Minutes of a meeting of the


Held on 21st September 2012at 09:00 in the Shell Meeting Room, East Malling Research


Bruno Essner (BE)INN (Mondial Fruit Selection, France)

Feli Fernández (FF)East Malling Research

Alessio Martinelli (AM)INN (CIV, Italy)

David Simpson(DS) ChairmanEast Malling Research

Andrew Tinsley (AT)HDC

Adam Whitehouse (AW)East Malling Research

Apologises received from Gary Saunders and Ian Hardie (East Malling Research)

  1. Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising

The chairman read through the action points and the actions were discussed:

Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising

a)Feli Fernández to attempt reversing the M561 cross in 2012, using Geneva 30 as the female parent

FF reported that the Geneva 30 had failed to flower in 2012 so the cross couldn’t be completed. Therefore this would be carried forward to 2013.

ACTION: Feli Fernández to attempt reversing the M561 cross in 2013, using Geneva 30 as the female parent

b)Feli Fernández to contact Gennaro Fazio to check if there were any know lethality problems when using Geneva 30 as a parent.

FF reported that she had contacted Gennaro, but he informed her he had not used Geneva 30 as a parent in the last 30 years, and he was not aware of any lethal systems that might prevent the cross being successful

c)Bruno Essner, Alessio Martinelli to check if it was straightforward to enter material in and out of Prosser schemefor their members.

BE and AM stated that liners rather than bud wood, and BE suggested that it might be best to send material out of Europe, perhaps from CTIFL. The option to use Prosser was not closed, but might be considered in the future. FF asked if material from CTIFL could be sent to Prosser in North America, BE confirmed it could be and AM added that material from Prosser could be distributed globally.

EMR update on progress during 2011


a)Feli Fernández to repeat Malus crosses that had failed last year in 2012

FF reported that those crosses where parents had flowered had been repeated, but flowering this year had been erratic. This would be discussed in more detail under Agenda point 2.

b)Feli Fernández to sow Pear seed from 2011 crosses in 2013


ACTION: Feli Fernández to ensure that seed from the 2011 pear crosses is sown in 2013

c)Feli Fernández to ensure advanced selections and parents are screened using markers linked to WAA and fireblight resistance as appropriate.

FF reported that this was ongoing and that in 2013 material would be screened using the available markers

ACTION: Feli Fernández to ensure that advanced selections and parents are screened with the available markers linked to WAA and fireblight resistance

d)Gary Saunders to supply trees of ‘Evereste’ for the rootstock germplasm collection

GS had sourced and supplied trees of ‘Evereste’

e)Alessio Martinelli to supply pollen of ‘Evereste’ to Feli Fernández

AM had sent pollen of ‘Evereste’

Germplasm database

a)Adam Whitehouse to produce a PDF version of the DB summary reports for the members’ area of the EMRC website

AW stated that the database had not progressed significantly since the January meeting but that he hoped to make further progress and upload a PDF version of the database in the autumn

ACTION: Adam Whitehouse to upload a PDF version of the germplasm database to the members’ area of the EMRC website before the next Board meeting.

b)Bruno Essner to send electronic versions of former INN trials to AW

BE reported that it had been difficult to locate copies of former reports but that he would look again.

EMR/HDC trials

a)Feli Fernández to check fingerprinting data on EMA/EMC for plots DM177 and DM178

  1. FF reported that still needed to be done. Ongoing

ACTION: Feli Fernández to check fingerprinting data on EMA/EMC for plots DM177 and DM178.

b)Feli Fernández to locate mother tree(s) of PQ34-3 with a view to propagate after review of the final data analysis

  1. FF had located the mother trees of PQ34-3 but they were not prolific with shoots

ACTION: Feli Fernández to check PQ34-3 mother trees again in 2013 with a view to propagate after review of the final data analysis

c)Gary Saunders to circulate data from trials, including observations on AR628-2/Bramley compatibility/health as well as more details on the performance of AR680-2 to the whole group

  1. GS had sent his apologises for this meeting, therefore FF agreed to contact him to check that data from the trials had been distributed.

