Northwest Catholic High School

Academic and Service Awards

June 3, 2010

Outstanding achievement awards in the academic departments, chosen by faculty members of the academic departments.

English Plaque

Freshman English Molly Mullen

Sophomore English Emma Kate Mortillaro

Junior English Sarah Purple

Senior English Michael Deneen

Certificates for Excellence in English

Honors Freshman English Haley Seward

Brendan Thompson

Sarah Gillespie

Freshman English James Adamidis

Lindsay Dombrosky

Jacqueline Denver

Aisha Russell

Honors Sophomore English Alexander Mortillaro

Cara Ledwidge

Andrew Stephens

Elizabeth Allen

Haleigh Beckerman

Sophomore English Stephanie Boccuzzi

John Peterson

Cailyn McDonnell

Yannick Chevannes

A.P. Language Francis Butler

Honors Creative Writing Dante JeanFelix

Darci Hughes

Alexandra McKenzie

Honors Expository Writing Christopher Kuhlberg

Honors American Literature Mary Beckerman

Christopher Kuhlberg

Alexandra McKenzie

American Literature Erika Duenas

Eric Kennedy

Erin Drusedum

AP English Literature Merideth Lathrop

Luke Pelton

Michael Freund

Devon Soucier

Madeleine Livingston

Honors English Literature Kelsey Marakovits

John Healey

English Literature Alexis Dahlem

James Hallinan

Honors World Literature John Healey

Speech and Communication Andrew Beaule

Timothy Waltman

Theater Caileen Christina

World Language Plaques

A.P. French V Madeleine Livingston

Honors Latin III Francis Butler

Honors Spanish IV Merideth Lathrop

A.P. Spanish V Kelsey Marakovits

Certificates for Excellence in French

French I Brian Cao

Honors French II Sarah Gillespie

Honors French III Kathryn Beaule

Honors French IV Michael Laffin

Certificates for Excellence in Latin

Honors Latin I Elizabeth Allen

Allison Denton

Sarah Dottor

Honors Latin II Mary Deneen

Grace Hallinan

Matthew Pranaitis

Sarah Visintainer

Certificate for Excellence in Spanish

Spanish I Jacqueline Denver

Andrew Dornfried

Jenna Jordano

Molly Mullen

Honors Spanish II Elizabeth Lathrop

Haley Seward

Spanish III Thomas Noll

Honors Spanish III Elizabeth Allen

Logan Lawson

Spanish IV Alessandra Lamari

Honors Spanish IV Caileen Christina

Mathematics Plaques

Mathematics I Molly Mullen

Mathematics II Agata Harabasz

Mathematics III Dillon Bowen

Mathematics IV Michael Deneen

Certificates for Excellence in Mathematics

Algebra I Part 1 Emily Siegel

Algebra I Part 2 Catherine Marshall

Algebra I Level 2 Sophia Pierre

Algebra I Honors Jennifer Rhoads

Geometry Level 3 Margaret Buda

Geometry Level 2 Jessica Tyler

Geometry Level 2A Tanner Vaughn

Geometry Honors Catherine Sullivan

Algebra II Level 3 Victoria Grappone

Algebra II Level 2 Audrey Carroll

Algebra II 2A Ying Zhang

Algebra II Honors Mark Mossberg

Trigonometry 2 Katherine Conlin

Trigonometry 2A Francis Butler

Honors Trig-Pre Calculus Alessandra Lamari

Pre-Calculus 2 Hilary Dees

Pre-Calculus 2A Ying Zhang

Calculus 2A Nia Harris

A.P. Calculus Rosa Park

Computer Programming Timothy Waltman

A.P. Computer Programming William Reed

Statistics Timothy Waltman

Science Plaques

Advanced Physical Science Catherine Sullivan

Honors Biology Molly Mullen

Honors Chemistry Agata Harabasz

A.P. Physics Christopher Kuhlberg

A.P. Biology Nathaniel Lombard Poirot

A.P. Chemistry Alexandra McKenzie

Certificates for Excellence in Science

Advanced Physical Science Victoria Peluso

Jacqueline Denver

Sarah Dottor

Patrick Melanson

Honors Biology Sarah Gillespie

Haley Derlinga

Biology Megan Baker

Cara Ledwidge

A.P. Chemistry Dillon Bowen

Honors Chemistry Elizabeth Allen

Mark Mossberg

Logan Lawson

Chemistry Emily Kapral

A.P. Physics Michael Deneen

Brynn Stoecklin

Rick Cui

Honors Physics Nia Harris

Merideth Lathrop

Sarah Purple

Joining us to present the awards in SOCIAL STUDIES is Department Member Mr. Ronald Swanson

