13’s – 14’s





1)Communicate weekly with parents via email.

2)Organizecoaching assistance (2 assistant coaches, 4 station coaches, team parent).

3)Have fun. Great managers keep kids moving in practice with multiple stations and fun drills. Sam likes to quote a great manager, “It is more important that you attend my practice, than our games.”

4)Rotate players through infield, outfield, and positions. Winning is teaching kids all aspects of the game.

Attend Manager Meeting

Receive concussion certification.

Reserve practice field and time for your team.

Volunteer Application Form

If you volunteered, while registering your child online, then you have already completed this form.

If you did not volunteer online, go to > League Info > Documents > Volunteer Form. Complete and e-mail to

Confirm your two assistant managers have completed and emailed their form as well.

Build group email for team parents

Choose team meeting time and date (Mon-Thurs evenings often best)

Email your team its first email (see attached sample)

Pick up team uniforms at Bend Field House on following date: ______

Attend and oversee team meeting.

Arrive early. Place caps, jerseys in long row. This communicates to everyone: TEAM.

Give short presentation:

- Explain how baseball is different than soccer, etc. in that it requires parent participation.

- Baseball requires multiple parents on field and players rotating through stations.

- Point out sign-up sheet for team mom, assistant coaches, and station coaches. Tell them our team is all of their responsibility and and will be the most fun when parents go all in!

- Define winning: a) Player learns to work hard. B) Player learns to work on a team. C) Player learns to act like a gentleman. If your son (or daughter) can achieve these 3 things, there is a place for them in the world. (When parents (particularly moms) learn baseball is about a game and life skills . . . then you get their buy in.)

Recruit Team Parent. Have parent:

Complete snack schedule (younger leagues only).

Complete Big Deal cards and spreadsheet.

Emphasize parents MUST return to team mom at season end, cards/cash/checks that =$100!

If any parent fails this duty, the team does not get pictures!

Hand out picture forms

 Recruit 6 station coaches

Choose 2 assistant coaches (now or later). Assistant coaches get free team cap.

 Gather two documents from parents and keep in this notebook:

- Player medical form

- Parent pledge

If parent offers you one of these two documents, ask them to email to

- Birth Certificate

- Volunteer form

Review these dates with parents:

-Opening Day, Field Day, First Practice, First Game.

 Have players line up behind their chosen jersey/cap. Flip coin if more than one boy at same jersey.

Close with team cheer.

Organize practice (see attached sample)


- Build game roster (see sample)

- Email parents game reminder. In that email, list catchers that will need cup.

- Think of a 1 minute post-game pep talk.

Game day

- Arrive 45 minutes early, prep field

- Set up 3 hitting stations: Hit the T, Whiffle ball, soft toss

- Set up 3 throwing stations: grounders, pop-flys, one hops

- 5 minutes before game, line kids up on baseline for Little League Pledge. Two players from each team lead pledge from pitcher’s mound.

- During game write down any outstanding plays and player.

- At game end, kids shake hands with other team. Then, bring all kids in dugout. Give pep talk. Note one or two great plays. Note one or two positives for team. End with team cheer.

Season end

- Ask Team Mom to organize potluck.

- Best time is at field, immediately following last game.

- Obstacle course, fielding competition, squirt gun wars can be fun distraction.

- Call everyone in. Present each player with some kind of trophy or award.

- From your list, discuss an outstanding play for each player and positive attribute.

- Encourage players and parents to sign up again next year.

- Team cheer ends the season.


Welcome, ______Parents and Players!

I want to give you a quick update on the upcoming Little League season:

1) We are the ______! I am your manager.

2) To kick off our season, we will be having a one hourTEAM MEETING. The meeting will be held at ______at ______PM. Please make every effort to attend this meeting with your player! We will be handing out your:

- Parent Packet

- Uniforms

- Discount coupons for Dick’s Sporting Goods.

- And more!

3) Attached is our team roster.

4) Attached is our season schedule.

5) We will be practicing here:




6) Coaching baseball is a multi-parent activity. I will need the assistance of parents for practice stations, pitch counting, and even dugout control.

- If you can assist, you must complete the form found here:

- When done, bring it to the team meeting in a sealed envelope or email it here:

- In addition, please complete the concussion course found here:

7) If this is your player’s first season, please bring a copy of his birth certificate to our team meeting.

