Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When did the park open?
August, 2011
Where is the park located?
The IthacaDogPark is located at the far northeast end of WoodlandPark.
Is it a public park?
Yes, the park is FREE. A Friends of the IthacaDogPark group is in the planning stages, which will raise funds to support park maintenance and additional park amenities through membership fees.
Are there rules for dog park users?
Yes, standard dog park rules apply and include things such as dogs must be under the control of owners at all times, dogs must be licensed and wear a license in the park, owners must pick up after their dogs, no dogs in heat allowed in the park, no more than 2 dogs per adult, children under 16 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult, and use of the dog park is at your own risk.
What are the park hours?
The IthacaDogPark is open year-round and operates on the same hours as WoodlandPark. Open at dawn and close ½ hour after sunset.
Where do I park?
Park in the back of WoodlandPark.
What kinds of things can we do at the dog park?
The IthacaDogPark is made up of a 100 X 200 foot fenced grassy area, sectioned between “Large” dogs and “Small” dogs. Use common sense for which section your dog should use.
Will anyone be checking dog licenses?
Gratiot County Animal Control officers may be asked to visit the park periodically to spot-check dog licenses. In addition, Ithaca Police officers may ask to see your dog's license.
What about bringing my puppy to the dog park?
Owners should keep puppies under the age of four months at home. They are not fully immunized yet, so are at a higher risk for contracting diseases. This is one of the reasons that our dog park rules require dogs to be licensed in order to use the park. Apart from the fact that licensing your dog is required by law, the licensing process requires proof of rabies immunization-a key requirement. In addition, puppies are very vulnerable to being traumatized by the inappropriate behavior of another dog. Having a bad experience at the dog park early in the life of a puppy can affect the dog for the rest of his life. Give him time to grow up a little before joining in the fun at the park.
What if I observe someone not following the rules?
The park will be self-monitored by the people who accompany the dogs. It's worked just fine in other off-leash parks throughout the country. The success of the dog park will ultimately depend on how well all of us as dog park users follow the rules and say something to others when we see the rules not being observed. There will be an Incident Reporting system in place to report any concerns regarding the dog park.