Budget Committee Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2017
Sequoia 18
Members Present
Administration: Christine Statton - Co-Chair, David Loverin, Glen Profeta
Faculty: Mike Skaff–Co-Chair, Linda Yamakawa
Adjunct Faculty TBD
Confidential: Mary Schaefer
Students: Jasmine Pacheco
Non-Voting Member: Linda McCauley
Members Absent
Administration: Dorianna Mendietta
Faculty: James McDonnell, John Sorber
Adjunct Faculty:
Classified: Ahsen Baig, Ryan White
Student: Cheyne Strawn
Non-Voting Member:
1. Call to Order – Mike Skaff called the meeting to order at 3:08.
2. Approval of the September 28, 2017 Budget Committee Minutes –David Loverin moved to approve the minutes of 9/28/17 and Linda Yamakawa seconded the motion. No further discussion. Motion carried.
3. Report to Committee
a) District Governance Senate Actions – AP’s/BP’s were reviewed (6100-6400) and standing reports were given.
b) Board of Trustees Actions and Items – In closed session, upon review of the Mooney property appraisal and inspection documents, final approval of the property was given. An open final approval of the Mooney property had already been given. The property closed escrow today.
Christine shared that the vacant lot across Mooney will be taken to the Board next month so it can be sold. She also explained that the Palm Apartments, located behind the new property (Sequoia Bookstore) may be coming up for sale and the District would like to acquire it.
Presentations were given by VTEC & UPHS. The COSAFA settlement was approved (4% salary increase, office hour allocation to $65k and professional development account to $10k). The Pool project is almost done. There is water in the pool and the fence is being put up. The contractor was a month late with the project so the District enforced liquidated damages and will be receiving money back. The Hanford modular classroom had an increase of $92k. Initially the project called for 12” foundation, but it should have been 54”. If the soils report would have been received in a timely manner the District would have been paying the $92k in the original contract, instead of in a change order. There was also a $2k increase to do some site work at Hanford (repair cracked cement & move water line).
4. Assessment of Effectiveness of Resource Allocation – Christine Statton read the sentence under the Effectiveness of Resource Allocations (pg. 20). that tells what the committee will assess and a portion of the Budget Committee Purpose (pg. 22) in the RAM. Linda McCauley explained that a FOPAL is set up for each approved request so the funds can be tracked. When approved items are purchased with a PO Fiscal Services compares the PO to the approved request to verify the correct items are being purchased. There was lengthy discussion of how the annual assessment should be done. The assessment should be completed in the division/department program review and that is what will be reviewed. It was decided that a sampling of the approved 2015-16 above-base requests will be reviewed. A total of 5 or 25%, whichever is greater, will be reviewed and the assessments will be done as a group. If program reviews are available, the committee will do the assessments at the October 26th meeting. The committee will be assessing the following: Do they show how prior year’s funds improved the units’ effectiveness in serving students or moved the Department/Division/District toward achieving a District Objective. If the effectiveness is not addressed in program review the committee will inform the department/division and then determine if the sample will be increased. The committee wants to ensure that the resource allocation process in program review is working and is effective.
5. Unfunded Capital Projects – Christine Statton explained between the Strategic Plan and Resource Allocation of the Integrated Planning Model the District doesn’t have a mechanism to fund large dollar items and that’s why the list of unfunded Capital Projects was created. She asked the committee to think about proposing to the Board if x dollars go unspent can a portion go to the Capital Project account to cover these large projects. The committee could also give a recommendation that projects a, b, & c be funded as the top priorities or they can do nothing. This process could also be written into the RAM. Christine Statton reviewed the list of projects that need to be addressed soon. She asked members to let her know if they hear of other large projects that need to be done. She explained that we have a capital projects fund and it’ll have approximately $1.2M after the pool and Hanford modular & pavilion are completed. The District does not budget money every year for capital expenditures. Mike Skaff shared that he felt it is very important for the District to look into budgeting an annual amount to fund capital projects and repairs. Christine Statton shared that it was discussed in Senior Management that budgeting funds for capital projects is something we need to look at doing.
6. Budget and Fiscal Items on Board Agenda. – None
7. Other Business – None
8. Date of Next Meeting – October 26, 2017
9. Adjourn – 3:57 pm