Economic Materials in Michigan

Engage: Geologic Materials in Your Daily Life

This photograph was taken along Lake Michigan Drive in Ottawa County, Michigan.

1. List the materials and objects in the photo that were taken or derived from geologic materials.

2. For each of the materials and objects describe its composition (what it is made of).

3. Which of these materials are mined in Michigan?

4. Which of these materials are mined in your county?


Part 1. Identifying Economic Materials

Your teacher will provide you with six samples of economic materials that are mined or used in Michigan. Use the chart provided to identify the materials.

Part 2. The Distribution of Mineral Resources in Michigan

Part 1. The map on the next page shows the distribution of mineral resources in Michigan. Use the map to answer the following questions.

a. Which county (or counties) produce iron?

b. Which county (or counties) produce cement?

c. Which county (or counties) produce sand and gravel?

d. Which county (or counties) produce crushed stone?

e. Which county (or counties) produce magnesium compounds?

f. Which county (or counties) produce salt?

g. Which county (or counties) produce peat?

h. Which county (or counties) produce clays?

i. Which county (or counties) produce copper?

j. What materials are produced in your county (or adjacent counties)?

k. Of the materials listed below circle the ones you use daily:

ironcementsand and gravelcrushed stone

saltpeatmagnesium compoundsclayscopper


Mining of minerals in vital to the well-being and life styles of the people of Michigan and across the country. Compared to the other states, Michigan is first in the production of magnesium compounds; second in iron ore, industrial sand and gravel, and peat; third in construction sand and gravel, forth in portland cement and crude gypsum, and seventh in masonry cement.

Non-fuel mineral production added $1.66 billion to Michigan’s economy in 1999. Only six other states generate more value from these resources.

Michigan is the second largest producer of iron ore in the country. Iron ore is a mineral substance which, when heated in the presence of a reductant, will yield metallic iron (Fe). It almost always consists of iron oxides, the primary forms of which are magnetite (Fe3O4) and hematite (Fe2O3). Iron ore is the source of primary iron for the world's iron and steel industries. It is therefore essential for the production of steel, which in turn is essential to maintain a strong industrial base. Almost all (98%) iron ore is used in steelmaking.

Uses of cement by type of customer were 68% for ready-mix concrete; 14% for manufacturers of concrete products such as block, pipe, and prestressed precast concrete; 9% by highway contractors; 6% by building material dealers; and 3% by other contractors, Government agencies, and miscellaneous users.

It is estimated that, of the 879 million metric tons of construction sand and gravel produced in 1995, about 35% were unspecified uses. Of the remaining total, about 42% was used as concrete aggregates; 24% for road base and coverings and road stabilization; 14% as asphaltic concrete aggregates and other bituminous mixtures; 13% as construction fill; 2% for concrete products such as blocks, bricks, pipes, etc.; 1% for plaster and gunite sands; and the remainder for snow and ice control, railroad ballast, roofing granules, filtration, and other miscellaneous uses.

It is estimated that, of the 1.28 billion tons of crushed stone produced in 1995, about 32% were unspecified uses. Of the remaining total, about 83% was used as construction aggregates mostly for highway and road construction and maintenance; 14% for chemical and metallurgical uses including cement and lime manufacture; 2% for agricultural purposes; and 1% for special uses and products. To provide a more accurate estimation of the consumption patterns for crushed stone, the "unspecified uses" are not included in the above percentages. Of the total crushed stone produced in 1995, about 72% was limestone and dolomite; 15%, granite; 7%, traprock; and the remaining 6%, were shared, in descending order of quantity, by sandstone and quartzite, miscellaneous stone, calcareous marl, shell, marble, volcanic cinder and scoria, and slate.

Seawater and natural brines accounted for about 72% of U.S. magnesium compounds production. Magnesium oxide and other compounds are recovered from well brines by three companies in Michigan. About 67% of the magnesium compounds consumed in the United States was used for refractories. The remainder was consumed in agricultural, chemical, construction, environmental, and industrial applications.

The chemical industry consumed about 39% of total salt sales, with salt brine

representing about 88% of the type of salt used for feedstock. Chlorine and caustic

soda manufacture was the main consuming sector within the chemical industry. Salt

for highway deicing accounted for 35% of U.S. demand. The remaining markets for

salt, in declining order, were distributors, 10%; food and agricultural, 6%; general

industrial, 6%; primary water treatment, 1%; and other, 3%.

