March 16, 2017

Quality Inn & Conference Center

Grand Island, Nebraska

Those Present: President Roy Gehrt Kelly Heath Heather Dingwell

President-Elect Victoria Winfield Theresa Beguin Strong Del Wilmot

Secretary-Treasurer Larry Henning Keith Schumacher Nicole Schwarting

Imm. Past President Shane Pedersen Ryan O’Hare Marty Moravec Elizabeth Marriott Brent Van Patten Clayton Kelling Jeremy Young Donovan Hauser

Executive Director Dina Michel, Hastings

Those not present: Jim Unwin Ben Welborn Dennis Hughes

Joanne Gaines David Ylander Travis Van Anne

Theresa Kelliher Lance Roasa

Guests: Steve Placke Steve Kline Drew Olson

I.  BOARD ORIENTATION – Executive Director, Dina Michel, reviewed with the board General Board Guidelines, Legal Duties, Conflict of Interest, Confidentiality and a sign in sheet stating Antitrust Avoidance was passed out.


a.  Shonsey & Associates – Steve Placke presented the board with the end of year financial reports and review.

b.  Nominating - Gehrt has appointed Shane Pedersen, Jay Stewart and Vergil Heyer to serve on the nominating committee. Motion and second to approve those appointments. Motion carried.

c.  Legislative Report – Dina gave an update to the board regarding the Equine Massage Bill.


a.  Veterinarians:

Alysia Alger Stephanie Bailey Donna Potts-Gill

Grant Weaver Caitlin Edwards Kelly Jordan

Tiffany Moses Brian Vander Ley Matthew Vipond

Lacey Keeten Nick Lemmel Mark Fallon

Morgan Schenk Emily Gamm Kerri Koch-Koenig

Licensed Veterinary Technicians:

Jessee Anderson Adrianna Ayala Allyssa Cushing

Kara Lemmer Tina Pyzer Alyssa Schlote

Lisa Sundermann Andrew White Katie Baker

Alicia Lambirth Elaine Streff

Veterinary Students:

Jonathan Kolman Jessica McManigal Brianna Wiesler

Morgan Wachal Brian Wray Emily Churilla

Sara Santin Brizett Peterson

Motion and second to accept the new members. Motion carried.

b.  Life Members

Douglas Rogers, DVM Dale Stephenson, DVM

Motion and second to accept the request for life membership. Motion carried.

c.  Digital Correspondence

Discussion about going completely digital, how far do we want to go…Recommended to send out a correspondence to members that do not currently use email explaining the website, etc. Include on hard copy mailing the links back to the website. Do not give new members the option of paper correspondence.

Discussed the mailing of ballots vs digital. Motion and second to change Article VII, Section 4 the bylaws to read: Delivery of ballots: Ballots shall be sent to membership no later than 45 days prior to the scheduled annual business meeting. In order to be official, return ballots shall be postmarked or received electronically no later than 30 days prior to the annual business meeting. The results shall be announced at the time scheduled for the annual business meeting. Motion carried.

d.  Ratify Life Membership

The Executive committee approved life membership for 2 individuals as to be recognized at the Winter meeting in January. Motion and second to ratify the decision of the executive committee to approve life membership to Dr. Kenneth Anderson and Dr. Lueen Mansfield. Motion carried.

e.  Strategic Planning date

The dates are September 21 & 22 for the fall board meeting and Strategic Planning Session

f.  Non Dues Revenue sources/member benefit programs – Dina requested that a task force or committee be responsible for reviewing these programs when they come up. This will go to the Finance Committee.


a.  Membership Task Force

after some discussion, Motion and second to create policy regarding veterinary memberships: For Practices which pay for their associate veterinarian NVMA membership, the NVMA will offer a complimentary partial year membership to a newly hired associate DVM replacing one DVM membership paid for at the beginning of the year. Motion carried. Motion and second to create policy regarding LVT memberships: For practices which pay for their licensed technician NVMA memberships, the NVMA will offer a complimentary partial year membership to a newly hired licensed technician replacing one licensed technician membership paid for at the beginning of the year. Motion carried.


a.  CE Committee – CE committee recommended to the board to hold Winter 2020 in Lincoln and 2020 Summer in South Sioux City.

b.  District Reports – District 3 & 5 have meetings scheduled, District 7 had a meeting offered 3 hours of CE, well attended. It was suggested to create a packet for New District Directors.


a.  Delegate Report – Schumacher gave an update on AVMA activity and talked with the board about bringing up the Horse Slaughter issue as our Delegate.

b.  Motion and second to accept the Consent Agenda. Motion carried.

With no further business, we were adjourned. The next NVMA board meeting is May 18, 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Dina Michel

Executive Director