QC Validation Process

Utility Billing Operators are required to validate billings each month for quality. The documentation below will guide the UBO through each step of QC to ensure accurate billing.


Viewing the “Validate QC Checks” option: 3

Exceptions: 6

What’s being reviewed on each Exception? 6

Handling Exceptions: 8

Unallocated Amount: 8

Admin Fees: 10

Invoice Total: 10

Resident Billed: 11

Average Charge Variance for property: 12

Average Charge Variance for RUBS occupant: 14

Usage Average for Property: 14

Estimated Sub-meters: 15

Percentage of Estimated Sub-meters: 15

Unmetered Usage: 16

Rate per Charge Code: 17

Total Master Meter Usage: 19

Total Sub-metered Usage: 20

Monthly usage for Unit: 20

True Vacant Usage: 21

Monthly Usage – Low usage unit: 22

Daily Usage: 23

Reviewing Raw Reads: 25

Reviewing MDM Tool: 26

Standard Thresholds 27

YES_Live Database: 27

All other Databases: 29

Account Manager Email Templates: 31

Details/Attachments to include: 31

Approval Requests: 31

24 hour & 48 hour monthly approval: No Account Manager approval needed 31

Must and/or Account Manager: 31

FYI Only Template: 31

Viewing the “Validate QC Checks” option:

In order to validate the QC checks, enter the Property Number and Billing Month then click on the hyperlink located on the UB dashboard.

Once you’ve clicked on the “Validate QC Checks” link, identify if the seasonal commodities are being billed and click the appropriate checkbox as needed. Click “Validate”

The system will then examine the billing for each “validation” established in the system based on the individual property parameters. The validations displayed will include only those items that are deemed as exceptions and require further research. In order to view all validations, click “Show All Validations”.

·  Check Type:

o  Identifies the name of the quality check being reviewed during the validation process.

·  Threshold:

o  Indicates the variance that is being reviewed for the specified quality check.

·  Current Month Value:

o  When applicable, the value being compared will display.

·  Comparison Value:

o  Identifies the differences between compared values

·  Compare Month:

o  Identifies the month in which the current value is being compared

·  Exception:

o  Identifies if a validation is considered an exception requiring further research before proceeding with billing. If the exception is “unit specific” the “YES” option will be a hyperlink. This will display the specific units where the exception is populating.

·  Exception Note:

o  Provides a brief description of the commodity being evaluated and identifies the comparison taking place.

·  Remark:

o  Will hold the brief reason for validating the exception including the action to be taken regarding the exception. OK is an acceptable remark upon completion of research.

·  Resolved:

o  Will show as No unless changes are made in the billing to reverse the exception.

§  Example: if the Unallocated Amount exception changed to less than the acceptable parameter, the exception would then be resolved and no longer be considered an exception.

From the Reports menu, Export the Exception report into Excel.

Enter the property and choose the “Utility QC Check Validations” report. Click Excel to export.

Once the “YES” exceptions are reviewed, fill in the “update remarks” column with the analysis.

Once the Validations are reviewed, noted and correctly handled, paste the remarks into Voyager. When complete check off “Validation Completed” and click “Save”.

“Save” should also be clicked if remarks are added with instructions/guidance, but validations are not complete. Anytime the billing is reworked or re-allocated, the QC Validation should be run again.


Below will provide the definition of the each exception, what is being validated and how to review the exception for accuracy or corrections needed. Secondary checks will identify the exceptions at a unit level, when applicable.

What’s being reviewed on each Exception?

