16TH June 2017
Telephone: 020 8894 3525 E-mail:
FAX: 020 8893 4473 Website:
Date: 15th October 2010
Heathfield Juniors
Junior Safety Officer Poster competition
The year 5 JSO’s are delighted that so many children entered the poster competition to promote safe cycling/scooting. They have already noticed that more children are wearing helmets and scooting/cycling with more care.
As you can see the winning posters are very fetching AND have a clear message.
The winners have each chosen a safety helmet of their choice. Their posters have been displayed around the school and also printed on the reverse of this newsletter.
The winners were:
Ben-year 6
Angela- year 6
Amber -year 5
Rohit-year 4
Aiden- year 3
Year 6 Richmond borough Cricket Champions
It is with great pride that we announce that Heathfield won the Richmond Borough Cricket Tournament this week.
In the group stages the boys beat:
Queens Primary by 142 runs
Sacred Heart Primary by 72 runs
Marshgate Primary by 26 runs.
In the semi-final Heathfield beat St Mary Magdalene Primary by 72 runs
In the final Heathfield beatCollis Primary by 28 runs.
It was a magnificent team performance which displayed the highest standard of cricket. Special mention must go to the captains, Qasim and Harrish, who expertly used their cricket knowledge and tactics to navigate us through some difficult games.
Special mention must also go to Manas who achieved a hat-trick of wickets and Havneet who managed the maximum 36 runs from one over.
The boys would also like to thank the parents who supported during the day, their support and advice was invaluable.
The team now represent Richmond at the 40th London Youth games- Europe's largest annual youth sports event.
Qasim-year 6
Harrish- year 6
Manas- year 6
Ryan-year 6
Ellis- year 6
Farhad- year 5
Havneet- year 6
Tinashe- year 6
Umair- year 6
Safeguarding Week
We have been looking in our staff training this week at how to manage concerns about an adult working or volunteering in school. The children have also been thinking about staying safe, through our NSPCC assemblies (from Reception to Year 6) and in our NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe workshops (Years 5&6). We were pleased to welcome a celebrity to our Infant NSPCC assembly this morning - Chris Harper, who some of you (but maybe not your children!) will know from Coronation Street has been involved in the show's Child Protection storyline recentlyand visited the school today to raise awareness of the NSPCC's Speak Out Stay Safe campaign. Footage of Chris and our school may be used in the Evening Standard, on Radio Jackie or on Loose Women on Monday.
P.E kits
All children will need a full P.E kit in school after half term. This comprises of:
a house coloured t-shirt (available from the school office for £5 or School Days, Whitton High Street.
- Black P.E shorts
- Sturdy trainers or plimsolls
Year 6 children requiring newP.E t-shirts will be allowed to wear their own plain P.E shirts in their house colour for the summer 2 term, rather than pay for new t-shirts for such a short period.
School shoes
All children will need black school shoes. Sandals can be worn in the warmer weather, but they must be sturdy, sensible, black or white and worn with ankle socks, no flip flop type footwear is permitted.
Book Fair
We will be holding a Book Fair on Friday 16th June, Tuesday 20th June and Wednesday 21st June. It will be held in the Junior playground after school, weather permitting. Please do come along and choose a book or two. There is a special offer of buy 3 books and get the cheapest one free. All money raised from the book fair will provide more books in our library and classrooms. Thank you
w/c 5th June PEGASUS99.29%
Absence Reporting
When reporting your child absent please contact the school on the morning of absence on 020
8894 3525 option 1. Alternatively you can send an email to: .
Diary Dates
16th June - Book Fair
19th June - Inset Day – School Closed
20th and 21st June - Book Fair
22nd June - Year 3 to Kew Gardens
3rd July - All Change Day
6th July - Sports Day am
21st July - Last day of term
Telephone: 020 8894 4074 E-mail:
FAX: 020 8893 3419 Website: