Freda Meyers Nishan Scholarship
–——— Policy for Approving and Awarding Scholarships ––––––
Three basic considerations specified in the Freda Meyers Nishan Will are: (1) scholarship, (2) moral character, and (3) financial need. Your accumulative academic record, as of the date of application, is the determining factor in the committee’s consideration of your application.
To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must be a graduate of Reedsburg Area High School, Webb High School or the former Sauk County Teachers’ College, and the applicant must be attending an accredited institution of higher learning located within the state of Wisconsin.
Scholarship drafts will be forwarded to the appropriate financial aids office by a representative of
US Bank, Madison prior to the start of the second semester. Students not registered for the second semester will forfeit their scholarship award.
It is important that you notify registration officials that you have been awarded a Nishan Scholarship.
Scholarship amounts may vary, but they may not exceed the annual tuition costs for a full-time student attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus, for any one person, for any one year.
The scholarship shall be for one year, up to a total of four years for undergraduate programs only.
A college transcript (official or unofficial showing your accumulative GPA) must accompany your application, or you may request that it be sent directly to the Nishan Scholarship Committee at the school district office. If you graduated from Reedsburg Area High School this year, we will contact that office for your transcript.
An application will not be considered unless it is properly completed, signed, and postmarked no later than September 15 (if September 15 falls on a weekend the deadline will be extended to the following Monday). Mail your application to Nishan Scholarship Committee, 501 K Street, Reedsburg, Wisconsin 53959-1825. Applications postmarked after September 15 will not be considered. All applications must be typed to be considered.
If any of the conditions are violated during the school year in which the award is made, the committee reserves the right to receive a satisfactory explanation and/or return of the scholarship award.
Members of the Freda Meyers Nishan Scholarship Committee are: library board member, administrator of MATC-Reedsburg campus, and school district administrator.
If you have any questions, please call the district office at (608) 524-2016.
Application for
IMPORTANT: / This application and a transcript(does not need to be official but must show your accumulative GPA) must be postmarked no later than September 15. Submit to: Nishan Scholarship Committee, 501 K Street, Reedsburg, WI 53959-1825. All applications must be typed to be considered.Last 4 Digits of SS#:XXX-XX-
1.Last Name:First Name: Middle Initial:
2.Home Address:
City, State, Zip:
Cell Phone:email address:
3.Parent Information: (Please “X” correct parental status)
a.Name: Father Stepfather Legal Guardian
a.Name: Mother Stepmother Legal Guardian
4.If married, name of spouse:Number of children, if any:
5.Year of graduation from RAHS:
6.Have you received the Nishan Scholarship prior to this year? YES NO
If yes, how many times?
7.State the name and location of the school(s) you plan to attend this fall:
8.Number of credits you will be pursuing first semester:second semester:
9.What year in college will this be for you?1st2nd3rd4th
10.What is your cumulative GPA? High School OR College
11.Anticipated date of graduation/degree?
NOTE: Pursuant to the stipulations of the Freda Meyers Nishan will, you are not eligible for this scholarship if the school you plan to attend is out of state.
Freda Meyers Nishan Scholarship Application
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12.What course of study do you plan to pursue? (e.g., Liberal Arts, Education, Business)
13. List any special recognition, awards, or scholarships you have received for excellence in schoolwork this past
year. If you are a first time applicant, include all four years of high school.
14. List the activities you have participated in this past year, both in and out of school (music, drama, sports, class office, church activities, etc.). If you just graduated from high school this year, include activities from all
four years of high school.
Financial Information:
- If you are working this summer, list the name of your employer(s), the position(s) you hold, and your earnings
(estimate, if necessary):
2.Do you plan to work during the academic year? YES NO
If yes, state your anticipated earnings:$
3.Additional resources available to you to meet educational expenses:
Savings (exclude estimated earnings stated above): $
Paid internships, assistantships, etc:$
Other income (name the source):$
4.Are your parents financially able to assist you? YES NO
If not, briefly explain:
5.List the names and ages of those children your parents claim as dependents:
Freda Meyers Nishan Scholarship Application
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State your goals and the reasons you are attending college. Include any experiences that have had a significant effect on your life and have led to important decisions regarding your plans for the future.
Signature: Date