Again, welcome. I look forward to meeting you soon. We are going to have a this year!!

Coach ______

Email: ______

Cell: ______










15 min- Warm kids up with base running

* Race to first

* Race the bases

* Hold on fly, run on grounder

* Bases loaded, coach on each base, pickle ball

10 min- Load and fire throwing drill

5 min- Load and fire hitting drill, practice batting stance and swing (w/out bat)

45 min- Stations (rotate every 10 min):

* 3 bat stations, with3 coaches: (players hitting T-ball, soft toss, wiffle ball)

* Grounders: 1 coach, use paddles first 5 min, gloves next 5 min

* Pop fly: 1 coach

* Pitching: 1 coach, 1 bucket at mound, each players throws 3 then rotate

20 min- Scrimmage (3 teams)

* 4 kids outfield, 4 kids infield, 4 kids batting

* One coach must control bats at home plate to avoid injuries

* Coach has bucket and pitches

* Keep things moving!

5 min- Race the bases, take a knee for pep talk, team cheer

Hints:- Boys try hardest on mini teams, relay races, etc.

- Group players for stations by ability. Station coach then adjusts to group.

- Grounders, pop-flies:

* Missed catch, boy slides to end of line. Make catch, hold position.

* Try to make world record for consecutive catches for group. Yell out world records.

* Adjust coach toss to group level.



- Share any medical information that may affect your child during practice or games with your team manager. If you have additional concerns or needs, contact the BNLL League Safety Officer (see contact info below).


- Please make sure the team manager has your current contact information.

- Always arrive on time, start and finish, for practice and games.

- Do not ask your team manager to stay late after practice or game with your child.

- Do not ask your team manager to transport your child.

- Your child should always be in the presence of two adults. If not, notify the League Safety Officer.

- Practice and games should end on a positive note. If you have critique for your manager, wait one day, and discuss it via email or by phone.


- Focus on having fun.

- A successful approach is to:

* During and after practice/games, be 100% positive in your comments.

* Prior to a practice/game, ask your child to work on one aspect of their game.


- Arrive at games 30 minutes early so player can warm up arm, etc.

- Pitchers must be warmed up by a player (not adult) and that player must be wearing a safety cup.

- Catchers must always wear helmet, mask, throat protector, chest protector, shin guards, and cup (if male).


- All bats must remain on the ground or in a bag.

- No one holds a bat, except the batter at home plate!

- STOP any child you see that is holding or swinging a bat.

- Talk to your child about bat rules and standing clear of any child with a bat.


- Leave field if lightning detected within 10-mile radius of field.

- Parents may remove their player from the field at any time, without coach or umpire approval, if you are uncomfortable with the lightning situation.

- Leave field if ambient temperature is below 32F or above 100F.


- Misbehaving players receive a timeout. If behavior continues, player will be asked to sit with a parent.


- Please contact our league Safety Officer: Angie Jensen541-410-1635

Bend North Little League Incident/Accident Form

Name: (injured)______Date/Time:______


Phone:______Manager: ______Team:______

Location of incident;______

Injured is:______player____ coach____ umpire____ volunteer____ spectator

Please Check one:

____ T-ball____ Pee Wee____ Rookie____A____ AA____ AAA ____ Majors____ Juniors

_____No treatment needed____ First Aid at field____ To doctor____ to Hospital

_____other (please describe)______

Struck by:____ pitched ball____ batted ball____ thrown ball____ bat

Collided with:_____ fence____ backstop ____ hit dirt too hard, sliding ____person (other player, umpire, manager, coach)

Other:_____ tripped_____ fell___ over exertion___ pre-existing medical condition

Injury occurred: _____ before ____after _____practice_____ game ____on the field ______off the field

Unsafe Conditions?

