In Grandma’s Attic Committee

for the Van Bourgondien Farm House Interpretive Center Project


February 28, 2011 Committee Meeting

2:30-4:00 PM at the Van Bourgondien Farm House Interpretive Center

Committee Members In Attendance
District / Carol Varsalona / TA / Debbie Ward
FA / Sonnya Graziosa / JHS / Jen Carere
JFK / Eric Elefterion / Town / Tom Smith
SB / Kara Levy / Community / Sue Tronolone
Laurie Loughlin
1.  Updates regarding the Van Bourgondien Farm House Interpretive Center / Van Bourgondien Farm House home improvement-Tom Smith / ·  Book cases for an upstairs library and a conference table for the living room have been placed in the VB Farm House.
·  Tom Smith shared a sketch of the cupola that is on his wish list. Sonnya Graziosa and Sue Gottlieb will review the Lowe’s grant that could feature the building of a cupola and refurbishing/painting the shutters of the VB Farm House Interpretive Center.
·  Tom Smith contacted Wayne Horsely about painting of the VB Farm House. The Sheriff’s Community Service Project does this type of work. If this group is used, neighbors will be notified before work begins. Supervision will be provided for the crew.
·  Mary Cascone is working with John Van Bourgondien on an oral history project about the Town of Babylon.
Eagle Scout
Project / ·  The Eagle Scouts group, headed by A.J. Staub, built four wooden picnic tables for the grounds of the Van Bourgondien Farm House. These items will be ready for the grand opening.
Update from Laure Loughlin / ·  Laure Loughlin has contacted Alyssa Van Bourgondien about providing family history, photos, documents, newspaper articles, and presentations for the genealogy room (dining room) of the VB Farm House.
·  Alyssa Van Bourgondien has agreed to be a committee member. She will arrange for family members to meet in April with committee members regarding an oral history project. SHS students in the LI History class can be invited if interested.
·  A trip to the VB Nursery’s Gift Shop on Deer Park Road will be arranged. The Historical Society would like to sell miniature Dutch shoes for a fundraiser.
·  A trip to the VB Farm in Peconic will be arranged to see if plants can be sold at the Grand Opening.
2.  Website Addition / New website / · Patt Squicciarini helped Carol Varsalona create a website for the In Grandma’s Attic Project. Please visit the site.
3.  Open House Plans / Authentic, inquiry-based projects from the various schools will be exhibited at the Grand Opening event. / ·  Forest Avenue’s Project-Kitchen, circa 1960 (requests 20th century kitchen artifacts from other schools for their project)
·  JFK’s Project- Child’s Bedroom, WW II through the Eyes of a Child
·  Santapogue’s Project-Need to speak with Harry Theo about this
·  South Bay’s Project-Possible dining room exhibits on the VB family’s genealogy
·  Kara Levy will work on an article for Kids’ Day regarding the WB Schools’ museum project. Ed Johntry,
Historical Society member, has a contact at Newsday
·  Tooker Avenue’s Project-Family room, circa 1940
·  Ideas were brainstormed with Debbie Ward.
·  JHS’s Project-Research, presentation boards throughout the house dealing with social, political, economic-accompanied by artifacts, music of the decades?, DVD of family heritage?
·  SAFE Program-Garage Museum, circa 1920, or outside games, circa 1940-1960
Contributions from the JHS / ·  Music Department-Joe Barone and Dana Meadows will coordinate the music for he VB Farm House’s Grand Opening.
·  Audrey Llobell spoke with the SEA Club about assisting with the Historical Society’s beverage stand.
·  SEA Club girls will provide the names of 10 students who will dress in vintage costumes and provide tours throughout the museum on June 11th.
·  Art Department (Paul Bryan) or Mural Club (Andrea Montalvo) will create the sign-in board.
·  The Mural Club might provide the art work for the flyers.
Contributions from the Community / ·  Wendy DeGaetano will provide the costumes for 10 high school students who will be the docents giving tours (5 boys and 5 girls).
·  Babylon Historical Society will provide the guest book (Sue Tronolone), refreshments (Sharon Pullen, assisted by the SEA Club girls), and a plant sale (Sue Tronolone).
·  An Antique Road Show table will be run by Ken Powers from Junk To Gems Antiques. He will appraise antique items at the Grand Opening.
·  Regional 20th century artifacts for the WB Schools were donated by Ken Powers.
·  PTA will be contacted to assist at the Grand Opening
·  South Shore Soccer Club will send out the flyers for the Grand Opening.
·  Vendors’ tables will be arranged by Tom Smith and the Babylon Historical Society.
·  Tom Smith will contact Lena Pennino from the Babylon Beacon to cover the event (Carol Varsalona will contact the district publicists.)
·  Debbie Ward will contact Anne Marie Dolan from WB Public Library to see if the librarians would be interested in assisting with the Grand Opening or joining the committee.
Workers Needed for the Grand Opening / ·  12-4 Shift: Jen Carere, Eric Elfterion, Kara Levy, and Carol Varsalona
·  Please contact Carol Varsalona’s office if you can assist with the Grand Opening (376-7040 or email ).
4.  Items Needed for the Grand Opening / June 11, 2011 from 12:00-4:00 PM
June 12, 2011 from 12:00-4:00 PM) / ·  Screen and projector for JHS will be provided by Tom Smith.
·  Tom Smith will look into the purchase of a wireless router for approximately $90.
·  A listening station for the genealogy room is included as an item to purchase when writing outside grants.
5.  Field Trips to the VB Farm House / ·  If any of the committee’s classes would like to visit the VB Farm House prior to the Grand Opening, please contact Tom Smith, .
6.  Next Meeting / ·  March 29, 2011 from 2:45-4:00 PM at the Van Bourgondien Farm House.
·  RSVP Carol Varsalona’s office (376-7040) or contact .

Partnership: WB UFSD with Town of Babylon Office of Historic Services and Babylon Historical Society

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