Grade 8 Science Curriculum: The science curriculum in grade 8 is focused on physical science.
☺ Science process skills and the scientific method
☺ Astronomy
☺ Motion & forces
☺ Work & Energy
☺ Electricity and Magnetism
☺ Electromagnetic spectrum & Light
The complete curriculum may be found on the district website: http://www.rsd13ct.org/district/curriculum/curr_discipline.html
Class Website: http://blogs.rsd13ct.org/redteamscience
The class website is an essential resource for student; it allows students access to the on-line text, general resources, and specific assignments. For students that do not have internet access at home, the computers in the school should be used during tutorial, flex or after school. Each day, I will post to the website an overview of the material that was covered in class along with assignments. It is essential that all students become familiar with the website and use it on a regular basis. Students will be expected to go to the website to obtain copies of work that they misplace or miss due to class absence.
Class Materials: Each day, students should come to class prepared with:
1 Composition Notebook 1 Three ring binder with paper Pen and pencil
Class Contract: Each class will develop a class contract. The class contract is in place to ensure a safe, respectful, and productive learning environment for all students. Students will be held accountable for following the class contract.
Consequences: Consequences are necessary in order to help students learn from their mistakes.
☺ Safety of students is my number one priority; therefore, aggressive, destructive, or dangerous behaviors will result in an immediate consequence without warning.
☺ Students will be given several chances to follow the class contract. If they choose to take the consequence rather than following the class contract, the progressive consequences are as follows:
1. One lunch detention with completion of behavior sheet.
2. Two lunch detentions with completion of behavior sheet and teacher phone call/email
3. After School Detention.
Homework: Homework is an important part of the learning process as it allows students to practice and reinforce their learning.
☺ All homework must be recorded in the student agenda.
☺ Missing homework will be documented in the agenda with a “Missing Assignment” stamp in the student agenda. Students are also required to sign the responsibility book.
Assignments and Grades: Students earn their grades, I do not give them. Quizzes, tests, projects and lab reports will be announced at least 5 days in advance. Assignments will be graded in a timely manner and the grades available for viewing on the Portal.
I use a total points system for grading. A student’s average can be found by dividing points earned by points possible. Each student has their own folder which can be taken home any time for review. Grades will be determined by performance on the following types of assignments:
☺ Unit Portfolios - A portfolio coversheet that details all class materials and homework for each
unit will be provided to each student. The student must complete the coversheet and attach all
required completed materials to it. Unit portfolios will be used to take a Portfolio quiz prior to the unit test.
☺Content Checks – Unannounced, periodic evaluation of student understanding of concepts covered in class (5-10 points each).
☺ Quizzes, lab reports and most projects are counted equally (usually 50 points).
☺ Tests are worth 100 points. Retakes will take place after school & be allowed only after students
have met with me and completed additional review work designed to help students be more successful on the retake. The maximum grade that may be achieved on a retake is a 70%.
☺ Unannounced journal “Mini-quizzes” are given periodically during the marking period to assess the students compliance with completing daily journal entries; in total these mini-quizzes count as 1 quiz grade. Students use their journals to answer questions.
Absences: If students are absent, it is their responsibility to go to the website and see me for
any homework, handouts, work assignments, quiz & test make-ups.
☺Make up work is due in exactly the number of days that students were absent. As an example,
if students are out for one day, the work is due one day after their return (if out on Monday, work
is due Wednesday). All missing assignments will receive a zero.
☺Students with long term excused absences (3 or more days) should see me to arrange makeup
Contacting Mrs. Broggi
Students and parents may contact me by email at or (860)349-7222 x209.
I very much look forward to working with all students and their families to ensure a successful and fun year in 8th grade science!
Mrs. Broggi
Students: Please review the information with your with your parents/guardians, sign the copy and return it to Mrs. Broggi by the due date.
I, ______, have read and reviewed the 2012-2013 SCIENCE SYLLABUS & EXPECTATIONS with my parent/guardian.
(printed parent guardian name) ( parent guardian signature)