Environmental Science Course Expectations

Mr. Bartalon 2014-2015

Welcome to Environmental Science. This lab oriented course will cover a variety of topics including, climate change, water, soil, natural resources and energy, conservation of ecosystems (plants and animals). You will be utilizing skills/knowledge from your previous science classes. Success in this course will demand that you attend regularly participate in class, complete assignments and labs, pay attention, and prepare for quizzes and tests. I am looking forward to guiding you through the learning process and to help you achieve your goals.

Materials Needed For Class Every Day

·  3 ring binder or folder with current assignments

·  Calculator (can be inexpensive)

·  #2 Pencils (pens OK but may need pencil and eraser during test)

Keys to Success:

·  Come to class prepared, this includes any notes, work sheets, or handouts and a pen/pencil

·  Plan to do well in this class. You must ATTEND REGULARLY to do well.

·  Follow directions & utilize class time. If you work efficiently in class you will not need to spend much time outside of class

·  Ask questions, pay attention and participate!

General Classroom Rules

RESPECT EACH OTHER (including teacher and the other students )

RESPECT OUR CLASSROOM (and what is in it, no writing on desks, walls etc)

RESPECT OUR SCHOOL (and school rules specified in handbook)

Specific Classroom Rules

·  Tardiness – Students are expected to be on time to class. 3rd Tardy in a 9 weeks results in a detention, repeated abuse will result in office referral, abuse of hall passes will result in loss of privileges

·  Electronic Equipment – use of cell phones, iPods and all other gadgets are not permitted during class unless given special permission. Keep them stored in your bags. I will confiscate them. If you refuse you will be issued a detention. Parents must call school when signing out students, not the students themselves, I will not excuse you until you have been excused by office!

·  Food & Drink – food and beverages are not to be consumed in class unless specified

·  Dress Code – I will enforce the dress code stated in the Student Handbook at all times. Clothing that suggests drugs, alcohol, sex or criminal activity is not school appropriate. No hats.


The grading scale is as follows:











































Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a phone call home. Students will be required to complete the assignment for less credit before moving on.


·  Grades are determined from class work/homework, tests & quizzes, and lab activities. Weights in progress book are as follows: Tests & Quizzes 80% , Labs/Activities 15%, Class work/notebooks 5%, Practice quizzes 0 %

·  I do not assign much homework. Students usually given class time to complete assignments any work not finished in during class time or due to absence becomes students responsibility to complete. Class work is aligned with tests and quizzes (learning targets)

·  Students will be given study guides or learning targets in advance to prepare for tests and quizzes, Practice quizzes may also be used to prepare for large tests and quizzes.

·  Retakes of tests and quizzes will be permitted if student provides evidence that they have completed all of the class work/homework, practice quizzes, and required labs. It is the students’ responsibility to arrange for a retake with me outside of their normal classroom time. Retakes should occur within 5 school days from test being returned.


·  Attendance is a key to success in this course.


·  If you miss the day and assignment is due, it is due the first day of your return to school. 2 days absent = 2 make up days, etc. I may make exceptions under special circumstances if you ask. Failure to make up missed tests and quizzes at scheduled times will result in an academic detention. If at that time the detention (test make-up) is not served a zero may be given for the assessment.

Binder/ Folder

You will need a three-ring binder for Environmental Science alone so that you don’t mix your handouts up with other classes. You should clean out your binder at the end of each 9 weeks. The tests you will be taking are closely aligned to the handouts, practice quizzes, and assignments that we will be working on during class. We will have periodic notebook checks.

Note to Parents/Guardians

I am looking forward to teaching your son or daughter this year. It is my goal that he or she will not only succeed in the classroom, but will also develop into a life-long science learner. I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns that may arise that will help achieve this goal. My e-mail address is as follows: If you wish to contact me by phone 740-927-3846.

After reading the course expectations, please sign below and return. You may keep a copy for your records.

Student Name (Please Print)

Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print)

Parent/Guardian Signature