1. Uneven field surface such as holes, humps, etc. ___yes ___no

2. Foreign objects, such as glass, rakes, stones, etc. ___yes ___no

3. Congestion during practice or games ___yes ___no

4. Weather conditions, such as rain, sun, darkness ___yes ___no

5. Lack of or poor-fitting protective equipment. ___yes ___no

Unsafe Acts:

1. Mishandled ball ___yes ___no 9. Poor running form ___yes ___no

2. Mishandle bat ___yes ___no 10. Wild pitch ___yes ___no

3. Poor evasive action ___yes ___no 11. Wild throw ___yes ___no

4. Incorrect sliding form ___yes ___no 12. Wild swing ___yes ___no

5. Not watching the ball ___yes ___no 13. Distracted ___yes ___no

6. Awkward position ___yes ___no 14.Lack of attention ___yes ___no

7. Player out of position ___yes ___no 15. Horseplay ___yes ___no

8. Lack of grip on bat ___yes ___no 16. Other ___yes ___no

Nature of injury: ___cut/scrape___ nose bleed___ strain/sprain ____contusion

____burn____ fracture____ shock_____ stroke/heart attack ____heat exhaustion___ other (please describe) ______

Was the injured person even unconscious____ yes____ no. How long?______

Injured area:____ head___ neck____ back____ eyes____ face____ hand____ arm ____leg____ foot ___groin ___ right___ left ____other(please list)______

Brief statement of what happened______

Name of person completing form:______

Phone #______Best time to contact______

Send immediately to our league Safety Officer: Angie Jensen541-410-1635



Bats shall not be more than 34 inches in length; nor more than 2 5/8 inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenths (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30”) at its smallest part. All composite barrel bats shall meet the Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR) performance standard, and such bats shall be so labeled with a silkscreen or other permanent certification mark. The certification mark shall be rectangular, a minimum of a half-inch on each side and located on the barrel of the bat in any contrasting color.


a) Any player on a regular season team may pitch (NOTE: There is no limit to the number of pitchers a team may use in a game).

(b) A pitcher once removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher. Junior, Senior, and Big League Divisions only: A pitcher remaining in the game, but moving to a different position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once per game.

(c) The manager must remove the pitcher when said pitcher reaches the limit for his/her age

group as noted below, but the pitcher may remain in the game at another position:

League Age 17-18: 105 pitches per day;13-16: 95 pitches per day

Exception: Exception: If a pitcher reaches the limit imposed in Regulation VI (c) for

his/her league age while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one

of the following conditions occurs: 1. That batter reaches base; 2. That batter is put out;

3. The third out is made to complete the half-inning. Note 1: A pitcher who delivers 41

or more pitches in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of

that day.

Pitchers league age 15-18 must adhere to the following rest requirements:

• If a player pitches 76 or more pitches in a day, four (4) calendar days of rest must

be observed.

• If a player pitches 61 - 75 pitches in a day, three (3) calendar days of rest must be


• If a player pitches 46 - 60 pitches in a day, two (2) calendar days of rest must be


• If a player pitches 31 -45 pitches in a day, one (1) calendar days of rest must be


• If a player pitches 1-30 pitches in a day, no (0) calendar day of rest is required.



To further extend the skill level of each player and prepare them for the next level of baseball through the development of their fielding and batting skills and knowledge of the game. To further develop their level of understanding of game strategy through strategic hitting, base running and fielding options.


- Communicate weekly with parents via email.

- Organize assistance (team parent, 2 assistant coaches, 4 station coaches).

- Keep kids moving through the use of drills and multiple stations. No standing around.

- Inspire the kids with positive reinforcement and pep talks.

- Provide players opportunities to experience infield and outfield positions, every game.

Coaches: Resist the pressure and provide pre-season explanations and expectations to parents that you are NOT going to rest players that are due to participate in another league or sport. We know there is a great deal of pressure to modify a player’s pitch count due to other league commitments, but your first obligation is the success of your BNLL team. There is no sharing of practice fields and times with other Non-BNLL teams. Work with other league coaches to schedule practice to not interfere with your BNLL practice times.

It is still very important to play all team members and allow them to try different positions, with safety being the only reason to not have them try a positon during a game. We are still trying to keep players interested in baseball and to continue onward and play through the next few levels if they desire. That BNLL produces a quality group of players that play through middle school and high school is a testament to your coaching skill at this level.


- Understand this is an all-volunteer organization. There will be bumps in the road.

- Help and support your team manager. Assist and volunteer as much as possible.

- Support your player. Encourage your player to work hard and try his/her best.

- Learn how to stay calm amidst all the variables and emotions of baseball.

I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best