Colonial Era Project

Choose one of the following for your project over the Colonial Era in American history.

1.  Search the Internet to find information relating to historical re-creations of colonial towns such as Plimoth (Plymouth) Plantation, Colonial Williamsburg, or Old Sturbridge Village. Use the information from these sites to design an advertising brochure for the chamber of commerce in a colonial town. Describe the business and social opportunities that could attract settlers to a colonial town. Make the advertisement as eye-catching and persuasive as possible. You may use a publishing program, or you may design the brochure by hand.

2.  Research life in Colonial America at this site: or others. Write a paper of three to four pages discussing what life was like in the following areas in Colonial America: church, farms, food, schools, and recreation.

3.  Instead of writing the paper, you may create an oral presentation and explain some of the recreational activities, prepare some simple food to share with the class, and discuss schools and church activities.

4.  Research the Spanish missions of the Americas. These include the areas of the Southeast, the Southwest, and California. Prepare an oral report discussing the information you have found (3-5 minutes) or write a three to four page research report about the missions and Spanish colonies. You may make a PowerPoint or Photo Story to accompany your presentation.

5.  Research the Salem Witch Trials and write an accurate historical account of the trials and those involved. Be sure to include maps, pictures, or other illustrations to explain the trials.

6.  An idea of your own? Clear it with Mr. Matthews first.

Make sure to document any sources you use for any of the assignments. You are required to use a minimum of two sources other than your social studies text and must document these sources with a works cited.

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