Friday, September 11, 2015
TheNJASA Membership Services Committee meeting began promptly at 9:30am.via GoToMeeting. Mr. Caputo welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked the members to introduce themselves.
Meeting Participants: Vincent Caputo, Committee Chair, Middlesex; Dr. Theresa DeFranco, Atlantic; John Thomas, Cape May (substitute for Victoria Zelenak); Dr. Patricia McGeehan, Hudson; Lisa Savoia, Monmouth; Dr. James Roselli, Ocean; Richard Corbett, Sussex; Charlotte Duthie, NJASA Staff Liaison; and Delores McCray, NJASA Member Services.
Membership Report
Mr. Caputo noted that the Membership Report showed the total number of members as of June 2, 2015, and that it also contained columns comparing the changes in membership over the past three years. He mentioned that the number of Chief School Administrator (CSA) members is down compared to two years ago. He also recommended the members share the information at their upcoming roundtable meetings and encourage their colleagues to keep up their membership in the Association.
County Membership Lists
Ms. Duthie asked each member to go through their county member list and remind anyone who has not renewed their membership to do so before the September 30th deadline. Mr. Caputo suggested that a quick email could be sent to remind members to renew.
Solicitation of Regular and Allied Members
Ms. Duthie said that two (2) membership applications and two (2) brochures were being sent to each committee member to distribute to potential new members. The committee was also asked to direct potential members to the NJASA website for more information.
VacanciesIdeas to Increase Membership
Mr. Caputo asked if anyone was aware of any vacancies in their counties, and if so to pass that information on to Ms. Duthie.
Welcome Letter
Mr. Caputo said he would appreciate if members would send a welcome letter or email to their local colleagues who join the Association. Samples were shared with the committee. Ms. Duthie said a list of new members will be sent to the committee at the end of each month beginning in October; she added that NJASA President Patrick Fletcher sends a welcome letter to each new member. Ms. McCray asked the committee to let us know how their letters to the new members are received.
Ideas to Expand Membership
Mr. Caputo said it was helpful to remind new superintendents to join the Association, as well as share the information at roundtable meetings. Ms. Duthie mentioned that members were submitting their Twitter handles this year, and that the current mobile app was currently being updated. Ms. McCray said that the upcoming Techspo conference might be a way to invite new members into the Association. Ms. Ambrosius wrote in that roundtables and social media were good for getting the word out about membership. Mr. Caputo also recommended using Brian Zychowski as a resource for questions regarding membership and/or any related matters.
Next Meeting Date
Mr. Caputo noted that no meetings will be scheduled on Fridays due to county roundtables being held. He also welcomed the committee members to come to meetings in-person or feel free to attend the sessions online. The next committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 9:30am.
The meeting closed at 10:00am.