
Final Exam Study Guide

The Final Exam will be on Tuesday, May 8 at 12:15P.M. The format of the exam will be the same as the others; multiple choice and short answer. Below are concepts that you should know from each chapter or section. Reminder: The exam will be about 65% on Chapters 9, 10, 15, Water, and 19…while 35% will be semi-cumulative.

Chapter 9

-  natural vs. human-influenced vegetation

-  examples of human influences on vegetation

-  what features of vegetation are affected by environmental factors?

-  what is life-form?

-  annuals vs. perennials

-  forest vs. woodland

-  name the five biomes

-  basic characteristics of biomes (largest latitudinal range, Strahler climate type, etc.)

-  elevation and vegetation: why differences?, vegetation zonation, life zones, sky islands

-  how does vegetation change on spatial scales? do we see this on maps? why/why not?

Chapter 10

-  why is soil important to plants?

-  five important factors in soil formation

-  matter: mineral vs. organic

-  what accounts for most of soil composition?

-  physical vs. chemical weathering

-  what is loam?

-  importance of soil colloids

-  soil acidity and alkalinity: why important?, how measured?, important #’s on scale

-  soil moisture: why important?, how does moisture get to soil?, importance of infiltration, relationship between soil moisture and soil texture

-  soil horizons: what are they?, how differentiated?, two main types

-  4 soil-forming processes and definitions

-  temperature vs. soil formation

-  soil vs. topography

-  animals’ affect on soil

Chapter 15

-  Percentage of fresh water as total water

-  Infiltration

-  Soil water belt

-  2 types of runoff

-  Groundwater vs. water table

-  Artesian wells

-  2 forces that move ground water

-  Karst landscapes

-  Cone of depression with respect to wells

-  Drainage systems and watersheds

-  Lag time and what it means to flooding

-  Flash floods and urbanization

Water in the Southwest

-  Colorado River Compact

-  Basin states

-  Salinity issues

-  Evaporation issues

-  Lee’s Ferry

-  Lake Powell/Lake Mead

-  Hoover Dam/Glen Canyon Dam

-  Water conservation in Tucson vs. Phoenix

-  Agriculture vs. urban demand

-  Imperial Valley

-  Environmental problems associated with the Salton Sea

-  Drought

Chapter 19

-  Significance of glaciers

-  What are glaciers composed of?

-  Where are glaciers found?

-  Alpine glaciers vs. Ice sheets

-  Glacial troughs

-  Fiord

-  Size/area of Greenland ice sheet vs. Antarctic

-  North pole—glacier?

-  Glaciation vs. Interglaciation

-  Till

-  Kettle lakes and Moraines

-  Driftless Area

-  Southern extent of glaciation

Concepts from earlier chapters

-  rotation – what is it?, importance

-  revolution – what is it?, importance

-  parallels and meridians – alignment and direction of measurement

-  what is energy balance?

-  difference between solar and terrestrial radiation

-  composition of atmosphere – most dominant gases, types of greenhouse gases

-  when’s and why’s of time of minimum and maximum temperatures

-  what are continentality and the marine effect?

-  temperature change with height

-  basic premise of global water balance

-  precipitation formation processes

-  pressure vs. altitude relationship

-  names forces affecting wind

-  air masses: what are they?, how named

-  cyclones and anticyclones: high or low pressure?, convergence or divergence?, direction of air movement, associated weather

-  fronts: types and definitions, what do they look like?

-  what is climate?

-  climographs: what are they?, how are temp and precip represented?

-  why study extreme weather and climate events? (why important?)

-  names of greenhouse gases

-  what is necessary for scientists to gain a better understanding of climate change?

-  what is major debate about global warming?

-  types of satellite imagery

-  types of forecasts

-  forecasting methods