Aspidoras C118

Log No MW01

Spawning date: 27 October 2006

Origin: I have this detail


Male female

Number of males: 2 Number of females: 1

Size: 40 mm SL.Size: 50 mm SL.

Age:Not knownAge: not known

Source: Wild caught Source: wild caught

Tank size: Water parameters:

Width:60 cm Height:30 cm Depth: 30 cm pH:6.2 GH:3º KH: / Temp 76F

Tank furnishings:

Light covering of sand, bogwood, java moss and oak leaves. Sponge filter with additional aeration. No additional light.


White worm, frozen bloodworm, chopped earthworm, Tetra Prima and Aquarian flake

Spawning details:

The first spawning was on the glass, in the current created by the flow of an air stone. Because the eggs were quite inaccessible and difficult to remove, a mop was added in the front corner, to encourage the female to deposit her eggs in that particular area, which would make for easy access and removal.

In most subsequent spawnings the eggs have all been deposited in the mop. The spawning act itself was not observed and therefore the method cannot be confirmed, because during the spawning activity the female remains deep in the mop, occasionally being joined by a male, who then stays with her for up to a minute at a time. On one occasion the female was observed free-swimming, before being chased into the mop by a male. The classic T-formation has not been witnessed inside or outside of the mop. Between each spawning event, the female will spend much of her time living in the mop.

Since the first spawning, there have been 7 repeat events. Spawnings have been induced 48 hours after a 50% water change with rain water 10 degrees cooler than the tank, plus the addition of live daphnia. Between 24 to 46 eggs have been deposited in a spawning mop at any one spawning session. On one occasion, the eggs were deposited on the glass in the flow created by an air stone.


% fertile:50 % Hatch:20 Time to hatch:4 days Hatch time in hours: 96


Time to free swimming:Type of first food:

3 daysMicroworm and ground dry food

When first food given:Feeding frequency:

3 days .Twice daily, alternating between microworm and dry food.

Fry Growth:

Size @ 7 days: 8 mm SL.

Size @ 1 month:15 mm SL.Size @ 2 months 20 mm SL.

Size @ 3 months: 25 mm SL. Time to reach adult colour: 8 weeks


If eggs are left for more than 24 hours, they are eaten. The eggs are a dark tan colour and tough, with low adhesion. This makes removal straightforward. The eggs are held in 1.2 litre tubs with alder cones and aeration. Surprisingly, only 6-8 fry have hatched from each spawning. Following hatching, no fry have been lost. They are resilient and grow at a rapid rate, being introduced back to the parent tank after only 2 weeks.

© Ian Fuller Enterprises 2005