e-Course [2142] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2

e-Course [2142] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2: Learn level 2 phonics, comprehension, critical thinking, decoding, vocabulary and grammar skills through narrated sequenced children’s stories and activities.

e-Unit [21421] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Unit 1: Learn level 2 phonics, comprehension, critical thinking, decoding, vocabulary and grammar skills through narrated sequenced children’s stories and activities about location, meals, sports and fears.

e-Lesson [214211] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Location: Learn level 2 phonics (final consonant d, initial consonant digraph wh, and possessive -‘s), vocabulary (high-frequency word where) and comprehension (details and facts) skills.

e-Lesson [214212] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Meals: Learn level 2 phonics (final consonant t and plural ending -s), vocabulary (multiple-meaning word pass, and high-frequency word time) and comprehension (picture cues) skills.

e-Lesson [214213] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Sports: Learn level 2 phonics (initial consonant k, final consonant n, word family -all and contractions -‘s, -‘ll, and -n’t), vocabulary (high-frequency words play and no) and comprehension (paraphrase/retell) skills.

e-Lesson [214214] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Fears: Learn level 2 phonics (initial consonant digraph sh, initial consonant blend br, and long vowel a), vocabulary (high-frequency word to, plus theme words doctor, nurse, tall, heavy, heart and shot) and comprehension (inference) skills.

e-Unit [21422] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Unit 2: Learn level 2 phonics, comprehension, critical thinking, decoding, vocabulary and grammar skills through narrated sequenced children’s stories and activities about anxiety, bedtime, expectation and adventure.

e-Lesson [214221] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Anxiety: Learn level 2 phonics (long vowels i and o), vocabulary (high-frequency words don’t, like and say, and theme words school, teacher, food, homework, children and lunch) and comprehension (compare and contrast) skills.

e-Lesson [214222] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Bedtime: Learn level 2 phonics (initial consonant blend st and vowel digraph oo), vocabulary (high-frequency words said and good, plus theme words happily, story, tucked, drink and water) and comprehension (paraphrase/retell) skills.

e-Lesson [214223] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Expectation: Learn level 2 phonics (final consonant k, initial consonant blend gr, and vowel digraph oo), vocabulary (high-frequency word will) and comprehension (predict outcome) skills.

e-Lesson [214224] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Adventure: Learn level 2 phonics (initial consonant blend sn, long vowel y, and final consonant p), vocabulary (high-frequency word was, plus theme words Africa, lions, hyenas, gorilla, elephant, and peanuts) and comprehension (visualization) skills.

e-Unit [21423] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Unit 3: Learn level 2 phonics (comprehension, critical thinking, decoding, vocabulary and grammar skills through narrated sequenced children’s stories and activities about other places, learning a skill, time and sequence and problem solving.

e-Lesson [214231] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Other Places: Learn level 2 phonics (initial blend fr and initial consonant c), vocabulary (antonyms dry/wet, hot/cold, tall/short, and large/small; high-frequency words other, has, live, there and too; plus theme words deserts, camels, lizards and leopards) and comprehension (main idea/supporting details) skills.

e-Lesson [214232] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Learning A Skill: Learn level 2 phonics (initial consonant digraph th, and word family -ad), vocabulary (multiple-meaning words back and cry) and comprehension (cause and effect) skills.

e-Lesson [214233] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Time & Sequence: Learn level 2 phonics (final consonant m and vowel digraph ay), vocabulary (homophones their/there; high-frequency word had; plus theme words bikes, wooden, wheels, bumpy, rubber and tires) and comprehension (sequencing) skills.

e-Lesson [214234] - Kids Life Reading - Level 2 - Problem Solving: Learn level 2 phonics (initial digraph qu and vowel digraph ou), vocabulary (high-frequency words get and they, plus theme words raindrops, park and picnic) and comprehension (problem/solution) skills.