 2016. This includes the national affiliated SkillsUSA club fee of $15. If students do not pay the club fee, they are still required to participate in leadership, community service, fundraisers, and program improvement activities through SkillsUSA.

●  A 4GB SDHC Memory Card is required for video projects.

●  Online Assignments should be submitted online via Google Drive.

●  Students may appear regularly on our weekly television show C-TV, our website, and other program promotional materials.

●  Students may attend at least (1) projects or outside school shoots per 9 weeks. This includes football games or other sporting events, board meetings, school events, etc.

●  Students must be knowledgeable of and follow all Ozark City Schools Code of Student Conduct rules when on a TV Production shoot or using school equipment, including dress code, no profanity, etc. Students may be removed from the program for disciplinary problems.

●  Students will post appropriate material on their social media accounts, protecting themselves and the school’s image.

●  Students should never leave the gear unattended at any time.

●  Students should handle gear carefully and cautiously at all times – misuse of equipment will result in loss of privileges. A loss of privileges will affect a student’s grade.

●  Grades will be based on teamwork, coursework, performance, and overall attitude.

●  Electronic devices must be turned off and away during class time or be subject to be taken up.

●  Failure to comply with rules, instructions, or guidelines given by the instructor will result in disciplinary actions.

●  The TV Production Writing and Producing course is a course within the Audio/Visual Television and Mass Communications career cluster. Therefore, students in this program will be held to very high standards. If you agree to the above rules and regulations please sign below.


Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature

Date: ______

Please sign here if you DO NOT allow your child to have a school-created website. These will be used to turn in work and create a student portfolio.

I ______DO NOT want my child creating a class website.