International Civil Aviation Organization



Bangkok, Thailand, 15 to 17 July 2009

Agenda Item / 3: / Follow-up of SADISOPSG/13 Conclusions


(Presented by the Secretary)

This working paper addresses the status of follow-up action taken in response to theSADISOPSG/13 conclusions.


1.1The group will recall that the SADISOPSG/13 Meeting formulated twenty conclusions, and nine decisions (with no follow-up required). No draft conclusionswere formulated for consideration by ICAO planning and implementation regional groups (PIRGs).


2.1The detailed status of follow-up of the conclusions corresponding to the situation on 11March 2009 is provided in the appendix to this paper. The group may wish to note that, by 15May2009, action is expected to be completed on all the issues except for the following conclusions:

a)Conclusion13/19 a); and

b)Conclusion 13/27.

With regard to Conclusion 13/19 a), the group will note that the SADIS Provider States encountered some unexpected problems in the implementation of Phase 1 of the SADIS FTP and will propose an alternative course of action to address the issue under Agenda Item 6. Concerning Conclusion 13/27 related to the future utilization of the SADIS satellite bandwidth, from the outset, it was expected to be completed only in 2010. Therefore, in order to ensure appropriate follow-up, the group may wish to re–instate this conclusion under Agenda Item 6.

2.2The group is invited to formulate the following decision:

Decision14/...—Follow-up of the SADISOPSG/13 conclusions
That, the follow-up action on the SADISOPSG/13 conclusions be considered completed except for Conclusions 13/19 a) and 13/27.
Note. — Appropriate conclusions will be formulated under Agenda Item 6 to address the outstanding issues.


3.1The SADISOPSG is invited to:

c)note the information in this paper; and

d)decide on the draft decision proposed for the group’s consideration.

