C.I.A PTSO General Meeting Agenda

Meeting Name: / C.I.A PTSO General Meeting
Date: / Thursday, September 8th, 2016
Topic: / Various
Purpose: / Enhancing student learning and enriching the lives of the students attending Capital Innovations Academy in the 2016-17 school year.
Work on school marketing/promotional ideas/community involvement in the 2016-17 school year.
Attendees: / Julie Criswell, Susan Johnson, Harry Criswell, Morgan Komure, Judy Steele, Tina Schumacher, Jay Schumacher
Agenda Item #1 / Treasurer’s Update (presented by Susan)
Options/Points Raised: / Susan reviewed the treasurer report, including current balance; planned budget for 2016-2017 school year was approved over the summer by Julie and Susan. A small amount remains in the WGA account. Once all transactions are cleared, plan is to close the WGA account. The WGA and CIA accounts have a combined total of $1315.42 balance on hand after all current expenses to cover the planned budget. For more detail, refer to reports.
-CIA PTSO was audited by the IRS recently. Susan handled the audit records and reporting and she communicated with the auditor. Susan noted that having detailed meeting notes and accounting records was essential to providing the data that was needed. It took 10+ hours to compile the report.
Decision or Recommendations / • Plan close WGA account when appropriate.
• Plan elect Board Secretary to replace Ms. Foster to ensure continued good record keeping.
Agenda Item #2 / Fundraising plans for 2016-2017 School Year (Open)
Options/Points Raised: / What to continue doing/start doing:
Fireworks, Recycling, Dine Out, Event Fundraisers, Non-Profit Donations(cars)
Decision or Recommendations / ·  Discussed importance of sign-ups for fireworks booth shifts as that is our only big fundraiser and is critical to our budgeted plans.
·  Monthly dine outs (with exception of December and possibly May)-Judy and Vickie to organize. Plan to hold on 3rd Wednesday of each month if possible.
·  Consider restaurants that are registered with e-script to increase school earnings.
·  Discussed idea to have a clothes donation drop box on the property. Susan will explore what the charitable donation set up process is and will present more at a future meeting
·  Discussed Cars 2 Charity and plan to have CIA registered as a recipient organization. More info to come- will be posted on website and FB page.
·  Julie will continue to collect and turn in Box Tops 4 Education. Parent flier for new App is on Bathroom area bulletin board. Parents bring in and drop of clipped coupons in the baggie provided on the bulletin board.
·  Re-Cycling- Brendan Sullivan will collect from school weekly and turn in to R/C center. Susan encouraged parents to cash in their own from home and donate the funds to the school. Tina will oversee business complex collection of recycling with the students.
Agenda Item #3 / CIA PTSO Board Elections (Julie)
Options/Points Raised: / Nominations for positions that are open
Decision or Recommendations / ·  Discussion regarding PTSO Board purpose and responsibilities and the need to fill secretary position.
·  Judy Steele expressed an interest in taking on the secretary position. Susan nominated Judy, Julie seconded the nomination and all those present voted in favor, none opposed. Judy will assume responsibility at the October PTSO Meeting.
Agenda Item #4 / Silent Auction Donations (Tina)
Options/Points Raised: / ·  Tina proposed that donations for a silent auction at this year’s school play be actively sought out ASAP.
·  Ideas: gift cards, massage/spa certificates, event tickets, other goods and services
·  Tina asked for a template for a donation request letter and a thank you letter on school letterhead.
Decision or Recommendations / Julie recalled that Ms. Foster had worked on templates and will see if those are available.
Agenda Item #5 / Student Community Service Ideas (Tina/open)
Options/Points Raised: / ·  Tina proposed that in accordance with the school ESLR’s, we should look at setting up several student community service projects for this school year.
·  Ideas: River Parkway Clean Up; Home Aid; Folsom Zoo; Senior facility volunteerism
·  Julie will look into dates for River Parkway clean up
·  Group felt that a Fall/Winter service project and a Spring service project would be a good idea. Plan more discussion at a future meeting.
Decision or Recommendations / Julie will check River clean up dates and report back to board.
Agenda Item #6 / CIA T-shirts (Susan)
Options/Points Raised: / ·  Susan has left over T-shirts from the printing last year.
·  They will be sold for $15 each to interested students and we will order more through a local printer. Good pricing and quality is important.
Decision or Recommendations / ·  Susan will explore pricing, etc. with a local company she knows and Tina and Jay will do the same with a company they have worked with.
·  Susan will email parent group on available sizes/quantity ASAP before Ashland trip.
·  Tina and Susan will email and set up details.


Task to be Done / Person Responsible / Due Date
Clothes charitable donation drop box / Susan will find out more / Before next meeting
Cars 2 Charity Information / Julie will send to Mrs. B. / Before next meeting
Monthly dine out set up and fliers for parents / Judy and Vickie / Each month/3rd Wednesday
Locate donation letter template and thank you letter template / Julie / ASAP
Continue Box Tops and promote parent APP / Julie / ongoing
Recycle p/u and turn in to collection center / Brendan / Start once business collection resumes
Recycle business collection oversight / Tina / ASAP
Secretarial duties / Judy / Begin 10/2016 PTSO Meeting
River Parkway Cleanup dates / Julie will get more info / Before next meeting
T-shirts-find a new printer / Susan, Tina, Jay / ASAP
T-shirt email on current stock / Susan / ASAP