Bear Creek Jr. Sport Association
Meeting Minutes: September 21, 2015
Called to order by: Amy Nuanes
Attendees: Amy Nuanes, Pam Miranda, Melissa Joy, Jerry Torres, Sean McNeal,
Bob Brown, Claude Vigil, Felipe Cervantes
Discussion with issues regarding feeder programs into BCHS and a series of emails from basketball coaches regarding their participation with AYL. Teams don’t want to travel and to play local schools.
Meeting called to order: 7:00pm
President: AmyNuanes– Elections. Baseball is the only position up, Claude has a person who may be interested. Troy is willing to do it for 2 more years. Soccer nominations are up and we elect in January.
Treasurer :Pam–
Vice President: Claude Vigilno updates
Fields & Facilities: Felipe Cervantes – BrettBerringer from city of Lakewood needs rosters, half of the Lakewood fields would be sent out the beginning of October – he looks to see if 60% of the kids are Lakewood residents.
Website & Fundraising: - Stephanie Cordova - Spoke to Carey Ross, who put up the sign at Schaefer. Lights need to be replaced. Will be getting a quote from BC Electric.
Scholarship: – Pam Miranda – Second AED – where should we keep it? Can we hang inside the shed. Sean can use it for Lacrosse.
Investigative Committee: Claude Vigil -
Nomination Committee: – AmyNuanes-
New Business: Dick’s Sporting Goods: Executive board met with Brandon. Very important to do the sales days where we push business their way. Sport night in spring and fall with all of the sports together. He is even open to having registrations available in the store. In the past the store set the date, but we can control that a little more, as well as having an entire weekend. They need 8 weeks notice to order specific products that we may want stocked for our teams. Will let Brandon know that we have had issues in the past and that we want more green gear. Brandon will attend our next board meeting, so all should come prepared with questions.
November is our annual meeting. Last year we met with all BCHS coaches. What do we want to do this year? We need to have good communication about what we all want to do.
Old Business: Golf Cart needs serviced. Lights on Sheds need replaced. Casey is going to look to see if they are replaceable.
Sports Reports
Baseball & Fall Baseball & Midget Baseball –Troy – Not present emailed update. Juniors- Registration open right now, tryouts on October 18th. From what I am hearing we are losing a lot of players to club level ball...Diamond club, slammers etc. Every time we turn around another "club ball" organization is opening and offering "elite" level tryouts.Very frustrating.
Fall Ball- Ray (it seems to be going very well and I have heard nothing but good things about it.
Midgets-Josh (should be nothing to report)
Fall Softball- Going very well, competition is outstanding, organization at AYL has been very good.Should be able to grow it next year.
Yes I will take on the Baseball Director position for 2 more years, lots of changes happening with the landscape right now ??? Hopefully by then we will have somebody from the Baseball Board wanting to take it over.
Basketball –Jerry -Still trying to lock in a date for tryouts . Need to work with AD to get gym at BCHS
4 5th grade teams 1 4th 2 3rd 2 2nd . Trying to keep it maintained, gym use looking good for practices and games. RMDS – would kids be wanting to be part of our program. Nov 1st – Feb 26th.
Golf – Jack Mestas – not present
Football – Mike Mestas – not present. Claude to give update. Schaefer use is a frustration as we are paying for the fields and not always used. Second grade team is struggling with two teams combining, working on talking to parents and coaches. October 2nd is future bear night at trailblazer. Working on getting an entire group picture taken Will work with Stephanie to get the word out to all teams.
Flag football – George Martinez – not present. Need an update. Amy to contact
Soccer – Bob Brown – Games are underway. Going smooth.
Lacrosse– Sean McNeal - Games are underway. Going smooth. Golf tournament – still don’t know if it is happening. BCHS found a head coach for the boys program.
Softball - Casey Hunt – not present, no updates
Meeting adjourned : 7:48pm