ACTION: Feli Fernández to contact Gary Saunders to check that data from trials, including observations on AR628-2/Bramley compatibility/health as well as more details on the performance of AR680-2 to the whole group had been circulated.

Results of INN trials

a)Feli Fernández to check if C132 is still of present at EMR

FF informed the group that C132 was no longer present in the EMR collection

b)Bruno Essner to send liners of C132 to Feli Fernández to compare with EMR’s material, if available, or to re-establish mother trees if it is no longer present on site

BE agreed to send some material of C132 to FF this winter

ACTION: Bruno Essner to send some material of C132 to Feli Fernández this winter

c)Bruno Essner to discontinue trials of C132 within INN group

d)Feli Fernández to start recording phenotypic characteristics of AR295-6 in preparation for US patent application; DNA fingerprinting will also be required

FE and AW hadrecorded phenotypic characteristics on the vegetative traits of AR295-6, but records on flowering would need to be recorded in 2013

ACTION: Feli Fernández and Adam Whitehouse to record flowering characteristics of AR295-6 to add to the US patent application.

Overall project review 2008-2012 and discussion of proposal continuation

a)Feli Fernández to ensure that material coming forward is highlighted at the beginning of any proposal for the continuation of the programme (to be followed by the successes shown in the bullet-pointed review)

FF stated that the proposal had been accepted and she thanked all those involved in ensuring the programme had been continued.

b)Feli Fernández/Adam Whitehouse to investigate the possibility of Phytophthora screening of rootstock selections at EMR.

FF had spoken to Dr Robert Saville at EMR. He is currently building up a collection of Phytophthora species and strains from the UK (only). A protocol for inoculation needed to be identified or developed before screening could take place.

ACTION: Feli Fernández and Adam Whitehouse to attempt to identify a protocol that may be used to screen for resistance to Phytophthora in rootstocks.

Any other business

a)Feli Fernández to note that selections that fail to root after three attempts should be discarded/deselected

b)Feli Fernández to check with Bruno Essner that he has material that is currently in the HDC trial

BE does not have R59 or AR809-3

ACTION: Feli Fernández to despatch long shots or budwood of R59 and AR809-3 to Bruno Essner as soon as possible.

c)Feli Fernández to check mother tress of PQ34-3, PQ5-3 and PQ3-15 to see if there is sufficient wood to send to Alessio Martinelli

FF reported that there has been a labelling issue with the PQ34 mother trees that will be resolved with fingerprinting

ACTION: Feli Fernández to fingerprint PQ34 mother trees with view to send wood to Alessio Martinelli as soon as possible.

  1. EMR update on progress during 2011:

FF distributed a document (attached) summarising progress since the last meeting.

a)Crossing programme

FF reported that all crosses, except two, had led to fruit set, although the total numbers of fruit set per cross was lower than expected. The two crosses that had failed were due to parents not flowering. Pyronia, which was used as a parent in one of the pear crosses, flowered for the first time in 2012, but much later than the corresponding parent which led to only a single fruit being set. However pollen was collected and will be used for crosses in 2013. The MH series of trees also flowered this year, with sulphur burners being utilised in the glasshouse to reduce mildew. To make up for the shortness of seed it is likely that open pollinated seed lots from selected parents in the gene bank will also be collected. In addition, half of the 2013 seedling population will be pears (as previously agreed) which will accommodate for the lower number of apple seedlings.

BE asked if crosses that had failed or led to poor fruit set in 2012 would be repeated in 2013; FF confirmed that they would

ACTION: Feli Fernándezto repeat crosses in 2013 of any of those that had failed or led to poor set in 2012. In the case of crosses involving Pyroniathen saved pollen from 2012 could be used.

b)New seedling populations

FF reported that no pear seedlings were raised this year, but 719 apple seedlings were planted. From the cross M561 only 6 plants were planted. The M27 x Geneva series appeared to have some compatibility problems and therefore will not be repeated in the future.

c)Propagation of selections for trial

FF reported that 17 apple and 18 pear selections were currently being bulked up for preliminary trials. M345-18 was deselected by default as no cuttings had taken and the mother plant had subsequently died. FFindicated that 6 plants were needed of each selection, with 4 or 5 going into trial and 1-2 remaining plants kept back as mother plants for future propagation. She suggested therefore that cuttings should be taken from both the plants in the field plot and glasshouse J (stock house) to get enough material for future plantings. FF also proposed that budding of selections rather than taking rooted cuttings might be a possibility – these would be budded to a red-leaf line. She also discussed the option of lifting selections from the field and potting material up into the glasshouse area where it could be better maintained.

