WBS NO. TS. P.1288
July 24, 2012
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being sent to interested Design Builders and firms who may participate as part of a design-build team (engineers and constructors) for the design and construction of the Southerly WWTC Truck Scale Replacement Project.
The RFP is organized as follows:
Various supporting and informational documents are referenced throughout this RFP. Unless otherwise noted, these documents are available on the District’s Sharefile site:
The following attachments are provided for informational purposes on the Sharefile site.
Attachment A: Design-Build Criteria Package
Attachment B: Cost Estimate Classification System
Attachment C: Proposed Design-Build Agreement
Attachment D: MBE/WBE/SBE Data Sheets
Attachment E: Bid, Performance and Payment Bond
Attachment F: Power of Attorney
Attachment G: Bid Guaranty/Consent of Surety
Attachment H: Non-Collusion Affidavit
Attachment I: Equal Employment Opportunity Report (Not Used)
Attachment J: Debarment Certification
Attachment K: EEO Certification of Compliance (Not Used)
Attachment L: Certification of Non-segregated Facilities (Not Used)
Attachment M: Non-Disclosure Agreement (Not Used)
Attachment N: Declaration Regarding Assistance to a Terrorist Organization
Attachment O: Business Opportunity Program Policies an Procedures Manual
Proposals for providing these services will be accepted until the close of business (4:30 P.M.) on August 21, 2012 .
Proposals are to be delivered to the following name and address:
Julius Ciaccia, Executive Director
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
3900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2504
Attn: Kellie Rotunno, Director of Engineering and Construction
Late submittals will not be considered. Proposals not meeting the requirements of this RFP may be deemed non-responsive at the sole discretion of the District.
A mandatory pre-proposal meeting for interested Design Builders will be held on August 01, 2012 at 9:00 am at NEORSD’s Environmental Maintenance and Services Center, 4747 E. 49th Street, , Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio. A site visit will immediately follow the meeting. Questions regarding this RFP shall be directed to Patricia A. Martinak at the pre-proposal meeting or at other times by calling (216)641 3200, ext. 4235 or e-mailing to: .
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) owns and operates the Southerly Wastewater Treatment Center in Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio. The existing truck scale was installed in 1992 and is located at the plant’s main entrance gate. Some upgrades were performed in 1996 with the construction of a new guard house, however, the truck scale has met its useful service life and needs replacement.
The Design Builder will perform all required services to refine the conceptual design as well as design, permit and construct the project elements.
Respondents may request to examine documents not already provided as an exhibit to this RFP. If the request is approved, the documents will be made available at the District’s Administrative Office for examination. To schedule an appointment to examine relevant District documents, contact Patricia A. Martinak by calling 216-641-3200 Ext. 4235 or e-mailing at .
The Design Builder is expected to enhance the District’s flexibility to accomplish follow-up studies or design related efforts on other District projects. Software utilized by the consultant in accomplishing the scope of services must support this expectation, and at the District’s request must be provided for its use. Use of proprietary software which cannot be made available to the District at the end of this project is not allowed.
The District will evaluate the performance of Design Builders on its projects, in the interest of improving project quality, ongoing Design Builder performance, and future project selections.
All documents submitted by the Design Builder in response to this RFP shall become the property of the District and will not be returned to the respondent. However, intellectual property in the information submitted by the respondent shall remain vested in the respondent. This clause is without prejudice to any provisions to the contrary in any subsequent contract between the Design Builder and the District.
The District currently employs several consultants in support of this project and encompassing program. The following firms are precluded from participating on the design-build teams for the project:
The purpose of project is to design, procure and install the replacement truck scale, the recording and reporting data system and improve the roadway pavement striping.
Field verify existing conditions and dimensions. Provide design services, stamped drawings and submittals to accomplish the following:
Custom design, build and install a new 70’ long by 10’ wide epoxy coated steel deck shallow pit truck scale with CLC rating of at least 90,000 lbs to replace the existing concrete deck truck scale.
· Demolition of the existing truck scale system including the traffic lights, intercom system, ultrasonic sensors, display, recording and reporting system.
· Repair existing and install new concrete curbs and scale foundation as needed for the new truck scale. Replace existing foundation pit coping.
· Remove and replace the existing hydraulic load sensors and replace with new antilog load sensors
· Provide and install new recording/reporting system. Provide and install software for analog to digital conversion. Provide and install new software and programming to meet load recording, reporting and retention requirements. Provide and install new photoelectric monitoring of the platform’s perimeter, ultrasonic sensors, intercom mounting, traffic lights, display monitor and other ancillary equipment.
· Provide pavement repair and curb/lane striping including traffic arrows.
· Obtain certification from State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County Department of Weights and Measures
The Design Builder will successfully and safely complete the engineering and construction of the Project according to schedule; in accordance with the project’s permitting requirements; with the highest quality design and construction – all while providing the best possible value to the District.
The District is requesting the project be delivered using a progressive design-build approach. The starting point of the design will be the conceptual design prepared previously and available for review on the District web page for this procurement.
The Design Builder will be required to develop progressively detailed designs and estimates including:
· one at approximately 60% design development, and
· one at approximately 90% design development culminating in full documentation of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).
