HOMCO/QT-3/ 2015-16 dtd. 01.12.2015
Sl.No / Item / Part Used / Approx.Qty per order/annual reqrmt.in kgs / Rate quoted1Abies canBark04 /04
2AbsinthiumLeaves & Flowers04 /4
(Artimisia Absinthium)
3Abroma AugLeaves10 /30
(Artimisia Abrotanum)
5Aconite NapRhizome15/50
6Acalypha IndWhole Plant20/100
7 Actea Racemosa
(Cimicifuga)Rhizome20 / 60
8Adonis vernWhole Plant04 /24
9Aegle foliaLeaves4/ 4
10.Aesculus HippSeeds30 /120
11Agnus castBerries04 / 04
12Alfalfa(Medicago sativa)Whole Plant excluding Root 100 /300
13Allium sativaBulb50/500
14Aloe SoctrinaDried exudates10/ 50
15Apis MelBees25 / 150
16Apocynum CannabinumRhizome & Root20 / 100
17Aralia RacemosaRoot30/ 200
18Arjuna(Terminalia Arjuna)Bark20/ 60
19Arnica MontFlower 50/ 200
20ArnicaMontRoot 50 / 200
21Artimisia VulgRoot04 / 08
22Asafoetida Gum10 / 50
23Asoka (Saraca Indica)Bark30 /250
25AswagandhaRoots50 / 300
(Withania Somnifera)
26Avena SatSeed50 / 300
27Aethusa cynWhole Plant04 / 04
28Alstonia scholarisBark02 /02
29Anacardium OriNuts02 /02
30Azadirachta IndicaBark02/02
31Alnus SerBark02 / 02
32Apium GravFruit05/30
33 Andrographis Pan (Kalmegh) Whole Plant30 /100
34 Amoora RStem Bark02/02
35.Actaea SpicRoot04 /04
36.Ailanthis GStem bark & Flower10 / 50
37.Ambrosia AWhole Plant02 /02
38.Ampelopsis CStem Barks & twigs02
39.Amygdal Am.Kernel of Ripe seed04
40.Anacardium OccidentaleOily juice of Shell02
41.Anatherum MRhizome with roots02
second years growth
42.Angustura VeraBark04
43.Anthemis NFlower Head02
44.Anthoxant OWhole Plant02
45.Arum TriphRoots/corn04
46.Asarum EuropWhole plant02
47.Asterias RubRed S02
48Balsam peruBalsam 4
49.BovistaRipe bovista(Fungus)02
50.BadiagaSponge10 / 60
51.Baptisia TinctRoot 100 / 500
52.Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna)-Whole Plant50 / 200
53.Bellis perWhole Plant30 / 200
54.Berberis AquiRoot40 / 200
55.Berberis VulgBark of Root100 / 500
56.Blatta OriWhole Insect 100 / 600
57.Boerhavia DWhole Plant20 / 150
58.Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)Whole Plant50 / 200
59.Bryonia AlbRoot20/200
60.Blumia OdorWhole Plant10/200
61.Caesalpinia BondSeed2
62.Calotropis GigRoot2
63.Caltha PalWhole Plant2
64.Cascarila (Croton eleutaria)Bark2
65.Cassia SophRoot04 / 8
66.Castella texana (Chaparro Amarg) W/p4
67.Chimaphila UmbillataWhole Plant10/50
68.Cicuta VirosaRoot2
69.Cineraria MarWhole Plant
Excluding Root30/ 200
70.Cinnamonum zeylanicumInner Bark4
71.Cistus CanWhole Plant02 /10
72.Clematis ErectLeaf & Stem02
73.Conium MacWhole Plant08
74.Copaiva OffResin04
75. Cubcba OffDry unripe Fruit04
76.Cyclamen Eu.Root02
77.Cynodon DaWhole Plant15/ 100
78.Cactus GrandFloweringstem30 /100
79.Caladium segWhole Plant2
80.Calendula OffFlowering tops100/500
82.Cardus MarSeeds30/200
84.Ceanothus americanaLeaves15/150
85.Cedron (Simaba cedron)Seeds10/50
86.Cephalandra IndLeaf 100 /500
87.Chamomilla (Matricaria Chamomilla)-Whole Plant25 /100
88.Chelidonium MajWhole Plant30/200
89Chelone GlabraWhole Plant10/ 100
90.Chenopodiumanthelminticum-Whole Plant20/150
91.China (Cinchona officinale)-Bark50/300
92.Chimaphilla UmbWhole Plant10/100
93Chionanthus VirgBark25/150
94.Cina (Cinchona Officinalis)Flower tops30/200
95.Coculus IndSeeds02
96.Condurango (Marsdenia Cundurango)-Bark10/100
97.Colchicum AutCorm10/50
98.Collinsonia CanRhizome10/60
99.Colocynth (Citrullus Colocynthis)-Fruits15/100
100.Convallaria MajLeaves10 /50
101.Createagus OxyBerries50 /300
102.Croton tigSeeds08
103.Gaultheria PLeaves20 /100
104.Cheiranthus CheirFlower & Stem02
105.Castanca VcscaLeaves02
106.Damiana (Turnera)Whole Plant 50/200
107.Digitalis PurpureaLeaves08 /20
108.Dioscorea VillosaRhizome20/150
109.Drosera RotWhole Plant20/200
110.Dulcamera (Solanum Dulcamara)-Whole Plant4
111.Dolichos PPods04 /30
112.Embelia RDried fruit04
113.Eryngium ARoot02
114.Eupatorium PurpRoot02
115.Euphorbia corRoot02
116.Echinacca AngWhole Plant /Root 50/300
117.Erigeron CanWhole Plant 04 /30
118.Eriodictiyon(Yerba Santha)Whole Plant 10 /50
Excluding root
119.Eucalyptus GLeaves25/150
121.Euphrasia OffWhole Plant30/200
122.Equisetum HymaleWhole Plant10/100
123.Euphorbium (Euphorbia resinifera)-Dried resin04 /20
125.Filix MasRhozome10
126.Fraxinus AmerBark20 /100
127.Fucus VesWhole Plant20 /100
128Gaultheria ProcumbansLeaves10 /50
129.Gratiola OWhole Plant04 / 30
130.Gelsemium SempRhizome30 / 150
133.Gossipium HerbInner bark of root20 /100
134.Granatum (Punica granatum)Root Bark10 /30
137.Gymnema SylLeaves 50/300
138.Gambogia Gum resin04
139.Gnaphalium polycephalumWhole Plant5/20
140.Gentiana luteaRoot04 /20
142.Helleborus NigRhizome04
143.Helonias DioRoot20 / 150
144.Hydrangea ArbRoot20 /100
146.Hydrocotyle AsiaWhole Plant30/200
147.Hypericum perfWhole Plant30/200
148.Holorhena antidy(Kurchi)Bark30/200
149.Hedra HelixFloweringbranch02
150.Helianthus AFlower Heads02
151.Hyoscyamus NWhole Plant
second year growth04 /10
152.Illicium ASeeds04 /20
153.Ignatia AmaraSeed5/20
154.Ipecac(Cephalis ipecaunha)-Root20/100
155.Iris VersRhizome10 /100
156.Iberis AmSeeds02
157.Ipomoea Jalapa (Exogonium Jalapa)-Root02
(Pilocarpus Jaborandi)
159.Jacaranda CFlower02
160.Juglans CinInner bark 02
161.Juniperous comW/p02
162.Kalmia LatLeaf10/50
163.Liatris SpicRoot04
164.Ledum PalWhole Plant30 /200
165.Leptandra VirginicaRhizome04
166.Lobelia InflWhole Plant30/200
167.Lycopodium ClavSpores10/50
168.Lycopus VirgWhole Plant10 /100
170.Lechananthus TinctWhole Plant02
171.Lemna MinorWhole Plant20 / 100
172.MezeriumBark10 /50
173Achilia MillefoliumWhole Plant30/200
174Melilotus AlbFlower tops10 /50
175.Magnifera IndBark02
176.Menisper CRoot02
177.Mentha PipW/p excluding
root04 / 50
178.Menyanthus trifoliateW/p02 /10
179.Mitchella repensW/p02
180.Myrica CeriBark of root04 /10
181.Myristica SebGum of bark04 /10
182.Nuphar LutRhizome10 / 50
183.Nymphoea ORoot04
184.Nux VomSeed05 /50
185.Nux MoschSeed04
186.Negundium amerWhole plant10/100
187.Ocimum SanctLeaves excluding root30/150
188.Ornithogalum umbBulb5/20
189.Ocimum canLeaf15/50
190.Oenanthe CrocLeaves5/ 30
191.Oleander (Nerium oleander)Leaves02
192.Paullinia PinRoot02
193.Phaseolus VulgarisDried ripe pd02
194.Phellandrin AFruit02
195.Physostigma VSeed02
196.Pichi(Fabiana Imbricata)Yong twigs04
197.Pinus SylYong Shoot02
198.Piscidia E.Root Bark4 /10
199.Populus CanBuds(collected in hilly area) 08 /20
200.Prunus SpinFlower buds02
201.Prunus VirgInner Bark02
202.Ptelea TrifoliataBark02
203.Passiflora IncLeaf 50/200
204.Phytolacca DecRoot30 /200
205.Plantgo MajWhole Plant30 /200
206.Podophyllum PelRhizome10/50
207.Pothos FoetRoot20/150
208.Psoralia CorSeeds10/30
