Report: Official data on pesticide residues in water in Czech Republic, 2004/2005

by M.Veverka and D. Lesinsky, CEPTA, Slovakia

WATER Type / Ground water
Country / The Czech Republic
Name of the responsible authority (for analyses) / Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (The institute sets the task of doing analysis to external accredited laboratories)
Name of the responsible person / RNDr. Darina Remenárová – Department of Water Quality
Website /
Email/phone/fax / Email:
tel.: 00420 244032341
Form of the available data /
  • On-line water quality database – only for defined site and pesticide
  • data for the whole Czech Republic - only on personal request – must be prepared

Availability of data /
  • on-line water quality database accessible on:
  • data for the whole Czech Republic - only on personal request

Availability of an English version / YES (on-line water quality database)
Evaluate transparency (from 1 – perfect = guided info on-line on the web;
2 – you will find it on the web, but it is not easy to find
3 – you will get it on request for free
4 - you will get it but you have to pay
5 – failed no data available/accessible / 3
List the national regulation of pesticide residue monitoring /
  • “Water law” No. 254/2001 amended by 20/2004
  • Regulation of The Ministry of Health Service of the Czech Republic No. 252/2004

Is the EU-harmonisation completed? / yes
Reflect the monitoring activities and objectives of European Water Framework Directive / Drinking Water Directive? / yes [1]
Structure of the monitoring:
List activities to improve or to extend the capacity of monitoring authorities during the past years in view of EU-harmonisation /
  • cooperation with State plant-medically authority (this institution permits pesticide products application in agriculture in the Czech Republic) [1]
  • in 2000 – 2003 extensive monitoring was done within the project: “Occurence of dangerous substances in hydrosphere of the Czech Republic” [1, 2]

Is there a central or federal system of monitoring? / Central
Who collect the data (official agencies, water companies or both)? / official agency - Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Year / 2005
No. of measured sites/samples
No. of different pesticides analysed for
No. of different pesticides found / 463 sites/923 samples
No. of sites/samples without residues (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues below or at the limit/quality standards (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues above MRL the limit/quality standards (%) / 660 samples (71,50 %)
204 samples (22,10%)
59 samples (6,39 %)
Evaluation of the data:
Mandatory Limit (in µg/l)
(EU drinking water limit: 0.1 µg/l or ecological quality standards ?) / the same as for drinking water:
0,1 µg/l for all of pesticides, except for aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlorepoxide (0,03 µg/l)
total allowed amount of pesticides in water 0,5 µg/l (sum of different kinds)
Pesticides found most often / atrazine (found in 174 samples)
desethylatrazine (found in 143 samples)
hexazinone (found in 48 samples)
simazine (found in 26 samples)
chlorpyrifos (found in 8 samples)
terbutryne (found in 8 samples)
others: trifluralin, alachlor and isodrin
Pesticide concentrations (quantitative data) / no data
Additional information:
Sampling by national authorities
(analytical methods, regulation etc.) / analyses are done by 8 accredited laboratories designated by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. The most often used analytical methods are GC-MSD, GC-ECD, analyses are done according to CSN, EN, ISO standards or EPA methods [1]
Specific monitoring programmes / drinking water source keepers have to trace only the pesticides, which can occure in the ground water sources (according to Czech drinking water regulation No. 252/2004) [1]
Regarding data evaluation:
Is there additional information on the water monitoring and water quality evaluation, limit setting etc in your country?
(in English?)
Traced pesticides/residues in ground water
(on-line database [3]) / α-HCH; β-HCH; γ-HCH; p, p`-DDT; aldrin; dieldrin; isodrin; endrine; atrazine; simazine; desethylatrazine; terbutryne; hexazinone; alachlor; chlorpyrifos; a-endosulphan; trifluralin; isoproturon
WATER Type / Surface water
Country / The Czech Republic
Name of the responsible authority (for analyses) / Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (The institute sets the task of doing analysis to the external accredit laboratories)
Name of the responsible person / Ing. Danica Svobodová - Department of Water Quality
Website /
Email/phone/fax / e-mail:
tel.: 00420 244032318
Form of the available data /
  • on-line water quality database – only for defined site and pesticide
  • data for the whole Czech Republic - only on personal request – must be prepared

Availability of data /
  • on-line water quality database accessible on:
  • data for the whole Czech Republic - only on personal request

Availability of an English version / YES (on-line water quality database)
Evaluate transparency (from 1 – perfect = guided info on-line on the web;
2 – you will find it on the web, but it is not easy to find
3 – you will get it on request for free
4 - you will get it but you have to pay
5 – failed no data available/accessible / 3
List the national regulation of pesticide residue monitoring /
  • “Water law” No. 254/2001 amended by 20/2004
  • Decree of the Czech government No. 61/2003 on acceptable pollution of surface water

Is the EU-harmonisation completed? / yes
Reflect the monitoring activities and objectives of European Water Framework Directive / Drinking Water Directive? / yes [1]
Structure of the monitoring:
List activities to improve or to extend the capacity of monitoring authorities during the past years in view of EU-harmonisation /
  • cooperation with State plant-medically authority (this institution permits pesticide products application in agriculture in the Czech Republic) [1]
  • in 2000 – 2003 extensive monitoring was done within the project: “Occurence of dangerous substances in hydrosphere of the Czech Republic” [1, 2]