Social Studies Plaques

World History Molly Mullen

U. S. History Francis Butler

A.P. Government Luke Pelton

Social Studies Dept. Achievement Award Ryan Thompson

Certificates for Excellence in Social Studies

World History Emily Kearney

Brian Cao

Kathleen Sarpu

Haley Derlinga

Haley Seward

Sarah Gillespie

Jacqueline Denver

Emily Stanwick

U. S. History Dillon Bowen

Dionne May

Erin Drusedum

Rick Cui

Nicholas Rhoads

Economics Connor Deneen

H.I.L.L. Michael Deneen

American Mind Katherine Conlin

Psychology Faith Gilbert

World Today Alexis Dahlem

American Law Ryan Juliano

Civics Andrew Stephens

Religion Plaques

Religion I Molly Mullen

Religion II Yannick Chevannes

Religion III Francis Butler

Religion IV Connor Deneen

Certificates for Excellence in Religion

Religion I Jacqueline Denver

Kathleen Sarpu

Haley Seward

Susan Grimshaw

Religion II Matthew Pranaitis

Elizabeth Allen

Agata Harabasz

Christopher Freund

Religion III Alexandra McKenzie

Brynn Stoecklin

Alessandra Lamari

Dante Jeanfelix

Religion IV Luke Pelton

Samuel Frasco

Nia Harris

Merideth Lathrop

Kayla Maciejewski

Studio Arts Plaque

Artist of the Year Nathaniel Lombard Poirot

Certificates for Excellence in Art

Excellence in Art I Haley Derlinga

Emily Kapral

Excellence in Drawing & Painting Yun Jei Cho

Agata Harabasz

Excellence in Design and Sculpture Abigail Johnson

Shannon Crawford

Excellence in Advanced Portfolio Art Brynn Stoecklin

Excellence in Crafts Abigail Bell

Sarah Merkel

Excellence in A. P. Studio Art Kaitlyn Giblin

Excellence in Photography I Kathleen Connelly

Kristin Tomaiuolo

Excellence in Photography II Trenton Jackson

Vocal Music Plaque

Outstanding Musicianship in Choral Music William Reed

Certificates for Excellence in Choral Music

Excellence in Women’s Choir Molly Bissell

Faith Gilbert

Excellence in Chamber Choir Anna Keenan

Charles Quinn

Excellence in Concert Choir Kathryn Hagen

Luke Pelton

Excellence in Jazz Choir Claire Looney

Caroline Garger

Instrumental Music Plaque

Excellence in Instrumental Music Luke Pelton

Instrumental Certificates

Excellence in Thursday Night Jazz Band Bryan Destin

William Reed

Excellence in Monday Night Jazz Band Margaret Curran

Lee Brown

Excellence in Jazz Combo Jordan Greenberg

Dillon Bowen

Excellence in Concert Band Connor Giblin

Katherine Higgins

Excellence in Wind Ensemble Caroline Garger

Daniel Kowalczyk

John Fitzpatrick

Excellence in A. P. Music Theory Daniel Huehner

Excellence in String Ensemble Sharon Grimshaw

Theater Plaque

Excellence in Theatrical Performance Andrew Hull

Excellence in Musical Theater Caroline Garger

Certificates for Excellence in Theater

Outstanding Leadership in Theater Kathleen Schuppe

Outstanding Creativity in Theater Shannon Crawford

Outstanding Performance Cara Seward

Bryan Destin

Dance Plaque

Excellence in Dance Merideth Lathrop

Certificates for Excellence in Dance

Excellence in Dance Repertory Meghan Feeney

Brandon Couloute

Excellence in Introduction to Dance Bethany Lefemine

J’leen Diaz


The following awards are presented to members of the Junior and Senior classes who meet the requirements of the colleges and universities contributing these awards.

