Great Bentley Parish Council
5 June 2014
Present / Cllr B. Herbert (Chair), Cllr K. Plummer and Cllr G. Wright (Cllrs L McWilliams and R. Taylor from item 07). Also in attendance were 2 members of the public.
Public Questions / None.
05.14/5.01 / Apologies for absence: Cllr J. Hills, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr L. Edwards and Cllr P. Balbirnie.
05.14/5.02 / Minutes of the last meeting:Cllr Wright noted that there is no reference in the minutes to the discussion about the continuing flooding of the BT box on Thorrington Road he raised BT Box. Cllr Plummer proposed the minutes of the meeting held on 1 May 2014. Cllr Herbert seconded the proposal and the minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
05.14/5.03 / Declarations of Interest: None.
05.14/5.04 / Information & Reports:The Clerk reported that due the necessity of circulating the papers a week early this month a number of matters have arisen. The Chair agreed to take them at this point in the meeting.
a)A request to open the allotments on Open Gardens Day was agreed.
b)It was agreed that the Sub Committee formed to deal with the PCSO would consider a letter from Essex Police. The Clerk was asked to chase the missing appendix referred to in the letter.
c)A request from the Methodist Church to erect temporary signs on the Green was agreed.
d)The Clerk agreed to put the TDC SCI on the agenda for the next meeting.
e)It was agreed to respond to the Gt Bentley Surgery request to erect parking signage. Advising that a couple of signs on the surgery front wall may resolve the problem but that the Parish Council is reluctant to agree to signs on the Green at this time.
f)The proposal of the Jubilee Working Party was noted.
g)The Methodist Church Flower Festival correspondence was noted.
h)Gt Bentley Running Clubs’ ‘Friday Five’ on 04 July 2014 was noted. It was noted that there was no mention of parking and it is assumed that the Running Club will be making appropriate arrangements. It was suggested that Cllr Herbert be the Council’s point of contact and liaises with the Club in the run-up to the event. Closer communication would assist in future as other events are organized on the Green.
i)The ECC Local Bus Tender process was noted.
05.14/5.05 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a)County Councillor – Cllr R Lord was not present at the meeting.
b)District Councillor – Cllr L McWilliams reported that planning application 14/00431/FUL will be considered by TDC’s Planning Committee, the date of the meeting is yet to be determined. She has raised a number of issues relating to the application with officers.
05.14/5.06 / Other Reports:
a)PCSO Incident Report: PCSO’s report was noted.
b)Tendring District Association of Local Councils:report noted.
c)Transport: Peter Harrysent his apologies. He advised that he will be attending the next Transport meeting scheduled on 24 June.
d)Footpaths: David Gollifer report noted.
e)Caretaker: Bob McWilliams previously circulated report was noted. Discussed the Play Area flooding issue.
f)NAP: No report. This item shouldnot have been on the agenda.
g)Village Events:
The Gt Bentley Running Club ‘Friday Five’ race on 4 July 2014.
05.14/5.07 / Correspondence:
a)Confirmation of Deed of Easement to the allotments site.The Clerk was asked to scan the easement documentation and circulate to members. Cllr Plummer proposed that a tender process to supply and erect a fence along the access road is commenced. Not seconded. Cllr Wright proposed that Landscape Services is approached to prepare a fence specification. Not seconded. Cllr McWilliams proposed, Cllr Plummer seconded and it was
Resolved: That Cllr Herbert prepares a specification in conjunction with the Clerk, circulate to members for approvalbefore going out to tender.
b)Request to erect posters on the Green to publicise the Barn Dance. Agreed.
05.14/5.08 / Parish Clerk Report:The Clerk presented a brief verbal report.
a)The Clerk reported that the bishop has agreed to lay the wreath to commemorate the centenary of WW1. Details will be published on the Parish Council website and in the village magazine.
b)It was reported that a suggestion has been made to install a new litter bin in car park to reduce the amount of litter. The Clerk has requested a quotation from TDC to empty a bin. The dog bin on footpath number 20 has a damaged lid and the Clerk is looking to have it repaired or replaced.
c)The purchase of a machine to record the proceedings at Parish Council meetings has been delayed to await the results of experiments currently being carried out in another local parish.
05.14/5.09 / Finance Report:
a)An updated monthly expenditure report (attached as Appendix A) was tabled.The report was proposed by Cllr McWilliams, seconded by Cllr Herbert and agreed.
b)To approve requests for non-budgeted expenditure. None.
c)To approve the 2013/14 year end budget. A summary of the end of year accounts (Appendix B) was tabled together with the annual governance statement. An explanation of both was provided by the Clerk.
The accounting statements in the annual return were proposed by Cllr McWilliams as presenting fairly the financial position of the Parish Council. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Taylor and agreed for submission.
05.14/5.10 / Village Green Working Party:Cllr Herbert provided a verbal report.
a)The repairs made to the perimeter of the Green between Plough Road and Station Road has already been driven over. The Clerk was asked to obtain a quotation to double-kerb this section of road.
b)It is intended to erect orange fencing on the Green opposite the Methodist Chapel allow the Green recover where motorists have driven.
c)The Cricket Clubs request to treat the grass with herbicide on the outfield was agreed. Cllr Wright agreed to arrange a meeting with Club representatives. The Cricket Club would need to erect signage to advise Green users.
05.14/5.11 / Highways:
a)Cllr Herbert reported that the absence of discernible road markings at the junction of Weeley Road and Aingers Green Road continues to be a safety hazard.
b)Cllr Wright again reported the flooding problem (BT Box) on Thorrington Road. Cllr McWilliams reported that she had reported this matter to Highways and forwarded the photographs of the problem.
05.14/5.12 / Rural Projects Panel: The Clerk drew Members attention to the recently formed TDC Rural Projects Panel. The Panel has been formed to focus on issues affecting rural communities. Cllr Taylor is among its membership. A letter has been received inviting parish council’s to submit issues that they would like to see considered.
05.14/5.13 / Proposed Wind Turbine at High Barns: It was noted that the planning application has yet to be submitted but that it is now expected in June 2014.
05.14/5.14 / Future Agenda Items:
Cllr Wright requested that the ‘PCSO’ should be a standing item on the agenda.
Public Question’s:The Chairman invited questions. None were forthcoming.
05.14/5.15 / Exclusion of Public: The Chairman closed Part A of the meeting.
05.14/5.16 / Street Lighting Quotation
This matter was deferred until all the information is not available.



