October 31, 2018
Dear Contributor:
What do print and electronic media journalists know that our law enforcement and first responder communities do not? For the last several years respected journalists in all media have been warning us about the dangerous level and scope of terrorist activity within the United States. Yet at the same time we are learning of sleeper cells, terrorist training, and terrorist fund raising in America; law enforcement agencies across the country have had their training budgets slashed to virtually nothing. As time continues to distance us from the terrible events of September 11, 2001 a dangerous complacency is settling in.
Why should we be concerned? Of the approximately 680,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the United States, at least a third of them have retired and another third were still in high school on 9/11/01. We are rapidly losing the initial training and institutional knowledge that was developed as a result of 9/11/01. Further, most law enforcement agencies barely have the funds to provide adequate basic law enforcement training let alone the in-depth, up-to-date training necessary to recognize and combat the increasing terrorist threat inside of America today.
Today the issue of greatest concern is the infiltration by Muslim radicals who use the American legal system to marginalize legitimate law enforcement efforts to identify and prevent terrorist fund raising and recruitment within the United States. Over the last 40 years, small groups of Muslim men have gathered in homes in U.S. cities to pray, memorize the Koran and discuss events of the day. But they also addressed their ultimate goal, one so controversial that it is a key reason they have operated in secrecy -- to supplant secular governments with Muslim states -- including America as well. Currently, Muslin Brotherhood terrorists are sending millions of dollars raised right here to terrorist cells overseas. With American raised funding, these cells are training in chemical, biological and radiological warfare while simultaneously preparing for suicide attacks on American soil.
The names Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad, should be as common as salt and pepper to Americans everywhere. Yet they are not! Most Americans are woefully unaware that hundreds perhaps thousands of these purveyors of Islamist Supremacism and practitioners of Shariah Gender Apartheid live and work right here in the United States.
They are actively planning, and patiently waiting, to instigate devastating terrorist acts upon innocent Americans using whatever means they will have at their disposal. "They have this idea that Muslims come first, not that humans come first," says Mustafa Saied, 32, a Floridian who left the Muslim Brotherhood in 1998. Left unchecked, we will all suffer the economic, social, and personal consequence of our inaction.
Currently, thousands of our finest troops are serving “boots on the ground” in the overt portion of the Middle East war. While our troops are more than capable of handling an overt threat, they are no match for the covert war currently being waged within the boundaries of the United States today.
The people on the domestic front line are our first responders: firefighters, police officers, emergency medical technicians and intelligence officers are sorely lacking in the knowledge and situational awareness necessary to identify and disrupt potential terrorist activity.
The Higgins Counterterrorism Research Center is a nonprofit organization, staffed by experts in antiterrorism/counter-terrorism, intelligence and defense who are committed to providing Anti-Terrorism training to America’s first responders as well as its Military.
In 2002, answering the President’s call for all Americans to contribute their talents in the War against Terrorism, the Higgins Center responded by developing modular seminars specifically designed to provide key personnel with the tactical, strategic, operational, and intelligence skills necessary to uncover and pre-empt the Radical Islamic Threat. The Center provides half-day to week- long seminars and exercises, tailored to the needs of front-line personnel as well as upper-level managers of their organizations.
The focus of the Higgins programs is on the pre-emption, dissuasion, and disruption of terrorist organizations and their support networks. The tools, information, and techniques provided have enabled investigators to pursue new avenues of inquiry, revisit cases previously closed, and refocus internal resources to more effectively pursue the counter-terrorism mission.
The radical Islamic threat is a reality that cannot be ignored. These organizations are comprised of the world's most influential Islamic fundamentalist group(s) with a violent past in the Middle East. Left unrestrained, groups such as CAIR, Hamas, Hizbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood will continue to flourish and infiltrate all segments of American society while spreading their doctrine of hate and subversion at colleges and universities throughout the United States. It is not a matter of if, but when and where.
To date, the Higgins Counterterrorism Research Center has provided anti-terrorism training to more than eight thousand federal, state, and local law enforcement officers and first responders. This year, the center is committed to a three-year goal of raising ten million dollars to continue providing anti-terrorism training at no cost to America’s first responders.
We recognize that today’s economic environment has put a strain on all charitable giving. But we believe that without help from donors and organizations such as yours, Americans will soon, again be subjected to the horror and terror visited upon us in the past, by radical Islamic fundamentalist groups.
You can help us continue the training of America’s first responders that is so desperately needed, by giving generously to the tax exempt Higgins Counterterrorism Research Center training and development fund.
To make a contribution, or for additional information, please contact Gordon Hamel, our Director of Corporate Giving at (571) 331-2260.
Dr. Peter Leitner