All construction cost estimates are to be performed on an open-book basis, providing full disclosure of the actual estimated cost of subcontractor services, materials, equipment, labor rates, production rates, and at-risk premiums. All construction costs will be evaluated by the District for reasonableness and compared to prevailing costs for similar services in the project area. It is expected that differences between the Design Builder’s construction costs and those determined by the District to be normal and acceptable can be mutually adjudicated as the estimate is progressively refined. It is the District’s intent to work within the established GMP with the Design Builder that is based on an open book estimate. If an agreement on construction cost cannot be reached, the District reserves the right to forego utilizing the design builder’s construction capabilities and opt to have the Design Builder complete the design only as proposed in the preconstruction services period lump sum. In this case, construction services will likely be obtained through a competitive bid process. To help ensure that the established GMP can be defined at around the 60% level of schematic design completion, the District requires the Design Builder to deliver an initial estimatewithin 14 days of the initiation of the design-build contract. This estimate is to be based on the Attachments A, B and C referenced in this RFP .The completion of the first estimate will form the project scope baseline. The Design Builder is to track all subsequent changes in estimated construction cost against this baseline. The Design Builder is required to complete one additional fully complete and updated estimate prior to delivering the approximately 60% schematic design level.
The final estimate will form the basis of the Design Builder’s GMP proposal and will serve as the basis for mutual agreement with District on the GMP.
In conjunction with estimate development, the Design Builder must document project
risks and estimated cost for managing or mitigating such risks in a fully open book,
transparent manner. It is NEORSD’s intent to review identified risks and mitigation
strategies with the Design Builder and to mutually agree on the best manner to
manage and reduce risk. It is NEORSD’s objective to place risk and risk mitigation
resources such as contingency funds with the party best able to effectively manage
and reduce the cost of the given risk. If necessary, separate General Allowance and
Specific Allowance contingency funds will be established.
Except for self-performed scope identified as part of the proposal, the Design Builder is required to competitively procure major equipment and materials for the project. The Design Builder’s procurement criteria should encompass a wide variety of evaluation methodologies, including bids, best value, qualifications-based selection and combinations thereof. The procurement process will be initiated during the preconstruction services period, requiring an “open book” procurement method to be implemented that supports the cost estimating effort and, ultimately, the definition of a GMP.
Proposals will be evaluated in part on the Design Builder’s understanding of key issues, challenges, and technologies that may determine the success of the Project. The Design Builder may present information in the Proposal related to concepts that significantly enhance the operation, maintenance, functionality and/or life cycle of related components of the District’s existing or future infrastructure.
Each Design Builder shall submit one original and seven (7) copies of the proposal, as well as an electronic version, in .pdf format with bookmarks, on either a CD or USB drive. The font size on all submitted materials shall be equivalent to Times New Roman 12 pt or larger.
Proposals shall be no more than 30 printed pages, with hard copies printed on sheets of double-sided recycled paper. All pages will be counted (i.e., each side of a sheet will count as a unique page, so one double-sided sheet will be counted as two pages) unless indicated otherwise in this RFP. Sheets that are 11”x17” shall be counted as two pages per side, or four pages if double sided.
The following information shall be included in the proposal:
Include a concise synopsis of the proposal focused on how the Design Builder will address the District’s key issues with its approach and team.
The District is looking for Design Builders that will provide excellent service and deliver quality projects for the District. The District expects this quality service to extend through the entire duration of the Project. In this section of the Proposal present the capabilities, skills, and experience of your project manager as well as how you have served the District on prior projects. These factors will be strongly considered in selecting the successful Design Builder for this Project.
4.2.1 Proposed Project Manager
The District expects the proposed project manager to lead the Design Builder project team, be the single point of accountability for project delivery, and provide the primary point of communication between the District and project team. Describe the proposed project manager’s experience on similar projects, experience on other District project, and skills and results supporting the ability to serve the District. The project manager is considered the most important key team member, and will be committed for the Project’s duration. Any change in project manager, or any other key team member, will require prior approval by the District.
The Design Builder’s proposed project manager must be experienced in projects of the magnitude and complexity of the Project. It is expected that the Design Builder’s proposed project manager will manage the team locally and be available for frequent personal interaction with the District as well as at the construction site. In addition the project manager must meet the following requirements:
· Must have had a key role in projects of similar or complementary nature.
· Must have managed projects of a similar or greater complexity and/or size.
4.2.2 Performance on District Projects
Summarize your team’s experience on District Projects. List the District staff that you worked with and would be most familiar with your work. Your prior performance on District projects is an important consideration in the selection process. The successful consultant’s performance will be formally evaluated on this Project for use in subsequent procurements.
Design Builders that do not have prior experience working for the District will receive a neutral rating for this evaluation criterion.
Because of the critical nature of the work described within this RFP, the District seeks services from highly experienced and qualified teams. The teams must be able to staff this project with qualified individuals, experienced in the key technical disciplines needed, who shall remain committed to this work from inception through completion. A clear and comprehensive organization chart must be presented to illustrate the organization of the team and key team members, including subconsultants.
4.3.1 Experience of Key Team Members on Similar Projects
Include brief resumés of key staff members (excluding the proposed project manager, who should be addressed as noted in section 4.2.1) and/or subconsultants proposed to work on the project. The information should be focused on experience on similar and/or complementary projects. The information for these projects shall include, at a minimum, the following: project description, key staff member’s role, client, client contact information, construction cost, and year completed. The roles proposed for each subconsultant as well as their qualifications in that area shall also be identified in the Proposal.