Online Resource 2 Detailed outpatient, primary and community care costs used in the model

Service / Mean service utilisation (6 month) / Unit Cost / Six-week cost / Unit cost source
Stable / Relapse / Stable / Relapse
Outpatient psychiatric visits / 1.4 / 2.1 / £134 / £43 / £65 / Total direct cost per attendance – general psychiatry [1]
Outpatient other visits / 0.1 / 0.3 / £112 / £3 / £8 / Total direct cost per attendance – all specialities[1]
Day hospital visits / 2.3 / 2.1 / £112 / £59 / £54 / Day Care Facilities: Regular Attendances (other patients) [2]
Community mental health centre visits / 2.4 / 1.4 / £214 / £119 / £69 / Mental Health - Community Contacts: Other Specialist Mental Health Care Services (MHCOM09) [2]
Day care centre visits / 5.9 / 0.9 / £112 / £152 / £23 / Total direct cost per attendance – all specialities [1]
Group therapy / 0.4 / 0.1 / £112 / £10 / £3 / Total direct cost per attendance – all specialities [1]
Sheltered workshop / 1.1 / 0 / £57 / £14 / £0 / NICE CG82 assuming 2006/7 costs. [35]†
Specialist education / 2.9 / 0 / £112 / £75 / £0 / Total direct cost per attendance – all specialities[1]
Other (not specified) / 0.6 / 0 / £55 / £8 / £0 / NICE CG82 assuming 2008/9 costs [35]†
Psychiatrist visits / 2.5 / 2.3 / £134 / £77 / £71 / Total direct cost per attendance – general psychiatry [1]
Psychologist visits / 0 / 0 / £222 / £0 / £0 / NICE CG82 assuming 2007/8 costs. [35]†
GP visits / 1.8 / 1.6 / £46 / £19 / £17 / Including direct staff care costs and qualifications.[3]
District nurse visits / 0.1 / 0 / £14 / £0 / £0 / Community nurse. £60/hour home visiting. Assumed 20 mins. [3]
CPN visits / 12.6 / 5.2 / £22 / £64 / £26 / Nurse (mental health). £65/hour home visiting. Assumed 20 mins.[3]
Social worker visits / 0.1 / 0.4 / £13 / £0 / £1 / Social worker (adult services). £159/hour face-to-face contact. Assumed 20 mins.[3]
Occupational therapist visit / 0 / 0.8 / £41 / £0 / £8 / Community occupational therapist.[3]
Home healthcare worker / 0.4 / 0.6 / £24 / £2 / £3 / Home care worker. Assume face to face, 1 hour, weekday. [3]
Total costs / £647 / £349

Abbreviations: CPN, community psychiatric nurse; GP, General Practitioner; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
†costs adjusted to 2013/14 using the Hospital Pay and Price Index.


1.Information Services Division. General psychiatry outpatient contact costs R044X. 2014.

2.Department of Health. National Schedule of Reference Costs Year : 2013-14 - All NHS trusts and NHS foundation trusts. 2014.

3.Curtis L. Unit Costs of Health and Social Care 2014. Canterbury: Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent. 2014.