M.A. ( PSYCHOLOGY)CBCS Syllabus2011
Document code : / SYLLABUS MAPSY2011
Revision No: / 00
Name of Faculty / ARTS
Faculty Code / AR
Programme Code : / MAPSY
Effective from: / JUNE-2011
Sem / Combination Code / Old Paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
1 / 17 / 101 / MAPSY101CC / CC / Advanced Experimental Psychology (Theory) (AEP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 17 / 102 / MAPSY102CC / CC / Research Methodology (RMG) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 17 / 103 / MAPSY103CC / CC / Community Psychology – I (CPG) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 17 / 103 / MAPSY104CC / CC / Practicals in Psychology (PIP) / 70 / 70 / 30 / 30 / 100 / 4
1 / 01 / 104 / MAPSY101ES / ES / Psychopathology – I (PP1) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MAPSY 101ES-103ES
1 / 02 / 104 / MAPSY102ES / ES / Advanced Industrial Psychology (AIP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 101ES-103ES
1 / 03 / 104 / MAPSY103ES / ES / Advanced Physiological Psychology –I (APP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 103ES-103ES
1 / 01 / 105 / MAPSY101ID / ID / Health and Wellness (HAW) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 101ID-104ID
1 / 88 / 105 / MAPSY102ID / ID / Information Technology and Data Analysis (ITD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 101ID-104ID
1 / 03 / 105 / MAPSY103ID / ID / Rural Development in India (RDI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 101ID-104ID
1 / 04 / 105 / MAPSY104ID / ID / History of Gujarat: 746 TO 1304 A.D.) (HOG) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 101ID-104ID
Sem / Combination Code / Old Paper Code / NewPaper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
2 / 17 / 201 / MAPSY201CC / CC / Child Development (CDT) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 17 / 202 / MAPSY202CC / CC / Statistics in Psychology (SIP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 17 / 203 / MAPSY203CC / CC / Community Psychology- II (CPS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 17 / 203 / MAPSY204CC / CC / Testing In Psychology (TIP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
2 / 01 / 204 / MAPSY201ES / ES / Psychopathology – II (PP2) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ES-203ES
2 / 04 / 204 / MAPSY202ES / ES / Ergonomics and Industrial Psychology (EIP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ES-203ES
2 / 03 / 204 / MAPSY203ES / ES / Advanced Physiological Psychology – II (APP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ES-203ES
2 / 05 / 205 / MAPSY201ID / ID / Self awareness and Personality (SAP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ID-204ID
2 / 88 / 205 / MAPSY202ID / ID / Information Technology and Data Analysis (ITD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ID-204ID
2 / 07 / 205 / MAPSY203ID / ID / Gender and Development (GAD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ID-204ID
2 / 08 / 205 / MAPSY204ID / ID / History of Gujarat (1304 to 1572 A.D.) (HOG) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY 201ID-204ID
Sem / Combination Code / Old Paper Code / NewPaper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
3 / 17 / 301 / MAPSY301CC / CC / Perspectives on Human Behavior (PHB) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 17 / 302 / MAPSY302CC / CC / Guidance and Counseling in Education (GCE) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 17 / 303 / MAPSY303CC / CC / Psychology Diagnostics (Clinical) Psychology (PDP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 17 / 303 / MAPSY304CC / CC / Organizational Behavior (OBP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 17 / 303 / MAPSY305CC / CC / Practicals in Psychology (PPG) / 70 / 70 / 30 / 30 / 100 / 4
3 / 05 / 304 / MAPSY301ES / ES / Stress and Health (SAH) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From MAPSY301ES-303ES
3 / 06 / 304 / MAPSY302ES / ES / Sattistical Inference-I (SIC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From MAPSY301ES-303ES
3 / 07 / 304 / MAPSY303ES / ES / Psychology of Emotion (POI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From MAPSY301ES-303ES
3 / 01 / 305 / MAPSY301ID / ID / Communication Skills (CSK) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From MAPSY301ID-304ID
3 / 88 / 305 / MAPSY302ID / ID / Information Technology & Data Analysis (ITD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From MAPSY301ID-304ID
3 / 03 / 305 / MAPSY303ID / ID / Social Problems (SPB) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper fromMAPSY301ID-304ID
3 / 04 / 305 / MAPSY304ID / ID / Constitutional History of Independent India: 1947 to 1980 A.D.(CHI) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One Paper From MAPSY301ID
Sem / Combination Code / Old Paper Code / New Paper Code / Paper Type / Paper Name / Marking scheme / Total Mark / Credit / Remarks
External / Internal
The / Pra / The / Pra
4 / 17 / 401 / MAPSY401CC / CC / Theories of Human Behavior (THB) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 17 / 402 / MAPSY402CC / CC / Psychological Measurement and Scaling (PMS) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 17 / 403 / MAPSY403CC / CC / Psychotherapeutic (Clinical) Psychology (PCP) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 17 / 403 / MAPSY401CC / CC / Human Resource Development (HRD) (HRD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 17 / 403 / MAPSY402CC / CC / Psychological Testing (PTP) / 70 / 70 / 30 / 30 / 100 / 4
4 / 08 / 404 / MAPSY401ES / ES / Stress Management (SMT) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper fromMAPSY401ES-402ES
4 / 06 / 404 / MAPSY402ES / ES / Statistical Inference-II (SIN) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any one paper from MAPSY401ES-402ES
4 / 09 / 404 / MAPSY403ES / ES / Dissertation (DRT) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper fromMAPSY401ES-402ES
4 / 05 / 405 / MAPSY401ID / ID / Psychology of Motivation (POM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from
4 / 88 / 405 / MAPSY402ID / ID / Information Technology & Data Analysis (ITD) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper from MAPSY401ID-404ID
4 / 07 / 405 / MAPSY403ID / ID / Sociology of Marginalized Communities (SMC) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper fromMAPSY401ID-404ID
4 / 08 / 405 / MAPSY404ID / ID / Some Personalities of Modern Indian History.(SPM) / 70 / 30 / 100 / 4 / Any One paper fromMAPSY401ID-404ID

Grading point:

Grade point / Description / % of Marks / Division / Grade
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
10 / Outstanding / 90 %- 99 % / First/ O
9 / Excellent / 80 %- 89 % / First/ A
8 / Very Good / 70 %- 79 % / First/ B
7 / Good / 60 %- 69 % / First/ C
6 / Fair / 50 %- 59 % / Second/ D
5 / Average / 40 %- 49 % / Pass / E
4 / Dropped / Below 40 % / F
Programme code : / MAPSY / Programme Name : / M.A.PSYCHOLOGY
Course Code / MAPSY101CC / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Core Compulsory / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / ·  This course aims to Familiarize students with experimental methods and various designs of experiments.

1.  The Scheme of question paper:

1.  The paper will consist four units:

2.  Each Unit Should be given equal weightage in examination

3.  Total Marks are: 100.

70: External Examination

30: Internal evaluation

(Duration of examination: 3 hours)

The paper will consist of the following four units:
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / Experimentation in Psy. Research, Control of Relevant Variables / 18 / 1
1.1 / Concept of Experimental Psychology
1.2 / Psychological Research
1.3 / Psychology and the concept of Variables
1.4 / Three types of control techniques
1.5 / Three classes of Relevant variables
1.6 / Control of subject Relevant variable
1.7 / Control of Situation Relevant variable
1.8 / Control of sequence Relevant variable
2 / Current and Future Trends in Experimental Psychology: / 18 / 1
2.1 / Alternations to scientific Methodology Postmodernism
2.2 / The Historical Development of Scientific Methodology.
2.3 / Justifying Scientific method.
2.4 / Implications of a Naturalistic Approach Methodology.
3 / Classical Psychophysics and Operant Conditioning: / 17 / 1
3.1 / Basic concepts of Psychophysics
3.2 / The methods of Limits
3.3 / The Methods of constant stimuli
3.4 / The method of average error.
3.5 / The Just noticeable difference and Weber’s law.
3.6 / Some Important features of operant conditioning
3.7 / Control concepts in operant conditioning
3.8 / Schedules of Reinforcement
4 / Verbal Learning, Retention and Forgetting , Factorial Design / 17 / 1
4.1 / Introduction, The subjects, The materials, The Tasks
4.2 / Some basic determinants of verbal learning
4.3 / Organizational Process in verbal learning
4.4 / Retention and forgetting of verbal learning
4.5 / The measurement of verbal learning
4.6 / Theories of Forgative
4.7 / Experimental Design with a single Independent variable
4.8 / Quasi-Experimental Designs
4.9 / Factorial Designs
4.10 / Reasons for Selection a factorial designs
Reference Books : -
No / Book Name
1 / M.R.D’ amato (2006) : Experimental Psychology: Methodology Psychophysics and Learning TMH Edition – Fifteenth Reprint (2006)
2 / Stephen F Davis (2005) : Handbook of Research methods in Experimental Psychology, Edited by Steephen F Davis, Blackwell publishing 35, Main Street Maldon, NA 02148-5020 U.S.A.
3 / Barry and Morton (1985) : Experimental methods in psychology, Mc Graw Hill
4 / Broota K.D.(1992) : Experimental Designs in Behavioural research New Delhi, Wiley Estern
5 / Robert L. Solso (2002) M. Kimberly Maclin: Experimental Psychology, Pearson Education P.Ltd. Indian Branch