Exception Name: / Report Used for Comparison / Thresholds evaluated / Secondary Checks reviewed / Comparison to Last Month, Last Year or both
Unallocated Amount / Allocation Analysis Report / ·  Flat Fee: +/- specified $ amount
·  Flat Fee per occupant: +/- specified $ amount
·  Rubs: +/- specified $ amount
·  Per Unit: +/- specified $ amount
·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified $ amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Last Month
·  Last Month
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Admin Fees / Allocation Analysis Report / ·  +/- $0 for occupied units only / N/A / ·  Last month
Invoice Total / Allocation Analysis Report / ·  Rubs: +/- specified % amount
·  Per Unit: +/- specified % amount
·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / YES / ·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Resident Billed / Allocation Analysis Report / ·  Rubs: +/- specified % amount
·  Per Unit: +/- specified % amount
·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / YES / ·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Average Charge Variance for property / Utility Property Averages / ·  Flat Fee: +/- specified % amount
·  Admin Fee: +/- specified % amount
·  Per Unit: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Last Month
·  Last Month
·  Last Month
Average Charge Variance for RUBS occupant / Utility Property Averages / ·  Flat Fee per Occupant: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Last Month
Usage Average for Property / Utility Property Averages / ·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Estimated Submeters / Quality Assurance Detail / ·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified % amount / N/A / ·  Last Month
·  Last Month
·  Last Month
Percentage of Estimated Submeters / Quality Assurance Detail / ·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified % amount / N/A / N/A
Unmetered Usage / Quality Assurance Detail / ·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Rate per Charge Code / Quality Assurance Comparison / ·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Last Month
·  Last Month
·  Last Month
Total Master Meter Usage / Quality Assurance Comparison / ·  Rubs: +/- specified % amount
·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Total Submetered Usage / Quality Assurance Comparison / ·  Submeter Ratio: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: +/- specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: +/- specified % amount / N/A / ·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Monthly usage for Unit / Monthly Usage / Water:
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified units & > specified %
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified units & > specified %
Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified units & > specified %
Gas - Non Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified % amount
Electricity - Non Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified % amount
Gas – Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified % amount
Electric – Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified % amount / YES / Water
·  Last Month
·  Last Month
·  Last Month
Gas - Non Seasonal
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Electric - Non Seasonal
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Gas – Seasonal
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
Electric – Seasonal
·  Both
·  Both
·  Both
True Vacant Usage / Allocation Charges Detail / Water:
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified units
Electricity - Non Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified units
Gas – Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified units
Electric – Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: >= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: >= specified units / YES / N/A
Monthly Usage – Low usage unit / Monthly Usage / Water:
·  Submeter Ratio: <= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: <= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: <= specified units
Gas - Non Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: <= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate:<= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: <= specified units
Electricity - Non Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: <= specified units
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: <= specified units
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: <= specified units
Gas – Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: <= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: <= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: <= specified % amount
Electric – Seasonal
·  Submeter Ratio: <= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Invoice Rate: <= specified % amount
·  Sub Meter Rate Structure: <= specified % amount / YES / N/A
Daily Usage / Submeter Exceptions / ·  > specified units / YES / N/A

Handling Exceptions:

Unallocated Amount:

This check point reviews the charges billed versus the master meter bill and identifies any amounts that are not accounted for in bill out. Exceptions will generate when the difference between the MM bill and billed amount exceeds the parameters within the setup of a given property.

What to look for:
Rubs Properties:

Because of how Voyager allocates a master meter bill, we should not have an unallocated amount for RUBS properties exceeding $1. Small amounts are reasonable due to rounding allocations throughout the allocations process.

·  Rerun the allocations to see if the unallocated amount continues to appear.

o  If not, proceed with billing.

o  If the exceptions still generates, this could be an indication that something is incorrect in the setup of the property.

§  Contact your team lead for assistance. A case to YTS may be needed in order to resolve.

§  If YTS cannot resolve the exception, contact the Account Manager for review.

Metered Properties:

With metered properties the unallocated amount is typically any portion of the master meter bill that is not captured through sub meter allocation. This could also be contributed to those common areas on the property that are not passed to the residents through sub meter. Anything more than the “norm” would indicate a potential issue.

·  Run the Quality Assurance Detail report to view the history for the last year (or as many months as is available up to a year).

o  Review the variances across the timeframe pulled to see if there are any patterns that might explain the current variance

·  Look at the “Total Unallocated Dollars”

o  Includes any master meter charges that are not accounted for in the resident billed, vacancy loss and exclusions (commodities) buckets

o  Pull the Allocation Analysis Report for additional breakdown. This will show you what bucket the charges are falling in to over a given month. This may assist in identifying why there is an unallocated dollar amount.

·  Review the “Total Allocated Dollars”

o  Includes resident billed, vacancy loss and exclusions (commodities) buckets

o  Pull the Allocation Analysis Report for additional breakdown. This will show you what bucket the charges are falling in to over a given month. This will assist in identifying where each dollar is allocated

·  Compare the “Billing Period Dates” to the “Master Meter Service Dates”

o  Is there a significant difference in the billing period days that could explain the variance?

·  Review the “Total CAD Dollars”

o  Has the CAD changed since last month?

§  If not, does the CAD fluctuate with any pattern that could explain the variance?

·  Review “Total Submetered Usage”

o  Do the usages fluctuate with any pattern that could explain the variance?

o  Has the property been estimated this month or last?

§  If so, was the estimation completed correctly?

o  Was service completed at the property that is causing additional usage to register or not register in comparison to last month?

·  Look at the “Total No Bill Back Dollars”

o  Has the excluded master meter bills changed since last month?

§  Ex: have we added additional bills to be excluded or removed some bills from exclusion including them in allocations?

o  Did the amount change in manner that would explain the variance?

If you cannot identify the reason for the unallocated amounts with the QAD report, continue reviewing all exceptions to see if something else presents itself as the explanation. If once all exceptions are reviewed, you still cannot identify a reasonable explanation, notify the account manager as an FYI within monthly email.

Admin Fees:

This check point reviews the “Admin fees” at a unit level to ensure the amount billed for the current month is the same as last month. Exceptions will generate when the “Admin fees” on occupied units are not matching last month’s charge.