NCIDC – Indian Community Health and Wellness

Mini-Grants Program 2012

Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc, (NCIDC) is announcing the Indian Community Health and Wellness Mini-Grants Program of 2012. These funds are made available through the State of California Department of Community Services and Development, from a 100% Federally Funded Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), which is administered and managed by the NCIDC.

Award Amounts: Awards will be based on proposed activities and will be in the range of one to ten thousand dollars ($1000 - $10,000).

Application Due Date: The funds will be awarded as mini-grants to applicants that meet the intention of the grant guidance. The deadline for submission of a mini-grant application is May 25, 2012 as indicated by USPS postmark Proposals may also be hand delivered if received before 4:00pm on the due date. (no fax or email submissions will be accepted).

Budget Period: June 1– December 31, 2012 (closeout by January 31, 2013)

Eligible Calif. Counties: Fresno, Kern, Kings, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Tulare, Ventura, and San Bernardino.

Eligible Applicants: • Tribal Non-Profits serving off-reservation populations

·  Tribal (and Tribal Consortium) Indian Health Service funded programs within California

·  California American Indian Education Centers (AIEC) funded by the State Department of Education

·  American Indian Head Start programs in California

·  American Indian Senior programs serving native elders.

·  Non-profit 501.c.3 entities that can demonstrate Indian governance and services to native populations within the indicated service area.

·  Any program currently under contract for an existing CSBG funded project from the NCIDC.

Eligible entities must have an office or other physical presence located within, or directly adjacent to, each of the county(s) they proposed serving. Eligible entities may only submit one application for the NCIDC Health and Wellness mini-grant program. Awards will not be made to individuals.

Obtaining Funds: Complete the enclosed application by answering all the questions and providing any requested attachments.

Submit one original and 2 copies to:

Northern California Indian Development Council

Health and Wellness Mini-Grants 2012

241 F Street

Eureka, California 95501

Funding Category:

1.  Indian Community Health and Wellness Mini-Grants Program of 2012:

Focuses on reducing health disparities by increasing access to nutritious foods, increasing lifelong physical activity, reducing the impact of commercial tobacco abuse, preparing for disasters, and improving access to traditional cultural practices. Types of activities under this category include, but are not limited to:

·  Farm Shares – Purchase directly from local farmers – distribute to low income Indian families and individuals, and/or to Head Start and Senior programs.

·  Exercise Classes – Pay instructors to teach classes or provide funding for training (example: Zumba) for someone from the local community. Funds may be used for space rental, marketing and related costs.

·  Bicycle program – recycle bikes program, bike safety, bike helmet purchases, bike repair class

·  Walking Programs that provide groups challenges and feedback on progress.

·  Food Canning/Preservation Classes

·  Community or individual Gardens – support a community garden where individuals can learn to garden (container gardens, seed propagation, cuttings to start garden, etc)

·  Health and Wellness trainings for varied subject areas (suicide prevention, domestic violence, prevention specialist)

·  Cultural activities/classes (language, regalia)

·  Working with counselors to provide services (PTSD/Grief Counseling/Talking Circles)

·  Medicine – Healers Trainings (to work in collaboration with medical clinics)

·  School Gardens – (possibly have a master gardener assist)

·  Tobacco prevention/education and other health related prevention/education issues.

·  Coalition Training to assist with building community coalitions around health and wellness issues.

·  Emergency related activities – emergency preparedness training (receive an emergency backpack) – brush clearing around houses for fire control.

Funding Exclusions:

Because of the nature of these awards, they may not be used for physical construction or renovation of a facility or space within a building.

Grant funds may NOT be used to supplant or replace existing funding for current federal, state or locally funded project(s). (Grants may, however, enhance an existing project)

Administrative costs (e.g., indirect) may not exceed 12% of total grant award and must be properly documented.

Obtaining Technical Assistance:

Technical assistance, related to the substance of the application, is available by phoning Wendy Kull at (707) 445-8451 or toll free at 1-800-566-2381 or via e-mail at

To access an electronic version of this announcement, visit our website at: and click on “What’s New” for a link to the mini-grant RFP.

Determination of Awards:

A Review Panel, coordinated by NCIDC, will review grant applications and make award-funding recommendations. Those selected for funding will receive a “Notice of Grant Award” and a contract packet, which must be completed and returned to NCIDC for execution.

Review Criteria:

Grant applications must meet each of the following criteria:

·  The effort to be funded is consistent with State of California – Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) and federal mandates, laws, rules and regulations regarding Community Service Block Grant funding.

·  The project targets a current problem or need within off-reservations Indian populations in one or more of the indicated counties, within the identified funding category and establishes why this project is a priority.

·  The project will maximize service to as many American Indians as possible, within the context of the proposal.

·  The project budget is reasonable for the services proposed.

·  The project leverages other resources to assist in accomplishing its goals and objectives.

·  There is evidence of Indian community support for the proposed project.

·  The applicant has sufficient administrative and financial experience to successfully carry out their responsibilities under the terms of the grant contract.

·  There is a strategy to continue and/or maintain any benefit(s) derived from these grant funds, past the end of the grant term.

Other Requirements:

The organization seeking funding agrees to meet the following publication, reporting and financial requirements of this award:

·  Any materials physically or electronically published through this grant must include the following language:

Made possible through a grant from Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc. and the State of California Department of Community Services and Development using Federal Community Service Block Grant Funding.”

·  No later than 30 days from the end date of the grant contract, submit a final cost reimbursement request and client services contact report indicating goals achieved and expenditures incurred, in conjunction with this award, including cost documentation. Grantees must provide a brief narrative report describing the funded project outcome(s). This report will include evaluative statements and recommendations for others who might wish to undertake a similar effort. A copy of any publication, document or other media created in conjunction with this award must be included. Include any letters, photos or news coverage received by the project.

·  This is a “cost reimbursement” grant. Awardees must expend the funds, and submit appropriate required paperwork, with supporting cost documentation (including copies of original invoices and receipts) to obtain the reimbursement.

Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc.

241 F Street

Eureka, CA 95501

NCIDC Indian Community Health and Wellness

Mini-Grant Program – 2012

Proposed American Indian Community Health and Wellness Project Title:
Amount Requested: $______

I.  Application Information:

A. Name of Organization:


Check one: __ Indian Health Clinic __ current NCIDC contract for CSBG

__ AIEC __ American Indian Head Start

__ Tribal non-profit __ Indian-Governed 501.c.3

Main Address: ______


City: ______County: ______Zip: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

B.  Contact Person: ______

Contact Person’s Title: ______

Telephone: ______Fax: ______

E-mail: ______

Address (if different than above):


City: ______County: ______Zip: ______

II. Project Information: (use additional pages as needed)

Name of project: ______

County(s) project will be serving: ______

Please list the address and phone number of your physical office(s) within or adjacent to identified County(s) for which you are applying for mini-grant funding. Please include a description of your current services and your total service area(s) for the offices listed.

A. Project Description – Describe the need and proposed activities to address that need.

B. Describe Target Populations - Describe who will directly benefit from this proposal and how many American Indian individuals and communities will be served. (targeting either a single community, or multiple communities is acceptable). Please include information on any others who may be served too.

C. Collaborating Agencies/Organizations – If applicable – Describe the relationship in which you are or will be working to implement the service, program or project to be funded. What other programs or services will be enhanced by this project? Include information on how the project will be conducted, managed or directed (e.g., by a community advisory group, by a component of your organization, a consortium of organizations, etc.). Include names of partner groups and describe any matching funding or resources committed to this project. Attach any letters of support.

D. Experience – Describe your organization’s administrative and financial experience (e.g., any tribe with a current or successfully closed prior CSBG Memorandum Of Agreement or other contract with NCIDC would fulfill this requirement).

E. Staffing – Describe what person or position is responsible for staffing and implementation of this project and how this person is funded.

F. Strategy for continuing/maintaining any benefit(s) implemented with these funds – Describe your organization’s goal to further your project after the expenditure of this award.

III. Budget Information:

June 1 – December 31, 2012 will be the reporting budget period for the project.

Provide a simple budget. Information is needed only for the project for which you are requesting funding, not for the organization as a whole.

Note these requirements:

·  There should be an identifiable cash or in-kind contribution (Existing program staff and overhead proposed for operating the mini-grant program should not be charged to the mini-grant, however these existing wage and overhead expenses may be used as match).

·  Administrative overhead CANNOT exceed 12% of total award.

·  Funds CANNOT be used to pay for physical construction or renovation of a facility or space within a building.

·  This mini-grant cannot be utilized to purchase any equipment costing $5000 or more.

Use the following format. If this format is unsuitable, attach a one-page budget of your own, using the same column headings:



Budget Categories



/ In-Kind/Other
(specify source) /


D /
Totals / $ / $ / $

IV.  Attachments:

A.  Certification –

Complete the Certification and return with the application form. The Chairperson of your organization should sign the Certification or another Officer of the governing structure specifically authorized to sign such certifications.

B.  Resolution –

The final contract will require a resolution from your governing board. You may submit the resolution with your RFP submission (see sample, attached), or you may substitute a letter from your Chief Executive Officer, or Board Chair, specifying the date by which you would be able to provide a resolution, if funded.

C.  Letter(s) of Support –

Attach Letter(s) of Support from any identified coalition members or partners in the activities you propose.

D.  Proof of eligiblilty –

Non-profit 501.c.3 entities (located within or directly adjacent to one of the listed counties) that can demonstrate Indian governance and services to native populations within the indicated service area are eligible to apply. This includes IHS clinics, American Indian Head Start Programs, American Indian Education Centers, and other Indian non-profit entities. Attach your proof of eligibility documents as per the requirements listed below.

  1. A copy of the agency State (or Tribal) Articles of Incorporation
  2. A copy of the bylaws,
  3. A roster of current board members,
  4. You may optionally include any additional documentation demonstrating Indian governance and services to native populations within the indicated service area that you deem necessary.



The ______(name of organization)

is submitting this application for funding from the NCIDC Indian Community Health and Wellness Mini-Grant Program.

As the ______’s (name of organization)

contact person, my signature below certifies that to the best of my knowledge all of the information provided in this application is accurate, and if funded, we agree to comply with the requirements of the NCIDC Mini-Grant Program as described in the announcement, and to meet the reporting and financial requirements of this award:

1.  By January 31, 2013, submit a final report describing the funded project including planning, implementation and outcome(s) through the funded period. This report should include short evaluative statements and recommendations for others who might wish to undertake a similar effort. A copy of each document or other deliverable created in conjunction with this award should be included.

2. By January 31, 2013, submit a financial statement/summary and client services and contact report on the NCIDC approved form, indicating expenditures incurred in conjunction with this award, and requesting reimbursement.

I am aware this is a cost reimbursement program and funding will be distributed upon receipt of Cost Reimbursement Requests with required documentation. Final Cost Reimbursement Requests must be submitted with the final project report.

I certify that the funding from this award will not be used for physical construction or renovation of a facility or space within a building. Further, I certify that I am aware of the limitation for funding of indirect costs, which may not exceed 12% (twelve percent) of the total funding provided.

The effort to be funded will be consistent with State Community Service and Development Department CSBG requirements. Additionally, the project provides assurances it will NOT use these grant funds to supplant or replace existing funding for current projects.




Printed name