Great Bentley Parish Council
Annual Financial Summary for Year 2013/14
What we paid out in 2013/14
Payments / Actual 2011/12 £ / Actual 2012/13 £ / Budget 2013/14 £ / Actual 2013/14 £
Administration / 17993 / 17906 / 26670 / 21784
Property and Footpaths / 9569 / 10138 / 12800 / 13875
Play Areas / 703 / 490 / 1000 / 7492
Capital Projects / 2318 / 10621 / 3560 / 5989
Allotments / 740 / 453 / 1200 / 831
Footway Lighting / 6646 / 4167 / 5700 / 9284
Grants / 2200 / 2737 / 3370 / 2650
Total Outgoings / 40169 / 46512 / 54300 / 61903
VAT / 3033 / 3943 / 4000 / 5974
Total Payments / 43202 / 50455 / 58300 / 67878
Note 1, NNDR budgeted for car park but not paid in 2013/14
Note 2, Legal fees budget of £5,000 not used
Note 3, PCSO budget not used in 2013/14
Note 4, Expenditure for 12/13 is estimated as it has not been possible to allocate.
What we received in 2013/14
Receipts / Actual 2011/12 £ / Actual 2012/13 £ / Budget 2013/14 £ / Actual 2013/14 £
Other Income / 7649 / 9099 / 10132 / 7220
VAT Reclaim / 1722 / 0 / 3800 / 3127
Bank Interest / 246 / 391 / 300 / 143
Other Grants / 0 / 0 / 0
Sub Total / 9617 / 9490 / 14232 / 10490
TDC Precept Payment / 54041 / 55068 / 46951 / 46591
Total Receipts / 63658 / 64558 / 61183 / 57081
Bank reconciliation
Balance at 31 March 2013 / Budget 2013/14 £ / Balance at 31 March 2014
Current Account / 52,625 / 66,538 / 56,375
Deposit Account / 18898 / 19,157 / 19,281
Sub Total / 71,523 / 85,695 / 75,656
Less: unpresented cheque / -69 / -827
Net balance as at 31 March 2013 / 71,523 / 85,626 / 74,829
Cash Book 2012/13
Opening Balance on 1 April / 51067 / 71,523 / 85,626
Add: receipts in the year / 63658 / 64,558 / 57081
Less: payments in the year / 43202 / 50,455 / 67878
Closing balance as per cash book as at 31 March / 71,523 / 85,626 / 74,829
Great Bentley Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 June 2014

Present: Cllr B. Herbert (Chair), Cllr K. Plummer and Cllr G. Wright. Also in attendance were two members of the public.

Public Questions: None.

05.14/5.01Apologies for absence: Cllr J. Hills, Cllr L. McWilliams, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr L. Edwards and Cllr P. Balbirnie.

05.14/5.02Declarations of Interest: Cllr Wright advised that he may have a non-pecuniary interest in application 14.00607/FUL.

05.14/5.03Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes of meeting held on 1 May 2014 were proposed by Cllr Plummer, seconded by Cllr Herbert and agreed as a true record.

05.14/5.04Planning Applications. To consider planning applications, the summary details of which are set out in the table below.

Planning Reference No. & Email Link / Application Details / Address/ Location / Comments
14/00513 / Variation of Condition 21 of 13/00360/FUL to vary approved plans to reduce from 10 to 4 transformer and inverter cabins, change shape and size of cabins, change of PV module layout and inc minor changes in internal road layout / Land north of Frowick Lane, St Osyth / No comment and no objection
Mrs Eve Fuller / Proposed UPVC double glazed window to be installed in gable end. / 81 Birch Avenue Great Bentley / No comment and no objection.

The Chair agreed to consider the planning application 14/00680/FUL received after the agenda was circulated.

Macdonald & Son / Alterations to fireplace and surround. / Crabtree Farm Colchester Road Great Bentley / No comment and no objection.

05.14/5.05Correspondence: None.

05.14/5.06Planning Matters for Report: None.

Public Questions: None.