WHEELOCK COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior who has demonstrated a commitment to working with children. Kathleen Schuppe

LE MOYNE COLLEGE AWARD: To a Junior who has shown significant contributions in academics, leadership and service to school and to the community at large. John Sullivan

SAINT MICHAEL’S COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To Juniors who have demonstrated academic excellence, a member of the National Honor Society and has shown a commitment to community service through Northwest Catholic and its community. Brynn Stoecklin and Michael Laffin

SMITH COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior girl who exemplifies academic achievement, leadership qualities, and concern for others. Alessandra Lamari

ST. ANSELM COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To a member of the Junior class who has shown excellent academic achievement and actively involved in school and/or community activities. Christopher Kuhlberg

TRINITY COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior for outstanding academic achievement. Thomas Noll

WELLESLEY COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior girl who has demonstrated intellectual curiosity an excellence in scholarship, and who exemplifies the motto: “not to be served, but to serve”. Sharon Grimshaw

GETTYSBURG BOOK AWARD: To a member of the Junior class who has distinguished him/herself in the study of United States History. Francis Butler

REGIS COLLEGE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior who has demonstrated excellence written and oral communication skills, displayed outstanding academic promise, and exhibited exceptional leadership qualities. Kelly Yorio

FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY BOOK AWARD: To a Junior in the top 10% of the class, is active in school and/or community, and has leadership qualities and a sense of concern and responsibility in the community.

Molly Berning

BAY PATH COLLEGE AWARD: To a Junior girl who has shown a commitment to academics and a significant interest in community service. Cara Seward

COLLEGE OF THE ELMS BOOK AWARD: To a Junior for outstanding academic achievement.

Dante Jeanfelix

COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS BOOK AWARD: To a Junior who demonstrates outstanding scholarship, personal qualities and evidences strong concern for school and community. Alexandra McKenzie

BRYANT UNIVERSITY: To a Junior, who ranks in the top 10% of the class, pursues a challenging curriculum and who demonstrates involvement. Dillon Bowen

SALVE REGINA: Given to a junior who has demonstrated academic achievement and a commitment to NWC.

Kathleen O’Hara

MOUNT HOLYOKE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior girl who exhibits outstanding academic achievement, leadership qualities, and a dedication to community service. Rachel Bournique

YALE BOOK AWARD: To a Junior who demonstrates qualities of leadership, effective teamwork, organizational abilities and who ranks in the top 10 – 15% of the class. Sarah Purple

HARVARD BOOK AWARD: To a junior who demonstrates outstanding academic achievement. Rosa Park

GEORGE EASTMAN/UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER YOUNG LEADERS AWARD: Given to a junior who exhibited strong leadership skills and high academic achievement.Kathleen Schuppe

UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER FREDERICK DOUGLAS and SUSAN B. ANTHONY AWARD in HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE: Given to a junior who has exhibited strong leadership skills and high academic achievement in the humanities and social sciences. Francis Butler

XEROX AWARD FOR INNOVATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: To a junior for outstanding achievement in the pursuit of innovative approaches and appreciation of the possibilities of technology. Alexandra McKenzie

BAUSCH & LOMB SCIENCE AWARD: To a junior for outstanding academic achievement and intellectual promise. Sharon Grimshaw

RENSSELAER AWARD: To a Junior who has displayed outstanding achievement in Math and Science.

Sharon Grimshaw


These awards are given to students who have distinguished themselves in activities and publications at Northwest Catholic.


