- A poster about the guillotine (include how it
worked, the attitudes of the people toward it,
who it was most used on…)
- Poster on Bastille Day ( include origins of this
day, how it is celebrated today….)
- Poster on one of the following topics: Great
Fear, Congress of Vienna, any of the French
- Create a photo essay or a virtual tour of
France. / Diagrams:
- Make a venn diagram comparing the French
revolution to the American Revolution.
- Do the “Connect to Today” on page 223.
Make the topic into a diagram showing
today’s politicians and leaders.
- Make several diagrams on the distribution of
wealth in the United States Today. / Draw one of the following:
- Editorial cartoon about Napoleon
- Picture showing the 3 estates of France
- Show on a map Europe under the reign of
Napoleon and Europe after Napoleon.
Write an editorial taking the side of one of the following:
- view of the 3rd estate in France
- view of the monarchy in France
- view on the Reign of Terror in France / Book Work:
-Do workbook pages 53,54,69 over chapter 7.
-Make a crossword puzzle about the French
Revolution. Use at least 20 blue terms from
- Make a terms dictionary using 25 blue terms
from Chapter 7. / Write a speech as if you were Napoleon Bonaparte, King Louis XVI, or Klemens von Metternich, Marie Antoinette, or a candidacy speech as yourself for president of France.
Write a song or poem about:
- the peasants of France and the need for
freedom of a suppressed people.
- Napoleon Bonaparte’s leadership
- The execution of the French Monarchy. / Read:
- two of the history maker writings and do the
- Read Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities
Selection and write a reaction to it. / Choose from:
-Write a factual and complete obituary for
Napoleon Bonaparte.
- Write a factual newspaper article about
Napoleon Bonaparte (could be on one of
his battles, his code, rule, etc.)

1. Choose two of the above. Each must be from a different square. They will be graded on: organization, creativity, content, literacy, level of difficulty, specifics to topic.