209.Pulsatilla NigWhole Plant20 /100
210.Paeonia OffRoot10 /30
211.Paraira BravaRoot10 /30
212.Pinus LambResin05 /10
213.Quassia AmaraWood02
214.Ranunculus BulbRoot5
215.Raphanus SativusRoot04 /10
216.Ratanhia (Kremeria triandra)-Root10 /50
219.Robina PseudacaciaBark30/200
220.Ruta GWhole Plant30/150
221.Ricinus ComRipe Seed04
222.Rheum emodi OffRhizome02
223.Rananculus bulbosusWhole Plant
excluding root02
224.Rhamnus CaliBark02
225.RhododendronLeaves & Flower buds04
226.Rumex CrispRhizome04 /15
228.Sabina(Juniperous Sabina)Leaf & Stem10 /100
229.Salix NigBark10 /50
230.Sambucus NigLeaf & Flower30/150
231Scrophularia nodosaW/p04 /10
232.Senecio AurWhole Plant05 /20
233.Sarasaprilla (Smilax ornata) Root30 /200
234.Senega (Polygala senega)Root30 /200
235Spartium ScopW/p04
236.Spigelia AnthWhole Plant5/10
237.Spongia TostaWhole body
Including skeleton15/60
238.Squilla MarBulb10 /50
239.Staphisagira (Delphinum Staphysagria)-Seed10/50
240.Sterculia AcumiNut02
241.Sticta PulmWhole Lichen10 /30
242.Strophanthus hispidusSeeds15/60
243.Symphoricarpus racemosaBerry5/15
244.Symphytum OffiRoot20/150
245.Syzygium JambSeed 150/1000
246.Sabadilla (Schoenocauton officinale)-Seed10/50
247.Secale corDried fungus01
248.Sanguinaria CanRhizome20 /100
249.Sumbul (Ferula sumbul)Root02
250.Stellaria MedWhole Plant04 /10
251.Senna(Cassia anguistifolia)Leaves10 /50
252.Sinapis AlbSeed04
253Sinapis NigSeed04
254.Solanum NigWhole Plant with
berries including04
255.Solidago VWhole plant
Excluding root04
256.Stillingia SRoot04
257.Stramonium (Datura stramonium)-Whole Plant08
258.Scutellar LWhole Plant02
Excluding root
261.Tabacum (Nicotiana tabacum)-Leaves04
262.Tamus Com.Root02
263.Terminalia CSemi mature fruit02
264.Tussilago FWhole Plant02
265.Teucrium Mar verWhole Plant50 /300
266.Thalaspi.B.P.Whole Plant20/150
267.Thuja OcciLeaves & Twig30 /200
268.Trillium PendRoot20 /100
269.Tribulus TerrestrisWhole Plant30 /150
270.Taraxicum PendWhole Plant04
271.Tinospora CorStem04
272.Urtica UrensWhole Plant30 /200
273.UstilagoFungal galls10/30
274.Uva UrsiLeaf20 /60
275.Valeriana Officinalia)Rhizome10/30
276.Veratrum virRhizome20/150
277.Verbascum ThWhole Plant30/150
278.Viburnum OpBark20 /150
279.Viburnum PruBark10/100
280.Vinca MinorWhole Plant04 /20
281.Viola OdorWhole Plant04
282.Viscum albLeaves & Berries10 /50
283.VesicariaWhole Plant02
284.Xanthoxyllum FraxineumBark10
285.YohimbinBark10 /50
286.Zingiber officinalisUnder ground dried stem30/150
287.Aspidosperma quebracho
288.Cantharis (Spanish fly)The whole fly20/80
Lytta vesicatoria febricus
289.Eupatorium Perf (imported)Whole plant25/100
290.Geranium Maculatum Root20/60
291.Ginseng (Korean)Rhyzome10/30
(Panax Quinquefolium)
292.Grindelia RobustaLeaves, Flower & Heads50/300
293.Rauwolfia SerpentinaRoot100/700
294.Hamamelis VirginicaBark25/150
295.Hydrastis CanadensisRhyzome50/300
296.Rhus ToxicodendronLeaves50/200
297.Sabal SerrulataRipe fruit25/100
- Please quote for genuine items only
- Quote separately for imported items (Documents to prove nation of origin and test certificate should be produced for imported items)
- please send the samples along with the quotation (Indian/Imported)
- Do not powder the items.
- The herbs are to be quoted against their botanical names, not against local names.