Preschool Sunday School
Touching Lives,
Touching the Future.
One thing I do well as a teacher . . .
One area where I need to improve as a teacher . . .
We teach children, teaching them with all the wisdom
God gives us.
That’s why we’re working so hard day after day, year after year;
doing our best with the energy God so generously gives.
(Colossians 1:28, paraphrased)
Item 1
Let everything you do reflect the integrity
and seriousness of your teaching
(Titus 2:7, New Living Translation).
One Day Training Conference Plan 1
One Day Training Conference Plan 1
Sunday School
√ List
- Reproduce this list to use each
week as you make plans for
the session.
- Fold the list to keep with your
leader guide.
- Find a large bag to use for
“your Sunday stuff.” Start
filling the bag during the week.
- Get ready to enjoy* teaching kindergartners at your church.
☺Prepare for Activities
☺Prepare for Group Time
☺Items to Gather at Home
☺Items to Gather at Church
☺Items to Borrow or Buy
* God gives us things to enjoy
(I Timothy 6:17)
One Day Training Conference Plan 1
Item 2b
After Sunday ... What Next?
- at child’s home
- at home of grandparent or other family member
- at teacher’s home
- at weekday program, ball game, or other activity
- in the hospital
- at the grocery store, mall, or other places
Extra Idea: Invite a child to go visiting with you. Before asking the child, obtain permission and make arrangements with parents.
Mail—Stamped or E-Mail*
- to child
- to grandparents or other family members
reminder about attending Sunday School
note about something child enjoyed in Sunday School
note about absence
birthday or seasonal greeting
message about a church activity or event
note about family situation (birth, illness, death)
Extra Idea: Take photographs of activities in the Sunday School room to use for postcards.
- to say: “We missed you in Sunday School.”
- to say: “I’m glad you like the things we do at church.”
- to say: “Thank you for being a helper in our room.”
- to say: “I’m sorry you are sick.”
- to say: “Happy birthday.”
- to leave a message
Extra Idea: Use a cell phone to call a child during the Sunday School session if the child is absent because of illness or a family situation.
* to "attendees"…not just to "absentees
One Day Training Conference Plan 1
One Day Training Conference Plan 1