2017/18Interdisciplinary & Cross CampusVisiting Speaker Funding Opportunity
The Office of Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Affairs (ICCA) is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to bring an outstanding scholar to Campus to promote interdisciplinary and cross campus education, research, and service at UCLA. This program is designed to support recognized leaders in different fields of academia to visit UCLA for up to a week of activities designed to promote collaboration across Schools, Divisions and Departments. The goal of the program is to encourage Schools, Divisions and other units to find areas of mutual programmatic interest and to explore these intersections with the help of visiting experts.
Award Criteria
Proposals will be ranked based on the following criteria:
- New or non-traditional collaborations as opposed to those where interdisciplinary engagement already is occurring or for which external funding is more readily available
- Likelihood of leading to on-going collaboration or a major initiative such as facilitating a large-scale interdisciplinary grant proposal
- Matching support from participating units, in-kind or otherwise
- Advance UCLA’s national or international standing in innovative fields
- Disciplinary diversity of the applicants (for example, a four school proposal is more likely to be funded than a three school proposal, other factors being equal)
Outside scholar visits must be completed within one calendar year of award issue and must take place during the regular academic year (not during summer session). It is anticipated that the visiting scholar will participate in a series of different activities that might include presentations, program or research planning meetings and/or seminars within approximately one week.
Applications are due Friday March30, 2018.
Award announcements will be made as soon as possible, but no later than April 27, 2018.
Proposals may be funded in whole or in part at the discretion of the Review Committee, although no single award will exceed $15,000. Funding may be used to support speaker travel and related expenses, receptions, planning meetings and honoraria.
Please complete this Proposal Application Form and transmit to . Applications must be submitted using the application form in order to be considered for funding.
In keeping with its mission, core values, and collegial spirit, the Office of Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Affairs welcomes ideas for collaborative education, research, and service programs designed to build on UCLA’s success, and increase our capacity for interdisciplinary research, teaching and learning.
2017/18Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Visiting Scholar Funding Opportunity
1. Applicant Name, Title, and Contact Information:2. Faculty Participants (with school affiliation and role/contribution to event):
Open to all UCLA faculty members.
Must include collaborations of faculty from at least three separate schools, College divisions, Organized Research Units, or Centers for Interdisciplinary Instruction to be considered for funding.
3. Faculty Participant Group History (≤ 500 words specifyingwhether or not this is a new collaboration and, if not, describing past history of the group and/or project):Priority will be given to new collaborations or those which significantly advance past collaborations.
4. Visiting Speaker Name, Title and Affiliation:5. Visiting Speaker Biography:
6. Name and Title of Proposed Main Coordinator(s):
This may be administrative staff, rather than faculty, and should list the person(s) who will manage logistics.
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2017/18Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Visiting Scholar Funding Opportunity
7. Proposal Narrative (≤ 1500 wordsdescribing the speaker’s relevance to the proposed area of collaboration as well as a short description of the planned events/activities)
Proposals should address the following questions:
- What educational, research or programmatic interdisciplinary goal(s) do the participating units hope to advance through this collaboration, and how will the participating units collectively work to realize this goal?
- How would this scholar’s visit to UCLA facilitate the sponsoring unit’s interdisciplinary programs or goals?
- What activities or resources are in place or are planned to further collaboration across the participating units after the scholar’s visit?
- Please describe any new or existing interdisciplinary programs (educational, research, other) that are likely to occur or be strengthened as a result of this visit.
Proposals must stipulate that at least one of the planned events will be advertised and open to the entire campus community public.
Proposals that include one or more chances for undergraduate and/or graduate students from the participating units to engage with the visiting scholar in small group settings will receive preference.
Priority will be given to collaborative events that engage a broader range of faculty and/or students across schools.
8. Funding Amount Requested from ICCA:Specify exact amount of funding requested. Amount must be within the funding limits for this award ($15,000 maximum).
9. Budget and Justification (≤ 1000 words):Include other sources of funding (if any).
Attach supplemental Microsoft Excel spreadsheet if available.