MRC Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
Minutes of theregularcouncil meeting held February 2, 2010at7:30 p.m.attheKazabazua Community Centre located on Begley Road in Kazabazua.
Were present:
Mr. Ota HoraMayor
Mr. Robert RowanSeat 1
Mr. Denis BélairSeat 3
Mrs. Pamela LachapelleSeat 2
Mr. Ronald MarengèreSeat 5
Mr. Robert BergeronSeat 6
Was absent:
Mr. Kevin MolyneauxSeat 4
Sandra Lacharity, Assistant Director General /Secretary-Treasurer.
Opening of the meeting
Forming quorum in the presence of his honour the Mayor, Mr. Ota Hora, who declares the meeting open at 7:32 p.m. in the presence of approximately 22tax payers.
Question period
Following the question period, the Mayor presents the agenda as follows:
1.1Opening of the meeting
1.2Question period
1.3 Adoption of the agenda
1.4 Adoption of minutes for regular council meeting held January 12th, 2010
1.5Approval of salaries and remittances for January 2010
1.6Approval of accounts paid in January 2010
1.7Departure of the Director General
1.8Posting the Position of Director General
1.9Veto of Resolution 2010-01-014 – Law Firm
1.10UMQ – Annual General Meeting 2010
1.11Working hours – General Labourers
1.12Sick leave – for all employees
1.13Council Meeting & waste pick-up calendar – Annual Bulletin printing
1.14Pitney Bowes – Cancellation of contract for stamp machine
1.15Service Canada – Summer Student Grant
1.16Adjustment of Salary for the Assistant Director General
2.1Fire Department – Radio Test
3.1APSAM Road Construction/ditching courses
3.2Request for snowploughing – Petrin Road
3.3Purchase of a Tandem Trailer
4. Environmental Hygiene & Sanitation
4.1Septic Emptying 2010-2011 – Awarding of contract
4.2By-Law Septic Compost spreading – Territory of Kazabazua
4.3MRC Vallée de la Gatineau – Septic Compost
4.4 Request – door to door household waste pick-up – Thibault Road
4.5Offer from Garage R. Johnson – free scrap removal
4.6MRCVG Request for a Certificate of Authorisation – Septic Plant
5. Health and welfare
6. Land use planning and Development
6.1Second adoption of Request for added usage S5 Zone P107A
6.2Second adoption of Request for added usage H1 Zone C140
6.3Request – Esso – Certificate of Authorisation Liquor License
7. Recreation and culture
7.1Hiring of a librarian/clerk - Emploi Quebec Posting
7.2MAMROT – Rink Project
7.3Hall Rental
8. Miscellaneous
8.1Request of support – UMQ – Haiti
8.2Request of support – Montcerf-Lytton
8.3Request of support – Lions Club (Sweet Heart Auction)
9. Question period
10. Closing of the meeting
2010-02-033Adoption of the agenda
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded byRobert Bergeron
And resolved:
That the agenda for the regular meeting of February 2, 2010 be adopted, with the following changes;
1.18Office Help
6.4Request from H. Gabie – Moving Ancestral Home
7.4Hall agreement
8.4 Gatineau Valley Skating Club
8.5La Gatineau – School Bus Safety
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-034Adoption OF MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD january 12 2010 and the 2010 budget meeting held January 28, 2010.
It is proposed byRonald Marengere
Seconded by Pamela Lachapelle
And resolved:
That the minutes from the regular Council meeting held January12, 2010and the 2010 Budget Meeting held January 28, 2010 be adopted as submitted by the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and that the French versions of the above mentioned minutes be verified by Councillor Robert Rowan.
Adopted by Councillors
It is proposed by Robert Rowan
Seconded by Pamela Lachapelle
And resolved:
That the salaries paid for periods 1 to 4 for January, 2010 representing an amount of $ 16,492.45 be accepted.
That the federal and provincial remittances which represent an amount of $ 6,285.70for salaries paid in January, 2010 be accepted and paid in February 2010.