Given in memory of David Lenz ’87, for cooperation and dedication in the pursuit of excellence in dramatic arts. Bridget Daly

DIANE T. WELDON AWARD: Given to a senior who has been recognized for outstanding achievement in the performing arts and / or creative writing.Kristin Tomaiuolo

RICHARD RICE AWARD: Given in memory of Mr. Richard Rice to a senior who has evidenced in his life a search for truth and dedication to Church; one who is known among his peers as a listener and a peacemaker; one who is able to express her feelings through the arts. Joel Adifon

CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS ARTS AWARD: To outstanding high school visual and performing arts students. This award is given to students in the fine arts who have demonstrated a talent and passion for creative expression. Kerri Alexander and Maggie Clapis


Molly Bissell

Bryan Destin

Patrick Fagan

Colleen Fitzgerald

Caroline Garger

Rosalind Gilbert

Morgan Green

Dan Huehner

Andrew Hull

Alexandra Iovine

Patrick Kearney

Gretchen Kelly

Luke Pelton

Grace Quinn

William Reed

Nicole Rook

Robert Scalise

Katherine Sitaro



Given to a Senior for excellence in the field of journalism and creative writing, this year’s recipient devoted many hours to the successful completion of the school literary magazine, The Writer. This year’s honoree is Michael Freund.

NORTHWEST CATHOLIC CERTIFICATE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE SCHOOL PRINT MEDIA: Are given to seniors who have made significant contributions to foster excellence in the Northwest Catholic publications such as: The Writer, Northwest Passages, NOWECA, The Writer’s Club and The Muse.

Bridget Daly

Samuel Frasco

Kaitlyn Giblin

Ryan Juliano

Eric Kennedy

Madeline Livingston

Joseph McAndrews

Michelle Smith


At the Heritage Festival in Boston 2010 NWC musicians received the following distinctions:

Thursday Night Jazz Band Gold, 1st place

Wind Ensemble Gold, 1st place

Jazz Choir Gold, (only group in division)

Women’s Choir Gold, 2nd place

Concert Choir Gold, 2nd place

Maestro Awards Abigail Reed, Willie Reed, Ryan Murphy, and Jordan Greenberg

At the Berklee Jazz Festival in Boston, MA, NWC musicians received the following distinction:

Thursday Night Jazz Band 3rd in division V

Judges’ Choice Soloist Dillon Bowen, John Fitzpatrick, and

Jordan Greenberg

Outstanding soloist on acoustic bass (TNB) Jordan Greenberg

At the Music in the Parks Festival at 6 Flags New England, NWC musicians received the following distinctions:

Chamber Choir Superior Rating, 2nd Place

Concert Band Superior Rating

Concert Band 1st place and Best Overall


West Hartford Town Wide Poetry Contest Adrian Hatch, 2nd place

Michelle Bach, 3rd place Haley Seward, 3rd place

THE PRUDENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARD: Honoring outstanding community service by young Americans. Sharon Grimshaw

MOCK TRIAL AWARD: To the student who has participated as a team member all four years at Northwest Catholic High School, demonstrating not only steadfast loyalty to the Mock Trial Team but also exceptional skill as both a trial witness and trial attorney as well as an extraordinary enthusiasm for the philosophical and professional approach to the law. She represents the highest standards in the practice of law. Madeleine Livingston


Each year the National Latin contest is sponsored by the American Classical League. Congratulations to

the following students for their outstanding achievement on the National Latin Exam:

Latin I

Summa Cum Laude – Gold Medal Elizabeth Allen

Maxima Cum Laude – Silver Medal Allison Denton

Sarah Dottor

Ian McCarthy

Myles Gibbons

Magna Cum Laude Simone Foster-Bey

Latin II

Summa Cum Laude – Gold Medal Mary Deneen

Cara Ledwidge

Eamon Wizner

Maxima Cum Laude – Silver Medal Grace Hallinan

Magna Cum Laude Wesley Hopkins

Matthew Pranaitis

Cum Laude Brian Poirier

Caitlin Spalluto

Sarah Visintainer

Latin III - IV

Magna Cum Laude Francis Butler

Dillon Bowen

Cum Laude Luise Bering

Nicole Lacouture

Pawel Rybka


The following students are awarded recognition for their performance in the American High School Math Exam (AMC).

AMC Winner Grade 10 Savannah Gaston

AMC High Achievement Grade 10 Melissa Donnelly

Andrew Stevens

Nathan McKenzie

Nicholas Italia

Brian Cao

Elizabeth Lathrop

Sung Yoon

Brian Butler

Haley Derlinga

AMC Winners Grade 12 Rosa Park