[A] Multiple choice questions-

1.There are ______bones in our body.

a.206 b. 207 c. 211

2.Our body is made up of ______.

a. cells b. bells c. none

3. ______are the example of internal organs.

a. eyes b. lungs c. hairs

4. Lungs help us ______

a. walk b. smell c. breath

5. The ______pumps blood.

a. heart b. brain c. legs

6. Yarn consists of several ______

a. fur b. strands c. threads

7. Walnut shells are used to make ______colour.

a. brown b. black

8. Beetroots are used to make ______colour.

a. purple b. pink c. black


[B] Fill in the blanks-

1. Bones give ______and support to our body.

2. Bones are covered by ______.

3. Our body is made up of ______.

4. ______is the largest part of the brain.

5. The heart pumps ______.

6. The lungs help in ______.

7. Food gives us ______and energy.

8. A flat ______is used for making chapatti.

9. An oven is used for ______food.

10. ______is a popular harvest festival of Punjab.

11. The brain is located inside the ______.

[C].Match the following-


1. Onam a.Punjab

2. Oven b. pumps blood

3. Tongue c. electricity

4. Baisakhi d. sense organ

5. Heart e. Kerala

[D] Write T for true and F for False-

1. In Baisakhi people perform gidda and Bhangra. [ ]

2. The tongue is a sense organ. [ ]

3. The heart pumps water. [ ]

4. Poori is a example of boiled food. [ ]

5. Idli is an example of boiled food. [ ]

6. The human body has two bean shaped lungs. [ ]

7. Brinjal and potato are usually eaten raw. [ ]

8. Over cooking food result in loss of nutrients. [ ]


[E] Draw neat and clean diagram of-

1. Any one internal organ

2. Any one external organ


[F] Answer the following in one word-

1. Name the largest part of the brain. ______

2. Name one external organ. ______

3. Name one internal organ. ______

4. How many times the heart beat in 1 minute? ______

5. Method of cooking in boiling water. ______

6. Give one example of baked food items. ______

[G] Answer the following questions-

Q1.Write the full form of LPG.

Q2. What are external organs?

Q3. How many times the heart beats in 1 minute?

Q4. What is the function of kidney?

Q5. Why do we need food?

Q6. Write some different methods of cooking.

Q7. Write some harvest festivals of India.