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Status on 12 March 2009

√= completed

Ҳ = action pending

No. / Title/Action / Follow-up action (target/ completion dates in brackets)
√ / Update of the list of SADIS focal points
That, the Secretariat consult all the SADIS user States in order to update the list of the SADIS focal points in time for the dispatch of the SADIS efficacy questionnaire in December 2008. / ICAO
Draft Memo to the regional offices to be used for the consultation of States.
(6 June 2008).
√ / Annual statement of operational efficacy of SADIS 2007/2008
That, the Chairman of the SADISOPSG be invited to inform the Chairman of the SCRAG that during the period 2007/2008 the SADIS continued to meet the operational requirements. / ICAO
A memo to the Chairman of the SCRAG.
(6 June 2008)
√ / SADIS Inventory 2008/2009
That, the Chairman of the SADISOPSG be invited to forward the updated SADIS inventory given in Appendix D to this report to the Chairman of SCRAG. / ICAO
A memo to the Chairman of the SCRAG.
(6 June 2008)
√ / Changes to the format of Annex 1 to the SUG
That, the Secretariat, in time for the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting, in coordination with the SADISOPSG Member from Switzerland on behalf of the BMG, modify the format of Annex 1 to the SUG to include:
a)frequency of issuance of OPMET data using three categories, i.e. “all through the 24-hour period”, or “part of the 24-hour period”, or “no OPMET data issued”; and
b)identification of aerodromes issuing 30-hour TAF.
Note. ─ The content of the global OPMET database will have to be amended accordingly. / ICAO
E-mail to all ROs/MET calling for input by 15August 2008
(12 June 2008)
Amendment to the format of Annex 1 to the SADISUser Guide completed.
(23 October 2008)
√ / Improvement of OPMET data listed in Annex 1 to the SADIS User Guide
That, ICAO invite States concerned to ensure that OPMET information listed as “missing” in AppendixE to this report be provided at all times to SADIS.
Note 1. ─ OPMET information listed in Appendix E was not available on SADIS on 11 April 2008 during the monitoring undertaken by IATA; and
Note 2. ─ The classification and names of aerodromes and States used in Appendix E are based on the proposal made by IATA and do not necessarily reflect the official ICAO nomenclature. / ICAO
A draft letterto the regional offices for forwarding to States concerned.
(14 July 2008)
√ / Revision of the requirements of OPMET data from non-AOP aerodromes in Annex1 to the SUG
That, ICAO
a)seek agreement by the States concerned regarding the amendments to OPMET information from non-AOP aerodromes as contained in Appendix F to this report; and
b)based on the States’ replies received as part of action taken under a) above, amend Annex 1 to the SADIS User Guide accordingly.
Note. ─ The classification and names of aerodromes and States used in Appendix F are based on the proposal made by IATA and do not necessarily reflect the official ICAO nomenclature. / ICAO
Letter to States through regional offices.
(18 July 2008)
Annex 1 to the SADIS User Guide based on few replies received.
(10 December 2008)
√ / Harmonization of the SADIS and ISCS broadcast for OPMET data
That, the SADIS Provider State and the ISCS Provider State, in coordination with ICAO, be invited to harmonize the OPMET information broadcast on SADIS and ISCS.
Note. 1. ─ The goal is to ensure that 95 per cent of OPMET data from AOP aerodromes on the SADIS and ISCS broadcasts are harmonized as soon as possible, and preferably by the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting; and
Note. 2. – Harmonization is to be based on Annex 1 to the SUG. / SADISOPSG Gateway Developments Team (in coordination with ISCS Provider State).
Harmonization achieved (details to be reported to the SADISOPSG/14.)
(31 December 2008)
√ / Compliance with the SIGMET template in Annex 3
That, the Secretariat remind only those States which issue SIGMET bulletins not complying with Annex 3 provisions as listed in Appendix G to this report of the importance to take corrective action, as a matter of urgency. / ICAO
A draft letterto the regional offices for forwarding to all the States.
(11 July 2008)
√ / Update of the SADIS Gateway Operations Handbook
That, the SADIS Provider State update the SADIS Gateway Operations Handbook to reflect the new validation procedures at the SADIS gateway, necessary for the introduction of the new TAF code form, in time of its applicability (5 November 2008). / SADIS Provider State.
Handbook updated.
(31 October 2008)
√ / SADIS Strategic Assessment Tables
a)the SADIS Provider State take note of the completed SADIS Strategic Assessment Tables, provided in AppendixI to this report, to form the basis for the future development of the SADIS; and
b)the Secretariat forward the SADIS Strategic Assessment Tables to the MET sub-groups of the PIRGs concerned for update in respect of future requirements.
Note 1.― Any major changes to the SADIS will be subject to draft conclusions, to be formulated by the SADISOPSG, to be endorsed by the relevant PIRGs, and to be noted, as necessary, by the Commission or Council; and
Note 2.― Completed SADIS Strategic Assessment Tables are provided by ICAO Regional Offices to the SADISOPSG following consideration at appropriate sub-group meetings of the PIRGs concerned. / SADIS Provider State
Take note
(5 June 2008)
A memo to the regional offices.
(6 June 2008)
13/16 / Improved information on data losses on the SADIS broadcast and their mitigation
That, the SADIS Provider State, in coordination with the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team,
a)study ways and means to improve the provision of information on data losses on the SADIS 2G broadcast and their mitigation; and
b)report its findings to the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting.
Note.― Issues to be addressed include to desirability and feasibility to:
c)generate hourly administrative messages with the transmitted headers available to the users;
d)issue administrative messages pro actively in the case of a data loss problem;
e)report the reason for data loss via an administrative message; and
f)achieve an acceptable level of service. / SADIS Provider State (in coordination with the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team).
Report on data losses and their mitigation to the SADISOPSG/14.
(15 May 2009)
√ / Trial of compressed GRIB 2 WAFS data on SADIS 2G
a)the SADIS Provider State, in co-ordination with the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team, be invited to:
1)perform a trial of compressed GRIB 2 WAFS data on the SADIS 2G satellite broadcast; and
2)minimise any downstream impacts on existing SADIS users, by ensuring that the SADIS 2G broadcast of the GRIB 2 trial data does not interfere with pre-existing GRIB1 and SIGWX transmission schedules.
Note 1.─ GRIB 2 data trial tentatively scheduled for the second or third quarter of 2009, pending availability of data from WAFC London, and will involve the participation of a limited number of SADIS 2G users determined by the SADIS Provider State; and
Note 2.─ Decompressed and decoded GRIB 2 data to be provided on a dedicated FTP site, to facilitate comparison with user processed data.
b)the Chairman of the SADISOPSG be invited to inform the Chairman of the SCRAG about the estimated cost (i.e. £30,000) related to the GRIB 2 data trial; and
c)the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team prepare a progress report related to the trials with a view to preparing tentative advice to the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting on whether:
1)the new transmission performance is acceptable; and
2)any changes to SADIS 2G system are required to accommodate the increased data volumes. / SADIS Provider State (in coordination with the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team).
Perform a trial in 2009.
(15 May 2009)
A memo to the Chairman of the SCRAG.
(6 June 2008)
SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team.
Prepare a progress report
(15 May 2009)
√ / SADIS FTP enhancements
a)the SADIS Provider State, in co-ordination with the SADIS Technical Developments Team, be invited to:
1)complete the development of a SADIS FTP Enhanced service (to be referred as “Phase1”), for implementation by 31 January 2009; and
2)provide further information (including costs, scope and timescales) to the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting relating to a SADIS FTP Secure service (to be referred as “Phase 2”); and
b)the Chairman of the SADISOPSG be invited to inform the Chairman of the SCRAG about the costs involved with Phase 1.
Note 1.— Both services will be expected to benefit from dual server capability and network address translation, as a minimum; and
Note 2. ─ The SADIS FTP Secure service is expected to incorporate security enhancements in accordance with Doc9855, Guidelines on the Use of the Public Internet for Aeronautical Applications. / SADIS Provider State (in coordination with the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team).
Technical problems encountered with Phase 1; details to be reported to the SADISOPSG/14.
(31 January 2009)
Prepare a report related to Phase 2.
(15 May 2009)
A memo to the Chairman of the SCRAG.
(6 June 2008)
13/20 / Development of back-up data service for SADIS 2G
That, the SADIS Provider State, upon completion of the installation and testing of the back-up service to SADIS 2G:
a) prove resilience of the service within the real-time environment by way of planned back-up test(s), in co-ordination with the ISCS Provider State; and
b) prepare a report on the outcomes of the back-up test(s), in time for the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting.
Note. ─ SADIS users will be informed of the proposed real-time back-up tests by administrative messages / SADIS Provider State.
Prove resilience of the service; prepare a report to SADISOPSG/14.
(31 March 2009)

