8701 Holmes Road
Kansas CityMO 64131
RELEASEDATE: December 23, 2015
BIDDUE DATE:January 22, 2016
Center School District #58 – Kansas City, MO Request forProposal
“Cell Phone”
Posted on 12/23/15
The Center School District,in Kansas City, Missouri,is seeking a company to providebasic cellular phone service for 65 cellular devices.
Please submitthis RFP response to Colleen McLain, by:
- January 22, 2016 at 9:45 AM CST, with RFP openings occurringat10:00AM (CST)at CSD’s Central Office(8701 Holmes Road, Kansas City, MO).
- Submission may bemade by email, paper copy,and/or electronic copy.
- If submitting byemail, pleasecalltoverify thatitis received. CSD cannot be responsible for an RFP sentthroughemail without the Vendor verifyingthatitwas sent and received. Email Submissions must have in bold letters“Cell Phone RFP - 2016” inthe subjectline.
Proposals received after the exact time and date noted will NOT be considered.
Contactinformation is below: Center School District
Attn: Colleen McLain, District Technology Coordinator
8701 Holmes Road
Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: 816-349-3357
The following points need to be addressedin thesubmitted RFP’s:
41 – Smart Phones
- Full email and internet capability
- Mustbe compatible/connectwith Outlook/Exchange 2013
- 9 devices with internettethering/hotspotfeature
22 – Standard cell phones for calls only.
- Primarily for custodians and maintenance for mobile to mobile calls
- 6 of these should have outside minutes on them.
2 –aircard/hotspot device
Plan needs
TotalPeakminutes:20,000 MinutesPlan Pool for all users
Web based managementtools for full fleet of phones
Identify if minutes are used for callswithin the network.
Includea list of equipment/phone units– models and cost of each, if a cost.
Includerenewal/replacement/refresh policy for phones.
Provide detailed warranty procedures.
Provide detailed support service procedures.
The School Systemreserves therightto reduce or increase the number of units.
Coveragesshould be tested throughout CSD’s buildingsto determine service
Availability. We will provide opportunities for total walk-thrus of our buildings to test recommended phones. Should service be poor itis expectedthatthe selected companywould installequipment locallyto enhance thecoverage.
RESERVATIONSAND ANNULMENTS:The Districtreservestheright toaccept orreject any or all Proposals andto waiveanyand/orall technicalitiesinthe interest of the District.
The Districtreserves therightto increase or decrease the given quantity.In the eventquantities are increased or decreased, the amount added or deducted shall be basedupon unitprice quoted.
CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS:The District shallhavetheright to acceptor reject any or all Proposals, or any partthereof;towaive anytechnicalities in theinterest of the District.
PROPOSAL ERRORS:All proposals shall bedeemed final, conclusive, and irrevocable, and no proposalshall be subject tocorrection oramended for errors or miscalculations by the proposer after proposalopening date.
VALUEADDED SERVICES:Value added servicesincluded in the proposal will be considered for award of contract. All value addedservices must bedeclared indetailby the Proposer, inwriting,at the time of submittal of the formal proposal.
CONTRACT PERIOD:Unless otherwise specified,thiscontract shallbe valid from
7/1/2016 to6/30/2017; however, the Districtreserves the right to cancelthe contractwith 30 day written notice. The Center District isalso seekinga contractthat includesanadditional(3) one- year voluntary extensions with potential service lastingtill6/30/2020.
AWARD OF PROPOSALS: A recommendationofa chosen vendorwill be forwarded to the School Board and a decision made at the February 22nd,2016 CenterSchool District Board meeting.
Criteria / Weight / Score (1-10) / WeightedScorePurchase Price / 40
Coverages / 30
Comprehensive implementation designedtominimize disruption ofbusinessactivities. / 10
Experienceand capabilities of account supportgroup / 10
Reputationofthe vendor and the
vendorschoice/optionsof goods and services / 10