Potash is used primarily as an agricultural fertilizer (plant nutrient) because it is a source of soluble potassium, one of the three primary plant nutrients; the others are fixed nitrogen and soluble phosphorus. Potash and phosphorus are mined products can be used. Potash denotes a variety of mined and manufactured salts, all containing the element potassium in water-soluble form.

Approximately 95% of domestic peat was sold for horticulture/agriculture usage,

including general soil improvement, potting soils, earthworm culture, the nursery

business, and golf course maintenance and construction, in order of importance.

Other applications included seed inoculants, vegetable cultivation and mushroom

culture, mixed fertilizers, and packing for flowers and plants. In industry, peat found widespread use as an oil absorbent, an efficient filtration medium for the removal of waterborne contaminants in mine waste steams, and municipal storm drainage.

Major domestic uses for clays were estimated as follows: kaolin--55% paper, 8% kiln furniture, 6% fiberglass, 4% grogs, and 4% paint; ball clay--30% floor and wall tile, 13% pottery, and 24% sanitaryware; fire clay--69% grogs, calcines, and firebrick; bentonite--25% foundry sand bond, 21% drilling mud, and 18% iron ore pelletizing; fuller's earth--75% absorbent uses and 12% insecticide dispersant; and common clay--50% brick, 27% cement, and 14% lightweight aggregate.

Copper and copper alloy products were consumed1/ in building construction, 42%;

electric and electronic products, 22%; industrial machinery and equipment, 13%;

transportation equipment, 13%; and consumer and general products, 10%.

Dimension stone was used in rough blocks in building, 17%; ashlar, 16%; rough blocks for monuments, 11%; dressed monumental, 10%; and other, 46%. Leading producing States were Indiana, Georgia, and Vermont, which together accounted for 39% of the output. Of the total, 42% was granite; 31%, limestone; 14%, sandstone; 3%, slate; 3%, marble; and 7%, other. Verde antique, granite, and sandstone are dimension stone resources in Michigan.

The summaries presented above are from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Mineral Commodity Summaries. Additional information is presented at and their Minerals Yearbook at


Part 1. Geologic Materials in my Neighborhood

Borrow a topographic map that shows the location of your school. Looks for the symbols for:

If you find these symbols ask your teacher to help you determine what is mined and if the mine is still in operation. Consider contacting the quarry or mine for a fieldtrip.

Part 2. Geologic Materials in Everyday Life I

Revisit the photo in Engage for this chapter. Answer the Engage questions again.

Part 3. Geologic Materials in Everyday Life II

The next two pages highlight the diverse minerals used in everyday things. Read the two pages and compile a list of materials mined in Michigan that are contained in common objects. Be specific.

Inquire Further:

1. Common Minerals and Their Uses

Remember the minerals you learned in geology lab? Visit the Minerals Information Institute at and find out what they are used for.

2. So You want to be a Millionaire

In 1999, companies made $166 million by mining minerals. The most valuable materials are listed in Part 2 of Engage. If you wanted to invest in a company mining one of these materials which material would you choose? Some companies you might study include:

Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.

BHP Copper Co.

Red Metals Mineral Co.

Sargent Sand Co.

Oglebay Norton Co.

Presque Isle Corp.

3.So You want to be an Architect

Ok, maybe you just want to make your home beautiful. Visit the Dimension Stone Feasibility Study and select rocks from the Upper Peninsula to incorporate into your design. List the rock you chose, what they will be used for, and why.

4.So You want to be a Geologist or Miner

The need for geologic materials of all kinds is growing. Our standard of living and the economy of our country depends on finding and mining more geologic materials. Geologists play many different roles related to studying and finding materials. Mining engineers determine how to remove the material. Chemists determine how to separate valuable materials from host rocks. For information on careers in geology have a look at

CAREERS IN THE GEOSCIENCES on the American Geological Institutes’ website ( For information on careers in mining have a look at the website for the Mackay School of Mines (

5. Mining in Michigan

Mining has been part of life in Michigan for more than 150 years. For historical perspectives on mining visit Michigan Tech’s Mining History website at