Specification for Grass Cutting and General Maintenance of the Church Yard and Burial Ground for St Wilfrid’s Church Ottringham.

General Requirements:

Church Grounds (area immediately surrounding the Church within the boundary wall bordering Sunk Island Road, extending to boundaries of neighbouring properties to the north and South of the Church) this area is closed to new burials except those which are added to existing graves by permission of title deed and with the agreement of the PCC)

These areas must be maintained to a high standard throughout the year activities to include:

1. All paths must be kept clear of grass clippings, moss and edged neatly, to the precise line of the edge of the path at least twice in the growing season, or more frequently as necessary.

2. All Grassed areas must be cut fortnightly maintaining the height of the grass as no more than 3 inches.

3. The area around all headstones and monuments must be strimmed, one per month during the growing season. Certain areas may be left to grow taller to encourage wildlife during certain times of the year by agreement.

4. All Gutters and Gullies to be kept clear of weeds and grass, including any clippings. Weed killer may be used on these areas, provided that the necessary licences are held and safety requirements are adhered to.

5. All trees and bushes to be pruned at intervals to maintain their shape and appearance. Lower branches of trees presenting a hazard to be removed, and all prunings to be taken away and disposed of appropriately.

6. Ride-on mowers may be used for larger areas. Mulching attachments may be used when the grass is short, as this helps to prevent the ground dying and cracking etc.

7. When mulching attachments/ blades are used any large clumps of cut grass must be removed from the surface of the grass.

8. After every cut the paths must be swept clean.

9. Extra cuts and/ or maintenance may be required at the request of the PC or CW.

Burial Groundthere aretwo main sections to this area divided by a central path. This is an active burial ground and is frequently visited by families. The area to the South of the path may be allowed to grow longer and cut less frequently to encourage wild life provided it does not become unmanageable or contribute to the spread of pernicious weeds throughout other areas.

South Side:

  1. A strip of no less than 4 feet at the edge of the path must be ‘close cut’ to match the north side to allow bearers to walk safely.
  2. Path edges must be kept filled will loose soil to prevent trip hazards and any ground disturbance caused by mole activity must be repaired promptly.

North Side:

1. All paths must be kept clear of grass clippings, moss and edged neatly, to the precise line of the edge of the path at least twice in the growing season, or more frequently as necessary.

2. Path edges must be kept filled will loose soil to prevent trip hazards and any ground disturbance caused by mole activity must be repaired promptly.

3. All Grassed areas must be cut fortnightly maintaining the height of the grass as no more than 3 inches.

4. The area around all headstones and monuments must be strimmed, one per month during the growing season.

5. Any grass adhering to headstones after cutting must be brushed clear.

6. All hedges must be trimmed back to ensure access to graves sited close to the boundary.

7. The height of the hedges must, periodically be lowered, with agreement from residents whose properties border the burial ground.

8. Annually or more frequently, as required and in agreement with PC and PCC, accumulations of grass clippings, prunings, leaves etc may be disposed of safely within the grounds, or removed.

General Principles:

The use of a grass collection box is preferred, except when the grass is short.

Routine light pruning may be carried out without permission or express instruction. However no severe pruning or removal of complete trees or shrubs should be carried out without prior agreement.

Small vases, urns and items of remembrance may be laid aside to facilitate cutting, but should be replaced afterwards.

Broken or unsafe items may be placed in the concrete disposal area and the PC informed.

Accidental damage to any area of the ground or structures must be report to the PC within 24 hours.

Loose headstones/monuments should be reported to the PC within 24 hours.

Contractors must hold their own insurance for all aspects of the work, all machinery, and all substances used and for the safe disposal of waste.

Contractors must provide and maintain their own machinery and work safely and respectfully with regard to the sanctity of the space, and the needs of community.

For further information or an informal chat please contact Julia Billaney on 01964 626136 or 07771552507






HU12 9AX