6 / Prof. C.B. Dave and others (1998) : Experimental Psychology Theory and Statistics Viral Prakashan – A’bad
Programme code : / MAPSY / Programme Name : / M.A.PSYCHOLOGY
Course Code / MAPSY102CC / Semester : / 1
Course type : / Core Compulsory / Total Credit : / 04
Teaching time
(hours) / Examination Marking scheme
(hrs) / Practical
(hrs) / Internal
(Marks) / External
(Marks) / Total
4 X 15 = 60 / 30 / 70 ( Paper of 3 hrs) / 100
Objective / ·  To Provide an overview of scientific approaches to psychological research in terms or sampling techniques, scientific method
·  To acquaint the students with respect to non testing approaches like interviews and Questionnaires
·  To help students to make more effective choices in coping with problems of everyday life

The Scheme of question paper:

1.  The paper will consist four units:

2.  Each Unit Should be given equal weightage in examination

3.  Total Marks are: 100.

70: External Examination

30: Internal evaluation

(Duration of examination: 3 hours)

The paper will consist of the following four units:
No. / Topic
No. / Content / Hrs. / Marks
W + % / Credit
1 / The scientific method, problem, hypotheses and research designs Sampling and Randomness / 18 / 1
1.1 / Scientific and every day approaches to knowledge
1.2 / Goals of the scientific method
1.3 / Scientific theory construction and testing
1.4 / Problem, criteria of problems and problem statements Hypotheses
1.5 / The Importance of problems and hypotheses, problems, values and definitions
1.6 / Research Design: Definition, Purpose and Function of research Design
1.7 / Sampling, random sampling and representativeness
1.8 / Randomness
1.9 / Randomization
1.10 / Sample size
1.11 / Kind of sample
1.12 / Advantages, disadvantages of sampling
1.13 / Sampling error
2 / Interview and Interview schedules, / 18 / 1
2.1 / Interview and schedules as a tool of science
2.2 / The interview schedules, kind of schedule, information and Items
2.3 / Criteria of Question writing
2.4 / The value of interview and interview schedules,Forces group and group interviewing
2.5 / Types of InterviewAdvantages and disadvantages of interview
2.6 / Observation and Sociometry
2.7 / Overview
2.8 / Sampling Behaviour
2.9 / Classification of observational methods
2.10 / Observation with & without Intervention
2.11 / Recording Behaviour
2.12 / Analysis of observational data
2.13 / Sociometry:
-  Sociometry and sociometry choice,
-  Methods of sociometric Analysis
-  Research use of Sociometry
3 / Psychological Tests / 17 / 1
3.1 / Definition and type of test
3.2 / Characteristics of good test
3.3 / Reliability, Validity and norms
3.4 / Reliability and Its types
3.5 / Validity and Its types
3.6 / Norms and Its types
3.7 / Application of Psychological test
3.8 / Administrator, Scoring and Interpretation of test score
4 / Communications in Psychology / 17 / 1
4.1 / Introduction
4.2 / Computer in Research
4.3 / The Internet and research
4.4 / Guidelines for Effective writing structure of a research report:
-  Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Reference, Appendixes, Author Name, Footnotes, Order of manuscript Pages.
4.5 / Oral Presentations
4.6 / Research Proposals
4.7 / A Sample Research Report