√ / Cessation of the SADIS 1G service
That, in view of the good level of implementation of the SADIS 2G service, the SADIS Provider State be invited to terminate the SADIS 1G service between 1 and 31 January 2009.
Note. 1 ─The cessation date will be agreed with ICAO and promulgated by ICAO State Letter and SADIS administrative messages (NOUK10 EGRR) at least 6 months in advance of the change; and
Note 2. ─ Any SADIS 1G users who have not migrated to SADIS 2G by the cessation date may use the SADIS FTP service until they have procured a SADIS 2G VSAT receiving system. / SADIS Provider State.
The SADIS 1G service terminated.
(5 January 2009)
State letter through regional offices.
(10 June 2008)

√ / Estimated decommissioning costs of SADIS 1G hub equipment
That, in view of the agreed cessation of SADIS 1G broadcast in January 2009,
a)the SADIS Provider State be invited to arrange for the decommissioning of the SADIS 1G hub equipment at Exeter and Whitehill in 2009 at the estimated costs of £4,510.00; and
b)the Chairman of the SADISOPSG inform the Chairman of the SCRAG accordingly / SADIS Provider State.
SADIS 1G hub equipment decommissioned.
(15 February 2009)
A memo to the Chairman of the SCRAG.
(6 June 2008)
13/27 / Future utilisation of the SADIS satellite bandwidth
That, the SADIS Provider State, in co-ordination with the SADISOPSG Technical Developments Team, be invited to:
a)review SADIS satellite bandwidth allocation taking into account the expected changes in the WAFS forecasts (e.g. dissemination of GRIB 2-coded WAFS forecasts); and
b)report back the findings thereof to the SADISOPSG/15 Meeting (2010).
Note 1 ─ .It will not be possible to complete this work until after the WAFSOPSG/5 Meeting (September 2009); and
Note 2 ─ .The report should assess the need to propose changes to the existing SADIS 2G hardware configuration. / SADIS Provider State (in coordination with the SADIS Technical Developments Team).
Review the satellite bandwidth allocation; pre-pare a report to SADISOPSG/15.
(31 January 2010)
13/29 / Evaluation of available workstation software
That, the SADIS Provider State be invited to:
a)evaluate the workstation software available from software vendors using the modified SADIS software evaluation criteria as shown in Appendix K to this report; and
b)present the results thereof to the SADISOPSG/14 Meeting. / SADIS Provider State.
Evaluation of workstation software; prepare a report to SADISOPSG/14.
(31 March 2009)

— END —