Oral Health Policy1302.42(b)(1)(c)(d)(e)(2)
Children enrolled in the program will obtain an annual oral health examination by a licensed oral health professional within 90 days of the child’s first day of attendance and follow up when indicated.
- The program promotes good oral health practices by brushing teeth every day.
- Parents of children, who are under the care of an oral health professional when they enter Head Start, will provide staff documentation that the child is up-to-date on an appropriate schedule of preventative and primary oral health care.
- An oral health examination by a licensed oral health professional will be required for children not already under the care of an oral health professional. The examination will be completed with-in 90 days of the child’s first day of attendance.
- At enrollment, parents of children that have not already received an oral health examination will be encouraged to make an appointment for their child to have one completed.
- If the child does not have a dental home, staff will assist parents in finding one. (see Source of Health Care Policy)
- If the parent needs transportation, staff will take the parent and child to the appointment.
- If the parent is unable to take their child to the dentist, Head Start staff will, with parent’s documented permission, set up an appointment and take the child for an oral health examination.Staff will document the appointment information on the Well Child Checkup/ Oral Health Exam Notification KHS-111 or 111S and send to parent. Parents will authorize who will take the child. This can be written or verbal. Document on Family Contact Record KHS-800.
- The Oral Health Exam/Treatment Record KHS-108 will be used to document the oral health examination.Oral health records form individual dentists will also be accepted. Records will be kept in the child’s folder and documented in ChildPlus.
- If Head Start staff take the child for an Oral Health Exam, staff must document the outcome on the Medical Information form KHS-112. If treatment is required, staff will also call the parent for notification of treatment.
- If follow-up is needed, staff, usually the Family Service Worker, will stay in close contact with the parent and give needed assistance to ensure that a plan for further follow-up and/or treatment is completed.
- Staff will document all information discussed with parent or oral health professional about the child's oral health services on the Family Contact Record KHS-800. Parents of dual language learners will have a translated note/letter or an interpreted call, staff conference, or home visit whenever possible.
- Staff will work as a team to get oral health exam completed with-in 90 days and help parents continue to follow recommended schedules of oral health care. Staff will facilitateand monitor necessary oral health preventative care, treatment, and follow-up, including topical fluoride treatment. The Family Service Worker will be the person responsible to ensure it is completed and track referrals and services provided on the Health Tracking Report KHS-117.
- Head Start funds can be used for oral health care services and follow-up only when no other sources of funding are available. When program funds are used for such services, written documentation of all efforts to access other available sources of funding must be in Family Contact Records KHS-800 and documented on the Health Tracking KHS-117.
- Staff will assist parents, as needed, in obtaining any prescribed medications for oral health conditions.
- If recommended by the oral health professional, staff will facilitate fluoride supplements, and other preventative measures, and further oral health treatment.