
Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce

July 22, 2013

The Snow Hill Area Chamber of Commerce held its monthly meeting onMonday, July 22nd, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at the Old Firehouse on Green Street. The meeting was called to order by President DwayneMease.

Jenna Riley, Executive Director of the Chamber, reported that a committee has been created to plan a New Year’s Eve event in downtown Snow Hill. She also mentioned the Big Bash held at Snow Hill Elementary School bus loop on August 21st from 5-7pm. The Chamber will man a table at the event to distribute information about businesses and events.

President Mease reported that the Business After Hours, held at the Serenity Shoppe on Thursday July 11thwas a success. Owner Diane Armstrong was pleased with the turnout.

Treasurer, Ginny Bossel sent her report. The beginning balance in July was $14,804.65; expenses were $4,397.01; and the current balance is $13.071.41.

Secretary Ann Gibb reminded the membership that the minutes for each meeting are posted on the Chamber’s website and sent to them by email.

There were no reports from the Oyster Roast, Bylaws, Membership, Scholarship or Finance committees.

The blending of the Fireworks,Canoe Joust and Independence Day celebrations on July 6th was deemed a success. A few bumps in scheduling were noted and it was agreeed that early planning will be essential for next year’s event.

Old Business:

The final number of Chickenfest Eggs is 46. The fundraiser produced $825 for the Chamber. The eggs can be picked up from Dwayne or Rick at the River House Inn.

New Business:

Tammy Simpson encouraged people to enter their crafts, vegetables, animals or flowers in the Worcester County Fair. There are tabloid papers about the fair available at Town Hall with details about how to enter.

Tony Nichols, Vice-President of the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce was the speaker. He spoke about the challenges that both clubs share. He spoke of the need to make the Chamber relevant so that businesses owners view it as a “must have” rather than a “nice to have” organization. He stressed the importance of sponsoring high quality programming such as speakers, meetings and events to attract members and to increase attendance.

The next meeting will be held on August 26, 2013 at 2:00 pm in the old firehouse on Green Street.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Gibb, Secretary