That the Retirement plan remittances which represent an amount of $1,429.42 for salaries paid in January 2010 be accepted and paid in February 2010.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-036APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS PAID IN january 2010
It is proposed byPamela Lachapelle
Seconded by Denis Belair
And resolved:
That the accounts paid in January, 2010 totalling $ 34,970.74 on purchase journals 278 to 282be approved.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-037departure of the director general
It is proposed byRobert Rowan
Seconded byRonald Marengere
And resolved:
That the departure of the Director General be recognised.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-038Position available: Director General Secretary-Treasurer
CONSIDERING THAT Pauline Marenger departed her position of Director General/Secretary Treasurer on January 18, 2010;
It is proposed by Robert Rowan
Seconded by Ronald Marengere
And resolved:
That this Council authorizes an opening for the position of Director General & Secretary-Treasurer as described in the document submitted at the present meeting;
That this Council authorizes that the position be posted in the Municipality and the following municipal web sites: UMQ, ADMQ and Quebec Municipal;
That this Council authorizes to publish the ad in La Gatineau, The Low Down and Le Droit.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-039veto resolution 2010-01-014 - Legal Firm
Prices from only two firms were received by councillors since their election in November of 2009,
The tender from the firm of Dutton-Rainville and the description of services seem to better suit the needs of the Municipality,
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Pamela Lachapelle
Opposed byRobert Rowan
Opposed byRobert Bergeron
And resolved:
That the firm of Dutton- Rainvilleis retained to represent the interests of the Municipality of Kazabazua and that the files that are currently with other firms remain with those firms until completed.
2010-02-040umq annual general meeting
More information required, thus the subject is delayed to the next regular meeting of Municipal Council.
2010-02-041working hours of the general labourers of the municipality
The outdoor municipal employees work without supervision between the hours of 4 pm and 5 pm,
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Pamela Lachapelle
And resolved:
That this Council proceed to change the working hours of the outdoor Municipal employees to the following:
8:00 am to 12:00 pm &
12:30 pm to 4:30 pm
These hours are to commence on February 15, 2010 with each of the employees to be advised in writing to this effect.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-042sick leave for all employees
It is proposed byRonald Marengere
Seconded by Robert Rowan
And resolved:
That this Council authorise eight (8) sick days to all Municipal Employees per year, but that three (3) days will be added as paid holidays between Christmas and New Years, which will mean the Municipal Office will be closed and no household waste pick-up will be carried out that week. However, someone will be on call for any emergency that should arise.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-043Council meeting, waste & recycling pick-up calendar – annual bulletin printing
A Municipal Bulletin is sent out with the taxes every year, which includes a calendar of the scheduled council meetings and waste & recycling pick-up from March until February of the following year and that this calendar has proven to be very beneficial to the taxpayers of the Municipality;
After a trial period, Council wishes to reinstate weekly household waste pick-up;
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Ronald Marengere
And resolved:
That this Council authorises the printing of the Municipal calendar as presented with the dates of the regular council meetings, recycling, large article pick-ups and Community clean-up day and that the calendar also identify the weekly collection of household waste.
Adopted by the majority
2010-02-044Pitney bowes – stamp machine contract
The contract for the Pitney Bowes stamp machine is due in March of 2010;
The cost of the stamp machine is considered to be very high;
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Pamela Lachapelle
And resolved:
That this Council wishes to discontinue the contract with Pitney Bowes for the stamp machine and that the stamp machine be returned to Pitney Bowes at the end of the contract in March.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-045service canada – summer student grant
Service Canada offers a summer student grant projectfor which the application forms are available online from February 1 to 26, 2010;
The assessment phase is completed in April 2010 so the students may commence work as early as May 2010;
The Municipality requires students to help with regular seasonal maintenance as well as to gather information for the upcoming 150th Anniversary in 2012;
It is proposed by Robert Bergeron
Seconded byRonald Marengere
And resolved:
That this Council authorises the Director General by Interim Sandra Lacharity, to complete and submit the application for the summer student grant from Service Canada with a request of hiring two students for 2010.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-046adjustment of salary – assistant director general
The Assistant Director General Secretary Treasurer does not carry the title or responsibility of Road Foreman;
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Ronald Marengere
And resolved:
That the salary of the Assistant Director General Secretary Treasurer is lowered to $26.50 per hour commencing January 4, 2010 and that the road committee take on the responsibilities of the management of roads and road issues.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-047adjournment of the Council meeting for 15 minutes
It is proposed byPamela Lachapelle
Seconded by Denis Belair
And resolved:
That the present council meeting be adjourned for 10 to 15 minutes for a private consultation AT 8:08 pm.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-049hiring of a municipal lawyer
Prices from only two firms were received by councillors since their election in November of 2009,
Considerant that
This council has already assigned the 2007, 2008 and 2009 collection of non payment of taxes;
The tender from the firm of Dutton-Rainville and the description of services seem to better suit the needs of the Municipality,
It is proposed byPamela Lachapelle
Seconded by Robert Rowan
And resolved:
THAT, the firm of Dutton-Rainville Avocats be retained to represent the interests of the Municipality of Kazabazua for the perception of the land taxes in arrearsfrom the year 2010 at a rate of 10% including the properties up for taxes in arrears;
THAT the firm of Dutton-Rainville Avocats is also retained for the telephone consultation service in the amount of $1,500 per year or $125.00 per month, plus taxes and expenses allowing the civil servants and the mayor to communicate with them for any information relating to the field of the municipal rights. This also includes the study and analyses of resolutions and draft by-laws;
THAT the firm of Dutton-Rainville Avocats is also retained for all Council appointed current active files at a rate of $150.00 per hour as per details of the Offer of Services proposal received from the firm November 3 of 2009.
Adopted by Councillors
(The Mayor exercises his right to veto this resolution 12:25 pm Friday February 5, 2010)
2010-02-050help for municipal office
It is the time of year when tax bill preparation is at hand and the Municipality is without a Director General;
A grant is available through Centre Jean Bosco de Maniwaki at a rate of 75% of the applicable wage for an office clerk;
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Robert Rowan
And resolved;
That Council authorises the Assistant Director General and the Mayor Ota Hora to sign all applicable documents relating to the Centre Jean Bosco de Maniwaki grant for an office clerk, and that the contract be signed for a period of 22 weeks at 25 hours per week, in order to help maintain the regular schedule of taxes and general operation of the Municipal administration during the transition period of the hiring of a new Director General.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-051fire department radio test
The current emergency communications system works very poorly in the area and requires the Municipality to pay a monthly rental fee;
There is a possible solution to this problem that would also include a communications system for the Municipality as well, but requires a radio test on the tower located behind the Kazabazua Fire Hall by a professional communications firm;
It is proposed byPamela Lachapelle
Seconded by Robert Bergeron
And resolved:
That this Council authorise the radio test to be carried out on the tower located behind the Fire Hall at an expense of $1,500 in order to help find a solution for the emergency communications problem.
Adopted by Councillors
apsam road construction/ditching courses
This subject is to be carried to the next regular meeting of Council in order to obtain more information on the availability of an English course or the availability of dates for other upcoming courses.
2010-02-052request for snowploughing – petrin road
It is proposed byDenis Belair
Seconded by Ronald Marengere
And resolved:
That Council wishes to hold on to this request to be re-evaluated for the new snowplough contract in 2010.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-053Purchase of a tandem trailer
It is proposed byPamela Lachapelle
Seconded by Denis Belair
And resolved:
That this Council authorises the purchase of a utility trailer for the road and sanitation department and that the trailer be either new at an approximate cost of $3,500 or the purchase of a used trailer which would include a mechanical inspection and that the trailer purchased must be suitable with all members of council.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-054septic emptying 2010-2011 – awarding of contract
Four tenders were received by the Municipality for the 2010-2011 Septic Emptying contract,
The Sanitation and Environment Committee met and calculated the point system per contractor, as per the contract specifications for each of the tenders,
It is proposed byPamela Lachapelle
Seconded by Denis Belair
And resolved:
That this Council award the 2010-2011 Septic Tank Emptying Contract to Cammionage David Tanner at a cost of $69.94 per regular tank emptying and the specified fees for all other types of emptying required as per the contract tender.
Adopted by Councillors
2010-02-055by-law septic compost (bio-solid) spreading – territory of kazabazua
BY LAW 2010-02-001
At a previous regular meeting of Council of the Municipality of Kazabazua, notice of motion was given by Councillor Ronald Marengere for the adoption of a by law to prohibit the spreading of Biosolid waste on the territory of the Municipality of Kazabazua;
The information regarding the safe usage and/or spreading of biosolid materials (that being sewage waste, sewage compost, sludge etc.) is based upon studies commissioned by various organizations and companies;
These studies do not provide sufficient information nor is there enough evidence as to the long term impact of the use and/or spreading of biosolid materials (that being sewage waste, sewage compost, sludge etc.)
The mandate of the Municipal Corporation of Kazabazua is to protect its citizens from potentially hazardous situations which could occur as a result of the use and/or spreading of biosolid materials (that being sewage waste, sewage compost, sludge etc,) on and within its territory;
The use and/or spreading of biosolid materials (that being sewage waste, sewage compost, sludge etc.) could have a negative impact on land values and potential and future expansion and community growth as well as viable use of the land on and within the Municipality’s territory;
The Superior Court of Quebec has set precedence through judgement #760-17-001371-064 October 1, 2009 (Ferme l’Evasion inc. C. Elgin (M du Canton D) allowing any municipality to install and enforce by law prohibiting the use and/or spreading of biosolid materials (that being sewage waste, sewage compost, sludge etc.) on and within its territory;
IT IS PROPOSED BY;Ronald Marengere
SECONDED BY;Denis Belair
Opposed by;Pamela Lachapelle
The Municipality of Kazabazua does hereby prohibit the use and/or spreading of biosolid materials (that being sewage waste, sewage compost, sludge etc.) on the whole of its municipal lands and territories.
Adopted by the majority
mrcvg – septic compost available
The MRCVG has been approached by a developer in the Outaouais that wishes to use the septic compost that is available for approximately five years. A copy of our new by-law 2010-02-001 will be forwarded to the MRC.
2010-02-056request for door to door household waste pick-up – thibault road
Thibault Road is a private road,
It is proposed byRonald Marengere
Seconded by Denis Belair
And resolved:
This Council authorises the garbage truck to go into Thibault Road for large article pick-up on the predetermined dates, but for now wishes to postpone the request for door to door pick-up for consideration at a later date.
Adopted by Councillors
The Municipality has recently received an offer from Garage Roger Johnson for free scrap removal for taxpayers within the Municipality of Kazabazua. The contact information will be printed on the Municipal bulletin
The Municipality has received a request for a certificate of authorisation from the MRCVG – septic treatment plant to install a new system to improve the quality of the return water into the Kazabazua River. This new addition will allow for the gross reduction of fine particles and phosphates from what is currently being returned to the River. Environment Quebec has already authorised this new installation for improvement.
2010-02-057Second adoption of the request for added usage s5 in zone p107-a
Province of Quebec
Municipality of Kazabazua
Project by-law number 01-01-10
Second project by-law for the modification of certain dispositions of the zoning by-law #201 number 78290.
Whereas, the zoning by-law 201 has been in effect since the 17th of June 1992, following a certificate of conformity delivered by the MRC Vallee de la Gatineau;
Whereas the council of the Municipality of Kazabazua expresses the desire to create a new use in zone P107A in order to add the S5 use;
Whereas the zone P107A includes the authorised usages as follows; C3, F9, I1, I2, I4;
Whereas the Municipality wishes to authorise the usage S5 in zone P107A
In this use, are the buildings, spaces and uses of a public service nature, which can be of some inconvenience for the surrounding vicinity and which require large spaces.
Belonging to this use are the following;
-Domestic waste treatment site;
-Waste water oxidation pools;
-Salt storage bins;
-Ministry of Transportation sites;
-Industrial and domestic waste incinerators;
-Dry material waste sites;
-Treatment of septic mud sites;
Whereas the council of the municipality of Kazabazua wishes to authorize a new use inside zone P107A. Uses already authorized in zone P107A will remain authorized.