Mon 25th Christmas Day


09.00Morning Prayer

10.00Sung Mass

Tue 26th St Stephen (First Martyr)

We pray for Persecuted Christians

Wed 27th St John (Apostle & Evangelist)

We pray for Evangelists & Preachers

09.00Morning Prayer

Thur 28thHoly Innocents (Martyrs)

We pray for Young Christians

09.00Morning Prayer

12.15 Mass

Fri 29th St Thomas Beckett (Bp & Martyr)

We pray for Justin, our Archbishop

09.00Morning Prayer

Sat 30th Sixth Day of the Christmas Octave

We give thanks for 2017

09.00Morning Prayer

Sun 31st The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary


We pray for our Parish


09.00Morning Prayer

10.00Sung Mass

Readings for Sunday 31st December:

First Reading: Ecclesiasticus 3.2-6, 12-14

Psalm: Psalm 128

Second Reading: Colossians 3.12-17

Gospel: Luke 2.22-40

Details for the pew sheet published on the 7thJanuary 2018needs to be sent to FatherMark byThursday 4thJanuary.

Welcome to our Celebration Today

Welcome to St Mary’s Church, as we gather tocelebrate the Nativity of OurLord Jesus Christ.

TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. The Sidespersons have bags of toys for younger visitors to use during the service. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:

Music at the Sung Mass NEH

Process. O come, all ye faithful30

OffertoryOnce in royal David’s city34

Comm.O little town of Bethlehem32

Process. God rest you merry, gentlemen25

Mass Setting F

After the service, you are welcome to visit the crib, to light a candle and to say a prayer as we marvel at the mystery of God with us in the Christ child.

Christmas Celebration

Thank you to all those who have played a part in our successful Christmas celebrations. Much work takes place behind the scenes to prepare the Church for this great festival. We are grateful for all the hard work that has been offered during the season of Advent.

Thank You

Father Mark and Ondrea would like to express their gratitude for all the cards and Christmas wishes they have received and assure you of their prayers, as they wish you a Happy and BlessédChristmas.

Prayer Cycle

The weekly prayer cycle is available from the table at the back of Church. Please remember to complete the prayer request slips for all those thatyou know need a prayer. Prayer can be offered for difficult situations, as well as the needs of individuals.

Bible Study Group

Meets again on Tuesday 2ndJanuary 2018 at 8pm. Meeting in The Vicarage, we will continue our study of theWisdom of BenSirach.

Parish Contacts

Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071

Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296

Tony Young 01621 929309

Parish Website: