Checklist – Applications which may be made in writing to the Department under Art 28 and Art 28A(2)(c)
Certain types of applications do not require the submission of an application form, site location map or detailed drawings. The Planning (General Development) Order (Northern Ireland) 1993 provides that certain types of applications (listed below), may be submitted in the form of a letter to the Department.
Applications made under Article 28 of the Planning Order – i.e. an application to develop land without compliance with a condition attached to a previous planning permission.
1. Such an application can only be made before the original application
expires. Obtain a copy of the original approval. Has the application
been submitted within the time period of the original application?
2. The letter submitted must give sufficient information to identify the
Previous grant of planning permission and any condition in question.
Does the letter give sufficient information?
3. A P2 Form must be submitted with this application. Has a P2 Certificate
been Submitted?
4. Has the correct fee been submitted? (Set fee)
5. Partial refund to be made as an overpayment has been made on fees
received. (This should be ticked either “yes” or “not applicable”).
If ticked “yes” refer back to AO for refund action.
Applications made under Article 28A(2)(c) of the Planning Order – i.e. an application to retain development carried out without compliance with some condition subject to which planning permission was originally granted.
6. The letter submitted must give sufficient information to identify the
previous grant of planning permission and any condition in question. Does the letter give sufficient information?
7. A P2 Form must be submitted with this application. Has a P2 Certificate
been Submitted?
- Has the correct feebeen submitted? (set fee)
9. Partial refund to be made as an overpayment has been made on feesreceived.(This should be ticked either “yes” or “not applicable”).If ticked “yes” refer back to AO for refund action.
Planning Service recommends (in the Explanatory Notes) that a P1 Form and fresh copies of any plans previously submitted should be re submitted with such applications. While this is preferable, it is not a legislative requirement and an application cannot be made invalid where these are not submitted.
Additional P&T/Admin Comments
Signature Date
P&T Input:
Checklist Completed