ACTION: Feli Fernández to organise cuttings to be taken from advanced selections in both the trial and glasshouse.

ACTION: Feli Fernández to make enquires with EMR glasshouse staff about the possibility of budding selection material rather than lifting rooted suckers.

ACTION: Feli Fernández to explore the possibilities of lifting selections from the field to be potted up and maintained in the glasshouse area at EMR.

It was agreed that Pyrus selection with more than 6 rooted cuttings, will be entered into a replicated trial. To this end they will be grafted with ‘Conference’ in a January 2013 alongside QA and QC controls rather than wait for another year. I

When discussing rooting of pear selections, BE suggested that the propagation method used for commercially production should be adopted. He suggested that Pyrus–types that were not successful as rooted cuttings could be propagated by tissue culture (TC) so that selections that had failed to root were not discarded. AM pointed out the cost and difficulties involved in optimising TC protocols and suggested that only promising selections are micropropagated. He also suggested it would be more cost effective to send those for propagation to a commercial nursery. FF also reported on the results from the fire blight screening

ACTION:Feli Fernández/Adam Whitehouse to arrange for Pyrus selections to be grafted with ‘Conference’ in January 2013.

d)EMR-HDC trials

AW gave an update on the current HDC/EMRC rootstock trials in the absence of GS. A document showing the results of these trials wasdistributed to the group. AW summarised the results of trials planted in 2003 on EE195 that showed AR486-1 to have a significantly lower cumulative class 1 yield than all the other selections trialled. Both BE and AM informed the meeting that this selection had performed better in Italy and France in terms of yield and vigour, but AM suggested that this may have been due to a different scion being used (‘Fuji’). FF stated that the pest and diseases resistance of AR486-1 needed to be tested, but that if it was found to be the same, or to have greater susceptibility to as M then it was no longer worth considering. BE asked why selections had also been tested with ‘Bramley’ scion?

ACTION:Adam Whitehouse to enquire with Gary Saunders about the reason for ‘Bramley’ being used as a scion on one of the EE195 plots.

AW then summarised the data from the remaining trial plots. BE was asked to report back to FF with details of the rooting and viability of selections AR360-19, AR69-7, AR628-2. NO NOTES ON WHY THIS REQUESTED.

ACTION:Bruno Essner to report back to FF with details of the rooting and viability of selections AR360-19, AR69-7, AR628-2

e)Pest and disease testing

FF reported that all of the selections submitted for screening at JKI, Germany were susceptible to fire blight. She also reported that the woolly apple aphid screening experiments would have to be repeated as this year’s results were inconclusive due to colonies of the aphids not establishing ell due to cool summer weather. BE offered to provide selections for retesting if needed.

ACTION:Feli Fernández to organise for selections in the 2012 woolly apple aphid screening experiment to be retested in 2013. Feli Fernández should request additional material of these selections from Bruno Essner, if required.

f)Selections from the seedling plot

FF referred to the report that had been distributed at the meeting which showed the numbers and characteristics of the 22 apple and seven pear selections that had been selected from seedlings families in 2012.

FF produced a document showing the progression of selections and BE/AM asked if this could be sent to members and uploaded onto the webpage.

ACTION:Feli Fernándezemail out the document showing progression of selections to members and uploaded onto the webpage

  1. AR295-6

FF reported that progress had been made in drawing up a US patent for AR295-6, with vegetative characteristics being recorded, but that additional data would continue to be collated. Results from 2012 trials were also expected soon, but the results for pest and disease resistance needed to be completed. BE/AM reported that 500-1000 certified mother plants would be available in spring 2014. They stated that c.10,000 plants would be required for commercial release and would be achieved by repropagating in 2015, to give plants for winter 2016, to go into nursery in 2017 for final production of trees in 2018. Protection of the variety will be required by 2016 when promotion of the material for release in 2018 will begin.

