Animal Systems 2

1.  Types of Feeding

a.  Suspension, sustrate, fluid, bulk

2.  Diet and Nutrition

a.  Essential vs Nonessential Amino Acids

b.  Essential Fatty Acids

c.  Vitamins and Minerals

d.  Undernourishment, overnourishment

3.  Types of Digestion

a.  Four steps

b.  Extracellular vs. intracellular

c.  GVC

d.  Alimentary Canals

4.  Enzymes used in Mammalian Digestion (Chart)

a.  Overview of enzymes in digestion and where they are located

5.  Pathway of digestion

a.  Organs and Accesory organs (name-function-location)

b.  Absorption of fats vs. nutrients

6.  Digestive System (miscellaneous)

a.  Dentition

b.  ruminants

7.  Types of Circulation and Gas Exchange

a.  GVC

b.  Open vs. Closed

c.  Hemolymph vs. Blood

d.  Blood pressure, arteries, veins, capillaries

8.  Different Vertebrate Circulatory Systems (contrast pulmonary circuits)

a.  Fish

b.  Amphibian

c.  Mammal

9.  Pathway of Blood in Mammals

a.  Diagram and List

10.  Cardiac Cycles and Blood Flow

a.  Cardiac output, heart rate, and stroke volume

b.  SA and AV Nodes and contraction

c.  Blood Pressure

d.  Diastole, systole

11.  Blood Vessels

a.  Structure

b.  Difference between veins and arteries

12.  Lymphatic System

a.  What is it?

b.  How does it work?

13.  Blood Components

a.  Why is it considered connective tissue?

b.  5 types of leukocytes and what they do

c.  Fibrinogen and fibrin

14.  Cardiovascular diseases

a.  Hypercholesterolemia, LDLs and HDLs

b.  Hypertension

c.  Atherosclerosis

d.  Heart attack and stroke

15.  Respiratory system

a.  Gas exchange, respiratory mediums and respiratory surfaces

b.  Gills and countercurrent exchange

c.  Tracheal systems

d.  Lungs

16.  Alveoli

a.  Diagram

b.  Explanation of gas exchange

c.  Tidal volume, residual volume, and vital capacity

d.  Bohr shift

17.  Immune System

a.  External and internal defenses

b.  Inflammatory response

c.  Innate vs acquired immunity

d.  Antigen, antibody, epitope

18.  Overview of acquired immune response

a.  Summarize how the body adapts to a pathogen

19.  B cells

a.  B cells

b.  Memory B Cells

20.  T cells

a.  Cytotoxic T cells

b.  Helper T cells

c.  Primary vs. secondary immune reponse

21.  MHC molecules

a.  Class I

b.  Class II

22.  Antibodies

a.  Classes

b.  Blood groups and transfusions

23.  Immune Diseases

a.  Allergies

b.  Autoimmune diseases

c.  Immunodeficiencies

d.  Acquired immunodeficiencies

24.  Excretory System

a.  Osmoconformers and osmoregulators

b.  Osmosis

c.  Water animals vs land animals

25.  Nitrogenous Wastes

a.  Types and concentrations as indicators of habitat

26.  How waste is filtered from the body

a.  Diagram

b.  Nephridia, Malpighian Tubes, and kidneys

27.  The Nephron

a.  Diagram

b.  Glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule

c.  Tubules

d.  Concentration gradients

28.  ADH

a.  Control of water balance

b.  Feedback, how?