Is there a central or federal system of monitoring? / central
Who collect the data (official agencies, water companies or both)? / official agency - Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Year / 2005
No. of measured sites/samples
No. of different pesticides analysed for
No. of different pesticides found / 1633 samples
No. of sites/samples without residues (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues below or at the limit/quality standards (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues above MRL the limit/quality standards (%) / 330 samples (20,21 %)
1182 samples (72,38 %)
121 samples (7,41 %)
Evaluation of the data:
Mandatory Limit (in µg/l)
(EU drinking water limit: 0.1 µg/l or ecological quality standards ?) / surface water pollution limits are listed in Annex 3 of the Decree No. 61/2003 and differ according to pesticide:
alachlor 0,1 µg/l
aldrin 0,005 µg/l
atrazine 0,5 µg/l
azinphos-ethyl 0,01 µg/l
azinphos-methyl 0,005 µg/l
chloropyriphos 0,005 µg/l
chlorfenvinphos 0,01 µg/l
DDT (sum of kongeners) 0,025 µg/l
p,p'-DDT 0,01 µg/l
desethylatrazine 0,5 µg/l
dichlorvos 0,001µg/l
dieldrin 0,005 µg/l
diuron 0,05 µg/l
endosulphan 0,005 µg/l
endrin 0,005 µg/l
fenitrothion 0,01 µg/l
fenthion 0,01 µg/l
isodrin 0,005 µg/l
isoproturon 0,3 µg/l
lindan (γ-HCH) 0,01 µg/l
malathion 0,01 µg/l
parathion-ethyl 0,005 µg/l
parathion-methyl 0,01 µg/l
simazine 1 µg/l
sum of HCH 0,05 µg/l
trifluralin 0,03 µg/l
pesticides total (active ingredients) 0,5 µg/l
Pesticides found most often / atrazine (found in 1127 samples)
desethylatrazine (found in 473 samples)
alachlor (found in 276 samples)
hexazinone (found in 208 samples)
terbutryne (found in 169 samples)
gama - HCH (found in 162 samples)
Pesticide concentrations (quantitative data) / No data
Additional information:
Sampling by national authorities
(analytical methods, regulation etc.)
Specific monitoring programmes / Besides the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, pesticides in surface water are monitored also by appropriated river basin authorities. [1]
Regarding data evaluation:
Is there additional information on the water monitoring and water quality evaluation, limit setting etc in your country?
(in English?)
Traced pesticides/residues in surface water
(on-line database [3]) / α-HCH; β-HCH; γ-HCH; δ-HCH; p, p`-DDT; p, p`-DDD; p, p`-DDE; oktachlorstyrene; aldrin; dieldrin; isodrin; atrazine; simazine; desethylatrazine; terbutryne; hexazinone; alachlor; chlorpyrifos; a-endosulphan; trifluralin

Data of 2004 (for comparison) other parts of the table are the same

Ground water:

Year / 2004
No. of measured sites/samples
No. of different pesticides analysed for
No. of different pesticides found / 463 sites/923 samples
No. of sites/samples without residues (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues below or at the limit/quality standards (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues above MRL the limit/quality standards (%) / 652 samples (70,64 %)
224 samples (24,27%)
47 samples (5,09 %)
Evaluation of the data:
Mandatory Limit (in µg/l)
(EU drinking water limit: 0.1 µg/l or ecological quality standards ?) / the same as for drinking water:
0,1 µg/l for all of pesticides except for aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor and heptachlorepoxide (0,03 µg/l)
total allowed amount of pesticides in water 0,5 µg/l (sum of different kinds)
Pesticides found most often / atrazine (found in 175 samples)
desethylatrazine (found in 122 samples)
hexazinone (found in 53 samples)
simazine (found in 33 samples)
chlorpyrifos (found in 15 samples)
terbutryne (found in 13 samples)
Pesticide concentrations (quantitative data) / no data

Additional data:

Atrazine is an important pesticide from the point of view of polluting ground water in the Czech Republic, especially as the plane polluter (no substantial point pollution was found). It was the most often found pesticide. Application of Atrazine is permitted in the Czech Republic. When limit value of another pesticide was exceeded at a sampling site, almost always the limit for atrazine was exceeded, too [4].

Data of 2004 (for comparison) other parts of the table are the same

Surface water:

Year / 2004
No. of measured sites/samples
No. of different pesticides analysed for
No. of different pesticides found / 1569 samples
No. of sites/samples without residues (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues below or at the limit/quality standards (%)
No. of sites/samples with residues above MRL the limit/quality standards (%) / 314 samples (20,01 %)
948 samples (60,42 %)
307 samples (19,57 %)
Evaluation of the data:
Mandatory Limit (in µg/l)
(EU drinking water limit: 0.1 µg/l or ecological quality standards ?)
Pesticides found most often / atrazine (found in 1121 samples)
desethylatrazine (found in 436 samples)
alachlor (found in 249 samples)
gama - HCH (found in 243 samples)
terbutryne (found in 196 samples)
hexazinone (found in 171 samples)
Pesticide concentrations (quantitative data) / No data


  1. Mail communication with Vit Kodes, head of the Department of Water Quality, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. May 2006.
  2. The project available in Czech language at - left menu “Projects”
  3. On-line database of surface and ground water is at traced pesticides are available in left menu “ monitored parameters”
  4. Report of the CzechRepublic elaborated in accordance with the Article 15 of the Directive No. 2000/60/ES of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. February 2005. p. 97. The report available in Czech at