  1. Any other business

FF announced that Nicola Harrison had been appointed to a new post at EMR as a rootstock scientist. Nicola would be invited to the next Board meeting in January.

FF suggested that the September 2013 meeting might be hosted by BE in France if BE was in agreement. BE confirmed that he would be happy to host such a meeting but that he would need to check both his and his business’ commitments before being able to confirm.

ACTION:Bruno Essner to confirm if he is able to host the September 2013 Policy Group meeting in France

  1. Date of next meeting

Next policy meeting would be in the 1st half of September, although there would obviously be much communication in March.

ACTION:Feli Fernándezto contact members to confirm the date of January 2013 meeting. This has subsequently been agreed as Friday 25th January, 09:00

The meeting was closed at 11:30

21st September 2012, East Malling Research

Summary of action points

  1. Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising

Minutes of the last meeting/matters arising

Feli Fernández to attempt reversing the M561 cross in 2013, using Geneva 30 as the female parent

EMR update on progress during 2011 - Breeding

Feli Fernández to ensure that seed from the 2011 pear crosses is sown in 2013

Feli Fernández to ensure that advanced selections and parents are screened with the available markers linked to WAA and fireblight resistance

Germplasm database

Adam Whitehouse to upload a PDF version of the germplasm database to the members’ area of the EMRC website before the next Board meeting.

EMR/HDC trials

Feli Fernández to check fingerprinting data on EMA/EMC for plots DM177 and DM178.

Feli Fernández to check PQ34-3 mother trees again in 2013 with a view to propagate after review of the final data analysis

Feli Fernández to contact Gary Saunders to check that data from trials, including observations on AR628-2/Bramley compatibility/health as well as more details on the performance of AR680-2 to the whole group had been circulated.

Results of INN trials

Bruno Essner to send some material of C132 to Feli Fernández this winter

Feli Fernández and Adam Whitehouse to record flowering characteristics of AR295-6 to add to the US patent application.

Overall project review 2008-2012 and discussion of proposal continuation

Feli Fernández and Adam Whitehouse to attempt to identify a protocol that may be used to screen for resistance to Phytophthora in rootstocks.

Any other business

Feli Fernández to despatch long shots or budwood of R59 and AR809-3 to Bruno Essner as soon as possible.

Feli Fernández to fingerprint PQ34 mother trees with view to send wood to Alessio Martinelli as soon as possible.

  1. EMR update on progress during 2011:

f)Crossing programme

Feli Fernández to repeat crosses in 2013 of any of those that had failed or led to poor set in 2012. In the case of crosses involving Pyronia then saved pollen from 2012 could be used.

i)Propagation of selections for trial

Feli Fernández to organise cuttings to be taken from advanced selections in both the trial and glasshouse.

Feli Fernández to make enquires with EMR glasshouse staff about the possibility of budding selection material rather than lifting rooted suckers.

Feli Fernández to explore the possibilities of lifting selections from the field to be potted up and maintained in the glasshouse area at EMR.

Feli Fernández/Adam Whitehouse to arrange for Pyrus selections to be grafted with ‘Conference’ in January 2013.

j)EMR-HDC trials

Adam Whitehouse to enquire with Gary Saunders about the reason for ‘Bramley’ being used as a scion on one of the EE195 plots.

Bruno Essner to report back to FF with details of the rooting and viability of selections AR360-19, AR69-7, AR628-2

k)Pest and disease testing

Feli Fernández to organise for selections in the 2012 woolly apple aphid screening experiment to be retested in 2013. Feli Fernández should request additional material of these selections from Bruno Essner, if required.

l)Selections from the seedling plot

Feli Fernándezemail out the document showing progression of selections to members and uploaded onto the webpage

  1. Any other business

Bruno Essner to confirm if he is able to host the September 2013 Policy Group meeting in France

  1. Date of next meeting

Feli Fernándezto contact members to confirm the date of January 2013 meeting. This has subsequently been agreed as Friday 25th January, 09:00