Enclosure 1



GENERAL. Tomaximize theArmy's returnoninvestmentandprovideanavenueforfull utilizationofthecompetenciesacquiredthroughtheArmy-Baylor University Masters in Health Administration Program, hereafter Army-Baylor, Armycivilianemployeesparticipating intheprogram may be required to relocate outside of their current geographiccommunityarea. Accordingly,executionofamobilityagreementisa requiredconditionofparticipation in Army-Baylor.

Employees may beassignedor reassigned inamanner that constitutesa change tohis/herorganizationalorfunctionalareasand/or in amannerthatcausesthe participanttoberelocatedoutside ofhis/hercurrentgeographiccommutingarea to enter the didactic phase of training at Joint Base San Antonio, to participate in the residency phase of training in a MEDCOM facility, and to serve in a utilization assignment in a MEDCOM organization upon completion of training.

Theauthorityfor thismobilityagreementderivesfromDepartmentofDefenseInstruction1400.24, CivilianMobilityPrograms. Participation inArmy-Baylor providessignificantbenefittoboth theArmyand theparticipant. The participantisprovidedaprofessionaldevelopmentopportunitydesignedfor high-performingArmyofficers andcivilian employees.TheArmy, in turn,benefitsfromtheincreasedcapabilitiesofthe participants.However, tofullyrealize thesebenefits,theArmy mustretaintheflexibility toassign and reassignparticipantstomeettheneedsoftheDepartmentof theArmy and the Army Medical Command.

AGREEMENT. Execution of the following agreement is required as a condition of selection and participation in the Army Baylor University Graduate Program in Health Administration:

I,, agree to accept placement intheresidencyassignmentprovidedto me andthereaftertoacceptplacementinapermanentpositionthat is the sameor equivalenttomycurrentgrade/leveland same series within the MEDCOM,andthatmayrequire an organizational,functional and/orgeographicmove.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I understandthat:

a.Reassignment to a MEDCOM organization to complete the residency phase of training may require a geographic move. This assignment will be at the same or equivalent grade/level and same series as the position currently held.

b.Reassignmentto a differentposition atthe sameor equivalentgrade/level as theposition currentlyheldis expectedtooccur following graduation from the program;however,this is subject to changedependingon theneedsof the Army MEDCOM.

c.Mypreferencesforan assignmentwill be considered whentheMEDCOMismaking assignmentdecisions,butIunderstandit maybe necessaryto assign metoanorganizational,functional or geographic area that Ihave notindicatedasa preference,tomeettheMEDCOM’s needs.

d.Efforts will bemadetonotify meat least90 days in advanceifIamto be reassignedtoa MEDCOM position thatrequires ageographicmove. However,essential mission requirementsmay dictate shorternotice.

e.In the event of relocation, permanentchangeof station(PCS) or other expenses asauthorized in theDoD JointTravelRegulations,Volume2, chapter5 will be funded by the MEDCOM. I am not eligible for, and will not receive, relocation incentives. MEDCOM may not fund relocation expenses if I am voluntarily or involuntarily removed from training prior to completion.

f.Imustnotifymy organization and the MEDCOM G37 immediatelyofanyemergencyor hardship thatarises during myparticipationin theprogramthataffect myabilitytocomplywiththismobilityagreement and/orthecontinuedserviceagreement. Submit notifications to HQ, US Army Medical Command, G37 Readiness, Training & Exercise Division, ATTN: MCOP-O-RT, 2748 Worth Road, JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6000.



Employee Name: ______

g.Imayrequestreleasefromthismobilityagreementbasedonunexpected hardship.The hardshipmust nothaveexistedpriorto the start of trainingintheArmy-Baylor Program. Imustsubmitanyrequestforreleasefrom this agreement thrumychainofcommand or supervision thru the MEDCOM G37, address in para f, for review andaction bythe Commander, MEDCOM. Iunderstandthat Imaybe askedtosubmitadditionaldocumentationin support of myrequest.

Failureto Comply. IfI refuseassignmentorreassignment orotherwise failto complywith this mobilityagreement I understand:

(1) I may be terminated from training and be liable for reimbursement of expenses as outlined in the Continuing Service Agreement.

(2) The MEDCOM may not be responsible to find me another position or placement.

(3) The MEDCOM may not be responsible to fund my PCS costs.

(4) I may be removed from federal service if necessary to promote the efficiency of the service.

(5) Failure to comply may also have an adverse impact on my eligibility to qualify for discontinued service retirement and/or on my entitlements to severance pay (e.g., in the event of a reduction in force or transfer of function).


Employeefull name(typedor printed):


Dutystation: Emailaddress:




Principalpurposes:Thisinformationwillbeusedtomemorializeaparticipant’sacceptanceofthetermsofthemobilityagreementthatisrequiredforparticipationintheArmy Baylor University Masters in Healthcare Administrationprogram.


Disclosure:Voluntary,however,failuretoprovidetherequestedinformationmayresultinadelayofprocessing,theinabilitytocontactyouaboutyourresponsibilitiesunderthismobilityagreementortheArmy’sdecisionthattheagreementwasnotproperlyenteredinto,thuspreventingfurtherparticipationintheArmy Baylor University Masters in Healthcare Administration program.